A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 244 - Ocean – What To Do Now

Chapter 244 – Ocean – What To Do Now
I was just packing my stuff up. If I knew anything about the afternoon practices, it was what time they typically ended. So, yeah, I knew that I needed to go so that I could meet the others in the parking lot at Ryan's car. And I guess that, starting tomorrow, we would be taking two cars to school since I needed to leave long after they got to school, and go home long before them as well.
DAMMIT! I was still pissed about everything that had happened today. I wasn't allowed to swim. I wasn't allowed to do anything. This was bullshit. Why couldn't I just do what I wanted to? Why did I have to be the only person on the team that this has ever happened to? Dammit!
I had just finished packing all of my stuff into my bag when Makai came running into the library. I was the only one in here, everyone else that had been here after school ended had left a long time ago. Now, it was just me and Makai.
"There you are." He gave me a smile that was a little more evil than usual.
"What's up? Why did you run all the way here?" I looked at him and how his clothes were disheveled and the fact that his hair was a wet mess.
"I wanted to, that's why. Do you have a problem with it?" He was talking almost like he was angry. Not only that, but he was coming toward me as he spoke. He was walking with slow, deliberate steps. His feet were falling with a loud thud each time that he put it down. What the hell was going on?
"M..Makai? What are you doing?" I asked him nervously as I slowly backed away from the table that I was standing next to.
"Heh heh heh." Even that laugh was sinister and evil sounding. Just what in the world was he doing right now? I didn't get it. I didn't know what it was that he wanted from me.
"Makai? What is going on with you? Are you mad at me about something?" Something had clearly happened to him. And it didn't look like something that was good either.
"You can't tell?" His voice was low and deep. It was almost like he was trying to intimidate me.
The first thing that came to my mind, was that maybe that time that Brittney had sung to him, when we were in the hospital, maybe it was finally taking effect or something. If that were the case, then I was doomed. I couldn't fight Makai. No matter what he did, I wouldn't be able to fight the man that I was in love with.
"Makai?" I squeaked out his name as I bumped into the wall between two bookshelves.
At that moment, Makai came right up in front of me. That was when his left hand slammed against the wall next to my head. There was a glint in his eyes that I wasn't able to comprehend. Part of him looked excited and happy but the other part was filled with this darker emotion. And here I was not able to move at all.
"Do you know what I am going to do to you now, Ocean?" His deep voice whispered out into my face. His breath, which smelled so much like the rest of him, puffed out and I could smell it so intensely. It was arousing me, despite the tense situation that I was in.
"N..no. No, I don't." I shook my head as I answered him.
"Is that so, little Ocean." He grinned and the next thing that I knew, he was moving.
And all of a sudden, his lips were pressing against mine. He was kissing me. Those hot, delicious lips of his were pressed against me so intently that I felt like I was going to burn from the inside out. And I still didn't know what was happening right now.
I just stood there and let him kiss me. I didn't know what else to do. Well, except for kissing him back, which I did. That was all that we did for at least a minute or two. Just that hot, hot kiss. And then, suddenly, he pulled away from me and grinned.
"What the hell?" I snapped at him.
"I so wanted to do that. I had this whole image from a manga in my head. It was perfect. I even did the 'kabe-don' and everything. It was perfect." He looked extremely pleased with himself for having done what he did.
"You're an idiot." I snapped at him as I pushed past him.
"You loved it, just admit it." He laughed back at me.
"I admit nothing." I was already on my way out of the library. I didn't want to miss our ride home.
"Wait up." He ran to my side and took my hand. "I just couldn't help it. You're so fucking hot, and that image was in my head. I had to do it. Don't be mad."
"Hahh." I sighed and looked at him as we walked. "I'm not mad. Now let's go home. I want to figure out what to do now. I need to get back into the pool."
"Yup, I already have a plan about that." He smiled at me. "Let's go home and I will tell you all about it." When the hell did I let him start pulling me around like this? I don't remember, but I guess that it has become a common thing. One that I wasn't actively trying to stop. Damn, I was a lost cause.
We met Ben and Ryan in the car so that we could go home. They seemed to know that something had happened between us even though it was just a kiss.
"Well, that looks like it was good." Ryan joked and climbed into the car.
"Shut up." I snapped at him and slid into the backseat. I just wanted to get home so that I could stop thinking about the kiss in the library. Dammit! I hope Makai knows that he ruined that place for me. I can't ever study there again without thinking about that kiss. GAH!
On the way home from the school, Makai showed me the text message that he had sent to Dr. Malachi. He was already trying to get me back into the pool. He truly was the best boyfriend ever.
Hey Dr. Malachi, I need your help. Our swim coach won't let Ocean back into the pool until he has a note from you saying that he is cleared to swim. He also wants Ocean to swim at home a few times before he can be back in the school pool. So, if you could possibly help us out here. Ocean needs to swim. He loves being on that team. And I would do anything to make sure that he has this opportunity. Please, Dr. Malachi. Help us.
[Dr. Malachi]
Alright already. Stop begging me. Even through the text messages, I can hear how pitiful you sound. What the heck is the matter with you? It's just a doctor's note. It's something that I should have thought to give you sooner, but I was busy. I will bring it to your house later. And if the coach has any questions about it, he can call my number. It will be on the bottom of the letter. I will be having dinner with you guys tonight, so let your parents and those human roommates of yours know that there is company coming over. And make sure that there is something yummy for me to eat. See you later.
"Well, I guess he is going to help us right away." I grinned at him. "And thanks, Makai. You're so good to me."
"I know." He returned the grin with an even bigger one of his own. Damn him and his cheesiness. "So hey, want to get in the pool when we get home? That way you can tell the coach tomorrow that you have actually been swimming and that everything is okay."
"Yeah, I think that would be good. I can do a few different sets and see how I do. And I miss being in the water so much that I would never turn down an offer to swim." I was happy that he was working so hard for me.
"Hey, can we swim with you guys? In the few weeks that we've been at your place, we haven't been back to see the pool yet. It will be cool." Ben was smiling from the front seat.
"Yeah, we can all practice. It will be fun." Finally, I started to feel happy again. All day today I had been in such a bad mood that I didn't know what I was going to do to get out of it. But all it took was a kiss from my boyfriend and some talking in the car on the way home.
I was a lucky guy. I truly was. I had a couple of really good friends. I had two families that loved me dearly. And I had the best boyfriend in the entire world. I don't even know how I managed to get to this point, especially considering how much of an asshole and prick I was when I first met Makai. I can't believe that he still pursued me and made me his. It may have been fate, but I can't believe that he didn't give up. Instead though, he made me happy.
And dammit! Here I was getting more and more sappy.