Beyond Reckless (Lost Kings MC 8) - Page 32

“So,” she says after a few minutes of watching the guys. “You two are getting serious?”
“I guess so.”
“Guessing is for kids. If he felt the need for so much honesty—”
“Actually, he didn’t. I kind of assumed and he tried to shut me down.”
She nods slowly as if that doesn’t surprise her. “He must think you’re serious if he brought you here. So, are you or aren’t you?”
“I like him a lot.”
She shakes her head. “Like. Jesus,” she mutters. “Are you trying to fool yourself or me?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You went after me pretty hard there without any actual evidence.”
“You must think I’m a shitty lawyer.”
Harsh laughter bursts out of her. So loud, the guys glance over. “I hadn’t gotten there yet,” she finally says.
“I’m sorry.”
“I believe you.” She gives me a once over. “I think you more than like him.”
“Yeah, I more than like him,” I admit.
“How does that work with your uncle being a Wolf Knight?”
“What?” The question throws me because I’ve never considered myself a Wolf Knight.
She shifts again putting both feet on the step below us. “You’re smarter than that, Charlotte. You know the deeper you get with him,” she nods at Teller, “the more it becomes an issue. Where’s your loyalty? With your man? Or with your blood?”
“Wow. You don’t fuck around.”
“No. Not about the club.”
“My loyalty would be with him…with my ol’ man.”
She’s patient through my bumbling answer but jumps in as soon as I get it out. “Not your blood? That’s not a deal-breaker here, Charlotte. This club is family. It’s our loyalty that binds us together, not blood. And everyone has their reasons. But you’re smart enough to understand why turning your back on your blood raises red flags about you, right?”
“I have reasons too,” I whisper.
“Care to share?”
I lift my gaze to hers, wishing my eyes weren’t wet with unshed tears. “No.”
She nods slowly. “Does he know?”
“Not yet,” I whisper.
“Well, instead of studying the notches on his bedpost, it’s time to work on your communication skills. Start talking about the truths that actually matter.”
The drama with the girls blew over faster than I expected. By evening Charlotte and Trinity seemed to have cleared the air and patched things up. Trinity waved off my apology.
Wrath wasn’t as forgiving, not that I expected him to be. He strongly encouraged me to accept Merlin’s invitation, so Sunday I find myself at Black Lake Park, attending the Wolf Knight’s picnic. Am I thrilled about it? Fuck no.
I’m even less thrilled that Murphy insisted he be by my side.
And bring my sister.
You know, to keep it family friendly.
Charlotte thought it was a great plan.
I wasn’t so sure.
Even though I’d been invited, Rock called to speak to Merlin. President to President. To make sure both of us wearing our colors in Wolf Knights territory wouldn’t be seen as an insult. Rock also wanted to feel Merlin out and be sure what we were walking into.
This wasn’t uncommon. Anytime we went through another club’s territory, it was customary to call ahead.
Merlin greets us respectfully enough. Shakes our hands. Gives his niece a big hug. When the greetings are over, I jerk my head to the side.
“I know you’re busy today, but when you have a moment, can we talk?” I ask with as much respect as I can come up with.
“Sure thing.”
Eventually, I settle down and some of the tension eases out of me. Try to have a good time for Charlotte’s sake. Even though she seems devoid of any interest in being here. She watches Heidi closely, offering to go everywhere with her, including the bathroom.
Watching them walk across the lawn to the park restroom, my gaze scans each side of the building.
“Why’s Charlotte so nervous around her family?” Murphy asks in a low voice. I turn a fraction to see he’s also watching where the girls went.
“No clue.” I glance around at the assembled bikers and old ladies of the Wolf Knights MC. “Except for Merlin, she’s not related to any of them, I guess.”
Murphy sits up, smacking my arm with the back of his hand. Twice. “Head’s up, two o’clock.”
My gaze travels to where his attention’s riveted. Four men in South of Satan MC cuts stroll across the lawn, without a care in the world.
We watch as they stop to shake hands and talk to Merlin and Keeper.
“Since when are they pals with SOS?”
One of the guys turns and Murphy jerks his chin. “Bennington Vermont chapter.”
“Has to be the assholes who keep trying to push into Ironworks.”
“Should we go introduce ourselves?” he asks with an unhealthy gleam in his eyes.
“Let’s see how it shakes out.”
The four SOS members don’t seem to know anyone besides Merlin and one other guy who I haven’t met yet.
