Apocalypse Gachapon - Chapter 1312: Library

“It wasn’t an airdrop, teleportation, and no one snuck in. It just mysteriously appeared here.”
Xia Lei told Ye Zhongming about how these things appeared. She frowned and was slightly unhappy.
No matter who sent these things here, it proved that Cloud Peak’s defenses were useless. For someone proud of Cloud Peak’s infrastructure, this was a huge blow.
Ye Zhongming tapped her shoulder to console her.
He asked her about the time and basically confirmed that this was the reward from Talos Red Dwarves.
On the way back, Meng Ao also disappeared. Along with him was that destroyed scorpion crystal armor.
The disappearance time was the same as when the equipment appeared.
He was terrified of the skills the races in the universe had but he didn’t show it. He knew that because of some rules, the lifeforms above could only do such things.
He felt some small regret because he wanted to let Le Dayuan study the scorpion armor. Now, that idea couldn’t be fulfilled.
There were only two boxes, one large and one small. The large one was like a computer desk, and the small one was a shoe box.Ye Zhongming opened the small one first, and it was a scroll. A blue equipment upgrade scroll.
He placed it down after looking. Although this was rare, he had seen it before.
He was more interested in the other box that had stones.
Keen Stone, one unit.
He looked at the colorful and weird metal in the box and had many questions.
Why would there be metal that didn’t come from Earth in the rewards? Was there a deeper meaning?
“Boss, I weighed it. 100 kilograms exactly.” A crystal weapons lab researcher reported.
It seemed like one unit was 100kg.
Ye Zhongming tried to cut it with his green dagger but failed. He was stunned. He used Wind and Lightning before he could slice it into two.
He passed one to Le Dayuan to analyze and kept the other to study.
Le Dayuan’s piece needed to be studied by various machines and labs but Ye Zhongming’s piece didn’t. He sliced it into many small pieces and tried to craft with it.
But the outcome disappointed him. They could not merge with equipment, much less provide any stat increases.
Ye Zhongming tried to strengthen the stones with each other, but they failed, too.
At this point, Ye Zhongming didn’t have any thoughts about this metal. He could only wait for the lab results.
Ye Zhongming wasn’t too disappointed about the outcome. Since the Ghost Metal could be planted, he did not have a strong need for crafting stimulants. The Ghost Metal was good enough.
He raised his wrist, and there was a blue watch. It wasn’t a piece of equipment but the contact device that the Talos Red Dwarves had given him previously.
Ye Zhongming was shocked by the changes, but he was more interested in the functions of this watch.
He tapped it, and a screen appeared before him.
He looked closely and saw that it was more like a library.
The library contained a huge amount of information, but Ye Zhongming could only see a few portions.
Some were frequently asked questions.
This was simple. You can search, but you won’t get an answer every time.
This was probably so the spokesperson could understand more about their identity.
Ye Zhongming tried. Each search cost ten contribution points, and it didn’t ensure that a correct answer would appear. If an answer appeared, you needed to spend more points to read it. ℝἁɴŎᛒƐŝ
Ye Zhongming searched five questions, but there was only one answer. He needed to spend 50 points to read it.
Which meant that he wasted forty points.
The question that had an answer was how the spokesperson’s quest rewards were delivered. The answer was through teleportation.
Very simple. But Ye Zhongming understood.
It was an advanced technology that humans didn’t grasp yet.
Ye Zhongming was quite satisfied with this ability. Although it had a gambling element, and not every answer would be given, it was a way to answer many of his questions. This was another new information source.
The only worry was that Ye Zhongming was unsure if the Talos Red Dwarves had created this library. If it was, then this race’s ability was too amazing.
Ye Zhongming wanted to ask about Earth; after all, he was previously restricted by his thoughts that he should ask alien questions because this was alien. However, the mission only gave him 500 points, so he still chose to give up.
The second ability was what made Ye Zhongming excited. It was a store.
It seemed unbelievable. After all, apart from the wheel, only the battle contribution system was similar to a store system. You could exchange for items as long as you had money.
But thinking about it, it wasn’t hard to understand.
The Talos Red Dwarves created this. They had lived for a long time in the universe, and their technologies had improved to a high level, so it was simple for them to create such a thing. There were no actual items, just a list with pictures. After you selected and paid, the universe’s races would transport the items to Earth.
Since that was the case, this store system satisfied all conditions of being a buyer and seller.
Ye Zhongming looked and saw that, with his level-one permission, he couldn’t buy much. There were at most 200 pages, with ten in each. He could only see the first two pages, which contained 20 items.
But the twenty items were enough to excite him.
