A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 256 - Ocean – Planning Part 2

Chapter 256 – Ocean – Planning Part 2
"Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all." Those words that were spoken by my sister Julie just kept replaying over and over inside of my mind. "Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all. Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all. Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all."
It was like some terrible song that was stuck on repeat. It was horrible and it felt like it was never going to end.
"Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all. Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all. Yeah, Ocean, it's all going to be just fine. We're just here to plan your wedding that's all."
"W..what do you mean that w..w..w..we're going to p..p..plan m..m..my w..we..wed.. m..m..my w..we..wedding?" Did time stop? Did I die? I mean it almost felt like my heart had stopped beating or something like that. I had to have died. That was the only explanation. I had actually been killed by some psychopath and this was me being stuck in my own personal hell. That had to be it.
"Oh, stop being such an idiot." Julie slapped my arm, hard.
"OUCH!" I snapped at her. "That hurt." I sighed again. "Hahh. Well, I guess I am not dead after all." I shook my head. "I thought for a moment that I did die and that this was hell. Then again, I could probably feel pain if I were in hell."
"Just shut up, baby bro. This is not hell or a dream. This is real." Grantham looked like I had personally offended him somehow. "We're going to plan your wedding. I mean, tomorrow is the first of March and you are getting married over the summer. You know that these two, as well as Mom, would not want to do last minute wedding plans. If we start now, then they have like four months to get things ready for your big day."
"Four months?" I was shocked. "When are we getting married? I don't remember setting a date!" I was so shocked by his words.
"Well, we did kind of set a date, baby. Don't you remember? Over Christmas we all talked about the upcoming nuptials. We all said that July the ninth was a good day because it would literally work for everyone. So, in a way, we set the dates a couple of months ago."
"I..i..isn't all of th..th..this m..moving t..to..too fast?" I could feel the cold sweat just pouring down my back. It was so strange to me right now. I was supposed to be planning my wedding.
It wasn't that I didn't want to get married. I did. I really did. I wanted to be with Makai forever. He was going to be my husband. We were going to be each other's family. It was just going to be me and him forever and I loved that idea. B..but the idea of actually planning that wedding. The idea of actually picking out what it was that we wanted. That was the truly scary part.
"No, Ocean, it's not too fast at all. You know that we need to pick a venue. We need to get your food picked out and a caterer hired. We need to decide on the decorations. Do you want flowers at all? We need to figure out the guest list. We need to pick out tuxedos." It felt to me that Deliah was only halfway through her ranted list of things to do when my brother interrupted her.
"Ha ha ha. We also have to decide if we're getting two tuxedos or if Ocean will be wearing a dress." He was laughing hysterically when he was done with his little joke.
"FUCK YOU!" I snapped at him.
"He won't be wearing another dress." Makai spoked at the same time.
"HUH!?" Julie had caught Makai's words first.
"Say what?" Deliah asked next.
"He already wore a fucking dress?" My brother Grantham had to be the biggest ass of them all, didn't he.
"SHUT UP!" I snapped at him. "You do not need to hear about that. And I forbid Makai from ever talking about it." I glared at my boyfriend where he sat next to me. "You need to watch your fucking mouth." I growled at him.
"I'm sorry. It just slipped out. I promise I won't say anything about it ever again. For as long as I live that will be a secret between us." He held up his pinkie intent on making a promise out of it.
"You'd better.'' I glared at him. "I don't ever want to hear you tell anyone about that." I had to stop myself from saying anything else. I didn't want my siblings to ask who else knew about this whole 'dress' thing. If they found out that Mom, Dad, Reef, Analise, Ben and Ryan all knew about it, the three of them would hound them until at least one of them cracked. Nope, they needed to be kept in the dark at all times.
"Fine. That doesn't matter right now. I wasn't worried about it at all anyway." Deliah was moving on. "I already knew that it was going to be two tuxedos."
"Make it four." I said without thinking.
"Why, you plan on ripping one or getting it dirty?" Grantham raised an eyebrow at me.
"No, dumbass." I snapped at him in annoyance. "Ben and Ryan are getting married too. So, we will most likely just have a double wedding. I will ask them about it later, but for now, let us just plan for a double ceremony. Alright." I looked between my siblings who had obviously not known that my two best friends were a couple. However, there was nothing but happiness in their eyes for my friends.
"That is so sweet of you, Ocean." Julie cooed at me.
"Yeah, I agree. I think that is a wonderful thing that you are planning here. Helping your friends out and having a double wedding so that they can have their big day is totally awesome of you." Deliah smiled happily.
"Holy shit. My little brother has a fucking heart. That is kind of cool. And I am happy for Ben and Ryan. They are good guys. I think that they will be happy with each other."
I was actually really happy right now. I mean, all of my family was super supportive of my relationship with Makai. And now they were also very supportive of my friends and their new relationship with each other. I couldn't have asked for a better family to be adopted into.
"Stop making such a big deal about it." I blushed at their words. Then I thought about what I had just decided on my own. I had just opted to have this wedding with my friends without once ever mentioning it to Makai. "U..uh..uhm, M..Makai?" I was nervous now. Not knowing how he felt as I turned my head to look at him.
"Yes, Ocean." He smiled at me.
"U..uh..uhm, w..w..well, I..I uhm, I just realized that I didn't ask you about the double wedding thing. I mean I..I haven't mentioned it to either Ben or Ryan yet. S..so, if y..you're not okay with it, th..that is fine. I d..don't want you to be upset at all."
"Ocean." He cupped my cheek in his hand gently and just smiled at me for a minute. He had the best smile in the world. That was a true fact. I could never get enough of looking at his smile.
"Y..y..yes, Makai?" I was nervous as I waited for his response.
"Why would I be upset? Ben and Ryan are like brothers to us, remember. I would want to do the same thing that you suggested. Actually, I had just been about to suggest it when you did. So, in all honesty, I am really happy right now. I want the two of them to feel special as well. And I don't want them to worry about how they're going to pay for their wedding with them having to worry about school." All three of my siblings perked up a little at what they heard Makai say.
"Wouldn't their parents want to help them?" My brother was the first to speak after that.
"They were both disowned by their families for being gay. They won't try to help them at all." I saw the anger flare in all of their faces. None of them were very happy at all.
"Well, then it's a good thing that they have us." Julie was pissed off, I could hear it in her voice.
"You got that right." Deliah and Grantham agreed with her.
After those really tense moments at the very beginning of our conversation passed, things started to calm down just a little bit. I was happy about that too. I didn't have to worry about feeling scared or nervous anymore at all. I was finally able to, and just a little bit I guess, start to enjoy myself. I mean, my siblings were trying to be nice right now. Not that they did it in a good way at all.. Those fucking morons, I love them so much.