A Curse of Shadows - Page 78

Over five hundred wolves stand united and their collective strength empowers each step forward. My heart beats with unveiled exhilaration, but mostly pride.
Pride for my pack, pride for my mate, and pride for who we are as a people.
As we near, a murmur ripples through the crowd, their senses tuned to the newly forged bond between Isla and me. It’s a stirring confusion, one I intend to address directly.
“You’ll have answers soon enough, I assure you all,” I tell them all at once through the mind link I have to the pack.
As my words register, most of them bow their heads in respect and quiet. The excitement of the pups still sound, but that’s nothing we’re not used to.
“This feels unreal,” Isla says privately. “I don’t think my memories could have prepared me for this moment. Seeing them all together like this, it’s…”
“Powerful,” I finish for her.
“That’s one word, but also, inspiring,” she says. “I want to be the best version of myself for no other reason than to be the queen they deserve.”
And this is why I’ve always known she was meant for this role, meant to stand by my side.
“You’re already all that and more, Mate.”
We approach the stage that’s been prepared for us at the edge of the forest, facing the castle. Blue and silver banners stand tall with our royal insignia and flowers at the base of each stand.
The pack pushes in, each member eager to be close, all of their lifelines pulsing within my chest. Though none brighter than that of my mate.
“Our moons are full and our pride runs strong,” I begin with a booming voice. “Yet I sense your confusion and, while I understand that, I hope by the time I’ve finished, you’ll feel as at peace as I now do.”
I pause, waiting for anyone to voice a stronger opinion, then I breathe a little easier when none comes.
Glancing at Isla, who stands tall and strong beside me, I continue. “As I’ve already shared, Princess Isobella Blackwood, now known as Isla, has returned home. While her memories were missing upon her arrival, causing discord and unease, today an elder wolf from Selaris helped my mate to unlock the knowledge of her past.
“During this time, something unforeseen yet welcome happened. We’re not sure how or why, but during Isla’s healing, our bond was sealed and blessed by the gods, as I’m sure you can now sense.” I place a hand on Isla’s back, urging her forward. “Please welcome your queen back home.”
“Long live our queen.” Only about half the pack murmurs the sentiment and I’m neither surprised nor disappointed. They have every right to question this situation and that’s exactly what someone does.
Bernard, a man to whom I’ve spoken on numerous occasions and who has even worked in the castle, steps forward. “If she has her memories back, will we be informed as to why she left us for so long? And how are we to believe it won’t happen again?”
“Thank you for your question, Bernard,” I tell him sincerely, then I grin. “It’s nothing I didn’t expect. Though I won’t lie that a part of me hoped you’d merely accept her return and we’d move on.”
Laughter moves through the crowd, refueling my determination to be the leader they deserve, while also keeping Isla’s safety as my priority.
“My mate was taken from us over five hundred years ago,” I state clearly. “While her memories have returned, there are certain aspects that remain unclear. I understand this information is important to you in order to be truly at peace, but I ask you that you also extend grace toward our situation.
“I can confirm there was foul play involved, none of which Isla had any knowledge of. A fact I trust her word on, just as I’m asking you to. If you’re unsure if you can take our word, what of the gods? I don’t believe that they would have allowed our bond to be complete today if there was anything to be concerned about when it comes to Queen Isla, as she shall now be known as.”
Most heads nod, but I can sense there are still others who wish to know the full story.
“All I can say beyond that is that there was a danger to Queen Isla that we weren’t aware of before, but we are now. I will do whatever I must to keep her safe, but that doesn’t mean I will forsake the pack in order to do so. I have stood as your king even when half my heart was missing and I will continue to do so now. Soon, you’ll see an even stronger unity between our people and I assure you, that will be because of my mate.”
Someone cheers then another begins to clap until nearly everyone joins in. I try to watch for those who seem too suspicious or possibly nervous, but I also don’t want to seem obvious.
“Your Majesty,” Malimorte says, interrupting my thoughts. “Do you see Declan or Noen?”
Slowly, I move my gaze around the crowd, expecting to find them up front as part of my team, but Mali is correct. Neither is present and that’s not acceptable. For many reasons, but most importantly, their absence is a slight to their queen.
After what my father said earlier, I still didn’t want to believe that Noen could have been responsible for Isla’s disappearance and subsequent death, but I need to think logically.
“Where are you?” I demand to Declan through my alpha connection.
Interesting. It’s almost as if he’s sleeping. I can’t get through to his consciousness.