For example, he saw three recipes: one for Smiths, one for alchemists, and one for potion makers.
The recipes were obvious and belonged to the wheel. But the recipe here wasn’t on a wheel but with the Talos Red Dwarves.
For example, Ye Zhongming saw some equipment. Over ten of the 20 were equipment. Some were from the wheel as they had different colors. These made up the majority. The lowest grade was blue, and the highest was gold.
The remaining few should be made by the Talos Red Dwarves or, more strictly speaking, weren’t produced by the wheel.
Ye Zhongming paid close attention to these items.
One was a carrier device similar to concept cars in movies—those that used magnets to float. They were different from flying cars on Earth but very elegant. After clicking on the introduction, the vehicle’s name was the NK1 model. There was no attack, but its defense was quite good. It was quick and didn’t make a sound. It could fly over things that were 30 meters in height in a short time.
The second was a set equipment. Two pieces. They weren’t to be worn but to be used. Ye Zhongming thought about it and felt like they were similar to Chinese medicine pounders. If you place plant materials in, you can smash them and, without losing any medicinal properties, see if they are poisonous, effective, nature, etc. Moreover, once you grasp the state of the medicine, you can inject relevant energies into the medicine hammer to increase its properties.
This was a piece of equipment that alchemists or potion makers could use.
If he bought this, it would belong to Candy.
The third impressed Ye Zhongming. It was a type of seed.
Based on the introduction, it was a seed called Unforgettable Pulp Fruit. After you plant it and it grows, eating the fruit will recover mental energy, increase stamina, etc.
However, it took a longer time to grow. You will take five years from sprouting to maturity.
Ye Zhongming thought about it and didn’t know if he could use his Gardener skills on the seed. If he could, he would have obtained an omnipotent potion for Cloud Peak.
Apart from the recipe and equipment, all that remained were materials. Some he didn’t recognise, and he was confused after seeing the introduction. He didn’t know what they were in the shop for.
He saw the things, and the next thing he was concerned about was the price.
Unfortunately, even though he was rich, he felt like a beggar after seeing the prices.
Using the smith recipe as an example, that thing was sold for… Ten thousand contribution points.
How much money did he have now? …. Four hundred.
If every mission gave him five hundred contribution points, he needed 20 missions to buy this recipe.
Moreover, what shattered him was that this was only the price. To get the item, you need to pay extra to teleport it over.
With that recipe as an example, the teleportation fee was… A thousand points!
22 missions to get that recipe!
That didn’t include shipping!
Ye Zhongming dissed.
He looked at the prices of all the items he could purchase and saw that the seed was the most expensive. 50 grams required 43 thousand points. The blue equipment was the cheapest, at 200.
He also noticed that he could use demon crystals to pay for some items.
But the number and level of crystals made him feel more like a beggar.
Of the two alchemist equipment, one could be purchased with crystals. The price was a thousand level-seven crystals!
When he saw the price, he felt like the races in the universe were crazy!
A thousand level seven crystals. How many seven-star potions would that be in his hands? Unless he were stupid, he wouldn’t use them to buy a support tool that wouldn’t show an effect in a short time.
Of course, you could use higher-level crystals to exchange, and the prices seem to have dropped.
If you used level eight crystals, you needed only 50. If you used level nine, you needed only two.
But… Before the core members reached nine stars, he didn’t plan to use demon crystals.
He closed the shop system and opened the last and final function.
Mission system.
This was similar to Cloud Peak’s mercenary guild.
There were many missions. With Ye Zhongming’s current permission level, he couldn’t see many. The rest were in a blur.
Of the missions he could see, he saw that they were quite difficult.
There wasn’t any sequence. Some were related to the wheel, but not many. They needed you to find special items Ye Zhongming had never heard of. The remaining were hunting missions. The things were very high level. With Ye Zhongming’s experience, he didn’t know why the races in the universe wanted him to hunt level eight and nine lifeforms.
There were good and bad rewards. Most were contribution points. Some tougher ones would have other rewards. Ye Zhongming took a look. Killing a level nine lifeform was around five thousand contribution points. You would also get an equipment.
Ye Zhongming grinned. Kill a level nine? Cloud Peak couldn’t do it now and would have to go all out. They might suffer 30% of losses to succeed.
Unless he were crazy, if not, he wouldn’t take that mission.
There were some related to the whee,l like intel collection. There were earth item types. There weren’t many of these, and would only give a few dozen points.
Apart from that, most were battle missions that placed bounties on people or factions.
Ye Zhongming didn’t know why that was the case. Maybe it was similar to Meng Ao. But some were tempting.
He was planning to just browse through but he saw a familiar name on the list!
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