A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 249 - Makai – Valentines Day Part 1

Chapter 249 – Makai – Valentines Day Part 1
Over the next few weeks, Ocean and I trained hard for the nationals. Though it was still coming up a lot quicker than I expected. We had three months until we were set to leave and then it was down to two months. However, the next thing that I knew, it was coming up on valentine's day.
The holiday was on a Monday this year, so it wasn't like I could take Ocean out for the night or anything, but with mom and dad back out on their peace mission, it was just the four of us at the house, we didn't need to worry about the parents prying on us. Even Ocean's parents had gotten to the point where they weren't calling for updates three times a day. As long as Ocean called them once a day, they were fine. I think they were already trying to treat him like he was away at college, so that when he did leave, they wouldn't hurt so much.
Oh, and of course we still have the family dinners at Ocean's family home every week on Tuesday night. And since Ben and Ryan were 'family' now they were there with us. And we were right about one thing. Or rather Ocean was. His mom immediately told Ben that she would adopt him. Ryan laughed and pretended to be undesirable. It wasn't until Ben kissed him that he stopped and settled back down.
However, that was all in the past now. Right now, I needed to focus on my boyfriend and our very first valentines together. I wanted to make sure that I got him the best gift ever. The only thing is, there wasn't much that either of us needed. We even had our wedding rings already.
As I thought about it, I decided that I wanted to get him a really nice watch, maybe a bracelet of some kind, like the thick leather or metal kind that a lot of guys wear. Maybe even a chain with some sort of charm on it for when we go out. Those would be nice. I think that Ocean would like something like that. They weren't girly ideas so I was sure that he would be okay with them. And he could wear them in a variety of situations. That would help a lot as well.
And not long after I thought about that, Ryan came to me and wanted to talk about something. He had said that he wanted to get something for Ben. Something really important.
"We both got into UCLA. And the only way that we're allowed to live off campus in freshman year is if we're married. I guess that is why you two are getting married this summer too."
"Well, to be honest, I didn't even know anything about that. But yeah, that would be a good reason. Do you think that Ben is ready to make that commitment with you?"
"W..well, I..I'm hoping that he is. I know that I am willing. I love him. I want to be with him forever. And I want to live with him in our own place when we get to school." I could see the intensity and the passion that was in his eyes. He didn't want to be without Ben any more than I wanted to be without Ocean.
"Yeah, I can understand that. So, what do you need my help for?" I was confused for a moment.
"Well, I want to get him a ring. I want to propose to him."
"Well, I am going to the jewelry store as it is. So, come on. Let's go."
The two of us went to the mall and to the jewelry store that I bought the rings for me and Ocean from. I helped Ryan look around and find just the right set for him and Ben. He said that Ben's fingers were about the same size as his own, which was the same for me and Ocean as well. That was how I sized his ring when I got it.
After Ryan picked it out and they were being engraved, I started to look for Ocean's gifts. I could buy a really nice black watch with diamond inlays in the face. There weren't any bracelets that I liked, but there was a black chain that I thought was awesome for him. And there was even a pendant that I got. It was a blue wave that was made with sapphires and white diamonds. It looked so real the way the light glittered on it. I hoped that he liked it and would wear it for me at least once in a while.
When it came time to pay, I surprised Ryan by paying for the rings that he had picked out.
"Consider it an early wedding present. And I don't want to hear anything else about it. I'm paying." He and Ben both had some money, but they were both so worried about the future. Neither Ocean nor I were going to let them suffer at all. They were our brothers after all. And in the dynamic that we had ended up with, Ryan was my brother. So, I decided to point that out to him too. "Hey, remember Ryan, I'm your brother now. This is what family does for each other."
"Yeah, thanks man." He hugged me. "I'm glad that you're my brother now."
Now that we had the gifts, Ryan and I started to plan the rest of our night with our boyfriends. We picked out where we were going to have food delivered from. And then we decided on desserts. And we even went to another store to buy candies for our lovers. We were going all out, that was for sure. We even made agreements with each other that we would all keep our valentines celebrations to our own rooms.
We agreed that we were going to eat in our rooms, have dessert in our rooms, and anything else. That way, there was less of a chance for any interference. This was definitely going to be a good night, if we all followed the rules.
We could have celebrated over the weekend, which a lot of people did, but we wanted to make Valentine's day special for our men. This was the first one that we were celebrating together, so we needed to make sure that they didn't get robbed of the experience. This was special for us, and them.
After school on Monday, on that special day, I waited for Ocean to say something about me forgetting to even tell him happy Valentine's day that morning or at all during the day. He didn't say anything about it though, so we just went home after practice as a group, all four of us.
I could see by the look on Ben's face that he was a little sad. Like he thought that Ryan had forgotten the holiday. If Ocean wasn't driving right then, I had a feeling that he would be looking similar to Ben. I hated making him think that I had forgotten and that I didn't care, but I really wanted to surprise him.
When we got home, Ocean and I went to work in our room, getting our assignments done for the night. When we were almost done, I started acting all antsy.
"Ugh. I feel so dirty. I am going to take a shower. You finish up. You can take one after me." This was the same thing that Ryan was going to be saying to Ben right about now.
After I was in the shower, I hurried through it as much as I could. Then got out with the water still running and checked in on the staff. They were all ready to come up and help us. It sometimes paid to have people working at the house for us.
Ocean had finished his work and went to take his shower when I got out of the bathroom. I had already finished the last assignment at school so that was not an issue for me. I didn't have anything else to do.
Well, actually, I did. I needed to get the food and decorations done while Ocean was in the bathroom. We weren't doing much, just a tablecloth, place setting, candles, roses and some mood lighting, but that still took time. And, thankfully, the food was here and ready to go.
Ryan and I ran into the hall at the same time. We each had people running in and out of our room. They were setting up candles, plates, flowers, food, drinks, all of it. We helped too, of course, but they were so much more efficient at it than we were. And with their help it was all done within minutes.
By the time that I heard the shower shut off in the bathroom, the staff was already done. They would be done for the night and come in to clean up for us in the morning. I was so happy to have had their help. Ryan went back to his room while I went back to mine. It was time to get this night started.
I was excited now. All I needed to do was wait patiently for my sweet little Ocean to come out of the bathroom. I would surprise him, see how happy and shocked that he was, and then we would proceed to have an amazing night together. That was my plan. That was what I was hoping for.. And I was determined enough to make sure that it happened.