A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 233 - Reef – Brittney's Trial Part 9
Chapter 233 – Reef – Brittney’s Trial Part 9
"NONE OF THAT IS TRUE! YOU'RE LYING! NO ONE SAID ANY OF THOSE THINGS ABOUT ME! NO ONE THINKS THAT ABOUT ME! EVERYONE LOVES ME! I AM PERFECT! I AM THE MOST POPULAR GIRL AT SCHOOL! THEY ALL WANT ME OR WANT TO BE ME! YOU'RE LYING TO ME!" Brittney was huffing and puffing. Her face was bright red with rage and her eyes looked like they belonged to a crazy person. This was what Theo had been waiting for. This was when Brittney showed her true colors and Theo could start being ruthless.
"I knew you were an evil girl. Look at you. Everyone can see you for what you are. You're crazy. Aren't you, Miss Cartwright?"
"No. I'm perfect. I'm a Siren. I am the best there ever was. Sirens are perfect. Sirens are revered. Sirens are powerful. I should be fawned upon. I should be showered with praise. I should have the love of the world. It's mine. It's all mine. I am perfect. I am the best."
"Is this why you tried to kill Ocean? Because he didn't love you?
"That fucking piece of fairy trash lost his match. I can only be with the best. They have to be the best for me. So, I dumped his loser ass. After that, I tried to get with the one that beat him. Only Ocean started to win again so he belonged with me. I told him I would take him back, but he turned me down. He was probably munching on his ass pounding, cock sucking, piece of shit boyfriend's dick by then. He refused to take me back because he decided that a man was better than me. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. So, yeah, I told Justin to kill him. I sang to him and made him try to kill Ocean. And he almost did it too. Ocean was on death's doorstep. But the fucking idiot couldn't finish it off. And he even felt sorry for what he had done. That damn asshole."
"So, you did sing to Justin. You tried to kill Ocean. And yet, you claimed that you didn't. Hmm. Is anything that you said before now true. I am going to guess that it wasn't. You've been very inconsistent and unstable." Theo wasn't being rude right now. He had a few moments earlier in the girl's outburst where he had been a little rough, but he was just letting the dark Theo out of the cage.
"Unstable? You think I'm unstable? What would you know about that, you fucking midget freak? Are you even really old enough to be a lawyer? Are you sure you're not still in kindergarten? You fucking freak. You can't treat me like this. I will destroy you. I am going to make sure that Ocean and Makai die. I will see to it that anyone that crosses me dies. Every fucking asshole in that school is going to die. You're going to die. All of you. I am going to sing my fucking heart out until I am the richest and most famous person in the world. I will never give up. I will never stop. And I will have anyone who stands in my way eliminated."
"Thank you, Miss Cartwright. You've been very helpful. Thank you for admitting all of your guilt. Though I do have a question for you. When did you bespell your lawyer? And why?"
"That fucking bitch? I knew that she didn't believe me, so I had to fix that. The day that I fucking met her, I sang to her. I had to make her act convincing in her defense of me. She was too fucking incompetent to hide it on her own."
"So, that is even one more crime to add against you. I am afraid to tell you this, Miss Cartwright, but you are definitely going to jail for a very long time." Theo was laughing at her while he said those words to her.
"I don't fucking care, you short piece of shit. I will just sing my way out of that prison. Everyone there will be my fucking lapdogs before I even leave that shithole behind. No one can stop me. No one can do anything to me. I will rise to the top and I will be the most powerful woman in the world. Muwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha."
"That girl is seriously unbalanced." Members of the jury were just watching on with their mouths opened wide. Even the judge was so shocked by her behavior that he had been frozen and just watching her this whole time. Even the lawyer was just sitting there. I guess Brittney hadn't programmed her for what to do in this instance. She wasn't even trying to stop her from screaming and admitting that she was guilty."
"Judge Saltwater." Theo called to get his attention. "Judge, I think you need to do something here."
"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Brittney yelled at him. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!"
"That is enough! Shut your mouth, Miss Cartwright. You are in contempt of court. We will finish this trial without you. Bailiff, remove her from the courtroom."
"That won't be necessary, your honor." The jury foreman stood and glared at the girl. "I am sure that we have all made our decision."
"If that is true, then raise your hand if you vote that this girl is guilty."
Every juror raised their hand. But they weren't the only ones. Theo raised his hand. Brine raised his. Abraham, Analise and I raised our hands. Even Mrs. Cartwright raised her hand. The girl's mother looked down, broken hearted and clearly feeling guilty and ashamed for raising her hand, but she had shown what she truly thought.
"I am appalled by your behavior, Miss Cartwright. The fact that you would say those horrible things about your mother just because she knows that you are guilty. You're a real piece of work. What kind of monster are you? You want to call someone a piece of shit, why don't you look in the mirror, you crazy person." Theo went off on the girl while she bad-mouthed her own mother.
"Fuck you, you fucking midget fairy. You're probably one of Ocean's fucking fairy friends that he lets fuck him. You like his pansy ass? Do you like fucking him? You fucking ass pounder. Do you like the taste of his cock? Is it good? Huh? You sick freak."
"Someone shut her up!" One of the jury members yelled out.
"Brine, restrain her."
"Don't you fucking touch me."
The moment that Brine went to reach for her, she thrashed her arms around and started to sing.
"♫ Listen to me. All of you. You will see. None of this was true. I have done nothing wrong. You'll see that soon. Listen to my song. I will-." The moment that she started to sing, Abraham and I both leapt from our seats. She hadn't even gotten half way done with her song before we got to her.
I admit that I was not going to pull my punches at all. I was going to stop this girl and I didn't care if she got hurt in the process. So, that was why I tackled her and knocked her off of the witness stand.
Abraham was right behind me. He had a syringe in his hand, something that he obviously thought he would need so he had brought with him. I don't know what was in it right now, but I didn't care. He jammed it into the side of the girl's neck, and she went limp. She stopped moving at all and was basically just laying there, asleep on the ground.
Between the two of us, we pulled her into a standing position and that was when I noticed that she was awake. Her eyes were open and all that, but she couldn't move.
"She has been rendered motionless, your honor. She can still hear you, but she cannot speak or move at all." Abraham explained what had happened.
"Very well. We will now finish this here and now. This girl has not earned the right for a delay. Since it was a unanimous decision by the jury that she was guilty, that will be my official verdict as well. Not that I would have done anything other than that anyway. I sentence her to spend twenty years of life in the dome prison."
"Your honor, might I add one more punishment as well." Abraham raised his left hand, the one not helping to hold the limp girl up.
"What would that be, Dr. Malachi?"
"She has proven to be dangerous. And she has admitted that she would sing to anyone in the prison to get out. I do not know if the prison would be protected against the singing or not. I propose that we remove the girl's ability to sing all together. If we do that, she might not need to spend as much time in prison. She can have a shorter sentence with lifelong probation. If she violates that, she will return to her cell for the rest of her life."
"That is actually a very good idea, Dr. Malachi. I approve. We will strip the girl of her voice, effectively rendering her powerless for the rest of her life." The judge nodded his agreement. "I am assuming, Dr. Malachi, that this is a procedure that you can perform?"
"Yes, your honor. I can perform it today. I brought the necessary material because she had already made this threat in my presence. I knew that it would be a possibility."
"You are a very wise man, Dr. Malachi. Thank you.. You, gentlemen, may take the prisoner out of here to prepare her for the procedure."