A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 278 - Makai – Celebrating Part 3 (MATURE)

Chapter 278 – Makai – Celebrating Part 3 (MATURE)
I was following close behind Ocean as we made our way down the hallway toward our room. I wanted to make sure that I would be in the prime position to execute my plan the moment that we were able to.
Ocean opened the door to our room and let us inside. I knew that, out of habit, he was going to turn toward me once he was through the door. That was what I was counting on. That was when I was going to make my move. This was the moment that he would be in the prime position for my ambush.
I know that I didn't need to ambush him here. He would have been more than willing to join me in the fun and games that I had planned for him tonight. However, I thought that it would add an element of surprise and excitement that we didn't usually have. And I just thought that it would be fun too.
"So, what do-?" The moment that Ocean turned when he was through the door, most likely intent on asking me what we should do now, I pounced on him. I had Ocean pressed up against the wall with my lips on his before he could get more than those three words out of his mouth. I pushed the door shut with my foot, and pinned him against the wall. "Mmm!" He squeaked out a little moan of shock. It was all that he could manage at the moment, since my tongue was occupying his mouth so thoroughly.
I kissed him deeply and passionately with no preamble. I just jumped straight into it and started to show my love for him. While I was kissing him, I pulled at the hem of his shirt and hiked it up his body. I needed to feel his bare skin under my fingertips. I needed to feel the smoothness of his body and the firmness of his muscles. I needed all the sensations that his body gave me. All of them.
When I finally broke the kiss, after several minutes, it was to pull his shirt up over his head and start the process of stripping him for my own pleasure.
"M..Makai? What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" He asked me breathlessly as the shirt went up and over his head.
"I am happy, I am excited and I want you. Isn't that more than enough?" I pressed my lips against his as I started to unbutton his pants. I wanted to have him fully bare for me. I really needed it.
"He knew what I was after though, and he wasn't fighting it at all. Instead, he started to kick off his shoes so that they wouldn't be in the way when I went to remove his pants. That was good, one less obstacle that I needed to worry about right now. I was one step closer to having him just how I wanted him.
When I finally broke the kiss again, it was to drop to my knees and start pressing my lips to the tender flesh around his belly button. I was pressing kisses where I could while pushing his jeans down his legs and pulling them, and his socks, off in a hurry. I pulled back for just a moment to admire the view. It was the most perfect sight in the world. At least to me it was.
"Glorious." I grinned as I saw that he was already excited and ready for me. I had been right when I thought that this ambush would add some spice and fun to the evening. He was already standing at attention, and so was I.
"Makai, shouldn't we move to the-?" I interrupted him again. Only this time it was with me running my tongue along the length of his erection. "Ahh!"
"No, I think we're good right here." I laughed as he shuddered and moaned at the feeling of my tongue.
That was all that I needed to do. There was no more teasing, it was time for me to have my special treat. I slipped my mouth around him and slid it all the way to the base of his cock. I could taste him so thoroughly, and the way that he moaned when he felt the movements seemed to intensify his flavoring. I loved the way that things worked for us. Not being human, we both experienced things so much differently than we would have.
I set a fast and steady rhythm as I sucked on his tenderest of places. I felt like I was trying to devour him and that was exciting in and of itself. I didn't want this feeling to end at all. However, I knew that it wasn't going to last much longer. His breathing and the twitching in his body told me that Ocean was reaching his limits. He was going to cascade over the edge of pleasure very soon.
"Mmm! Ahh! Hahh! Ngh! M..M..Makai!" He was moaning and calling out to me. "I..I..I can't h..hold it in a..a..anymore." He was warning me that he was coming. He didn't need to, but he did. All I did was press him further back into my throat and let him explode in my mouth. "Hahh. Hahh. Hahh." He was panting when it was all over with, but I wasn't ready to end this here. I needed more. I needed him.
I pulled Ocean toward me and threw him over my shoulder. That was how I carried him over to the bed. And when I got to the bed, I threw him on top of it and watched him bounce a little. Before he had even stopped bouncing, I was already stripping away my clothes. I didn't want to keep him waiting for me too long. Not to mention, I didn't want to wait either.
With a little bit of a flourish, since his eyes were on me, I twirled and spun my shirt through the air before tossing it aside. That little move made Ocean smile and laugh a little. And I think I even detected a slight eye roll. Huh, I would need to double down my efforts with this sometime soon. Maybe I would give him a whole show. Maybe I would even tie him to the bed before I did it. That would be interesting. And fun.
I kicked off my shoes and pushed my jeans down. I was done with my little striptease and wanted to take him. I needed him. I had to use all this pent up energy on something. And we were able to sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning, so we could definitely go a little crazy tonight.
Once my clothes were completely out of the way, I hurried to the bed and pulled Ocean over to me. I flipped him over so that he was laying on his belly and grabbed his ass hard. I squeezed and kneaded it like it was dough or something. It was an amazing feeling, so soft yet so strong at the same time.
"This is different than usual." He laughed a little as he looked over his shoulder at me. "But I like it."
"I will take you many times, but this time I need to be a little reckless. This time, I need to satisfy an urge."
"That's fine, Makai. Take me. Take me however you want. I want you just as much as you want me."
"God, I love hearing you say that."
With his encouragement, I pressed myself against his opening and forcibly took him. He cried out, a little in pain and a little in pleasure, and completely filled with arousal. He was not regretting this, and neither was I.
I didn't start slow at all. I needed it to be fast and hard. I don't know why, but I just did. Call it the excitement or even the slight jealousy over Reece, but I needed this. I had to have it. I started with a fast and pounding rhythm and didn't let up at all. We were both moaning and crying out in pleasure all the way until we couldn't stand it anymore.
"Ngh! Ahh! Mmm! Hahh!"
"Hahh! Nghaah! Mmm!" I could feel Ocean starting to spasm again. It happened right about when my balls started to tighten, and the base of my spine started to tingle. I was at my limit as well. I needed to end this.
I let go of my restraint and exploded inside of him. At the same time, he exploded and came with a cry of pleasure. I might have been tempted to collapse onto the bed from exhaustion, but I wasn't done with him yet. And something told me that he wasn't ready to be done either.
So, for the rest of the night, we pleased each other over and over again. His wordless cries of pleasure were like music to my ears. He was a true Siren at that moment, singing his song of passion and pleasure.
Our final time for the night, like so many other times, had ended up being in the shower. That was where we finally sated our hunger for each other and cleaned each other up. After that we went to bed and held each other until the morning.
It was time for us to go home then. First thing in the morning we packed up, had breakfast and waited to fly home, first class again. It had been a wonderful and life altering trip for us all.. I really couldn't believe how it had all gone, but I wouldn't change a moment of it for anything at all.