Merlin chooses this moment to amble over to me. “Let’s have that chat.”
I stand and Murphy’s right at my side. Leaning back, I whisper to him. “I got this. Make sure the girls are okay. They don’t come out of there in the next five minutes, go get them.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Merlin and I walk side by side down to the lake. Lake is probably an exaggeration. It’s more of a filthy duck pond.
“What’s on your mind? You askin’ permission to marry my niece already?”
I almost choke. Not because the idea of marrying Charlotte bothers me—the opposite, actually—but because asking Merlin’s permission for anything would never happen.
“Not yet.”
He doesn’t seem to care for that answer.
“Do we have a problem?” I ask.
“Not that I’m aware of. Your prez and I had a good chat.”
“This has nothing to do with either of our clubs.” I wave my hand between the two of us. “Do we have a problem? You and me.”
He sets his jaw in a tight line. “No.”
“Good. You got questions you need answered, bring them to me. Not Charlotte. Understand?”
His dark eyes drill into me and I don’t flinch. Patiently, I wait until he gives me an answer.
“Yeah.” He takes a step closer. “I understand fine.”
We stare each other down for a few seconds before he lets out an exasperated sigh. “While I have you here, I want you to arrange a sit-down with your prez.”
“Why do you need me? You can have a sit down with him anytime you want.” I pause, thinking that over. “Well, not in the next week or so, he’s goin’ on a run.”
Merlin nods as if he’d been testing me and I supplied the right answer. “He mentioned that. Wasn’t sure if he was dicking me around though.”
“Rock’s pretty straightforward. If he straight up didn’t want to meet with you, he’d say so.”
He stares and works his stiff jaw for a few seconds before speaking. “He ain’t been real straightforward about what’s goin’ on in Ironworks.”
Now this I hadn’t expected today and I need to tread carefully here. It’s not my place to discuss what we’re doing in Ironworks with another club’s president.
My silence doesn’t deter him. “With Vipers gone, seems our two clubs should’ve split Ironworks territory evenly.”
How in the world does he figure that? Wolf Knights didn’t do dick to help us with the Vipers after their last president stepped down. My club suffered the losses and took the risks.
“I don’t know anything about that, Merlin. We’re doing what we’ve always done. Protecting what’s ours.”
By the way his eyes bore into me, he’s not satisfied with that answer.
I tip my head toward the party. “Seems like you’ve been making friends.”
His eyes narrow and a smirk plays at the corner of his mouth. “I’m a friendly guy.”
“That’s what I hear.” I glance around the picnic tables. “Charlotte’s mom come today?”
“Nah, supposed to, but she’s got issues.” He doesn’t bother to elaborate and I don’t ask.
“You understand that if you do anything to hurt my niece, I’m gonna come at you hard, right, Teller?”
The sudden change in topic throws me for a second. A second that thankfully I don’t spit out the “fuck you” forming on my tongue.
His threat seems to be more about him than Charlotte, but I play along. “Understood.”
“Your club gonna be respectful? I won’t have you passing my niece—”
“Stop right there. That’s not what goes on in our club. She’s with me and only me.” I jerk my thumb in the general direction of where we’ve been hanging out this afternoon. “You think I’d let my own sister get passed around?”
He wants to respond with some smart-ass remark, I can see it in the smirk he’s wearing. But he stops himself.
He never actually answers the question though.
“I can’t believe I never knew your uncle was in a club,” Heidi says as we’re both staring into the small, dirty mirrors over the even dirtier sinks. “This is so cool.”
“I never thought so.”
She pops the cap back on her lipstick and faces me. “Really?”
I’m not sure how to talk about this with Heidi. She’s my boyfriend’s little sister, so I want to be friends with her. Besides that, I actually like her. I’m also her attorney, so it’s weird. I feel about a hundred compared to her nineteen.
“We’re not close.”
“Oh.” She stares as if she has a few things to add, but doesn’t want to offend me. “Maybe it’s something you could use to relate to some of your clients. You know?”
Her suggestion hits me in the gut. I’ve always tried to bury my past. Using it to break through to my clients never occurred to me. “How would I do that when some of my clients are so secretive?” I tease to cover up the epiphany I just had.
She ducks her head and I feel bad for teasing her.
“Come on.” I motion toward the door. “We should go before your man comes and hunts you down.”
“Like Marcel wouldn’t come in here after you.”
A nervous chuckle titters out of me and I follow her outside where we do run into someone. Just not who I expected.
“Charlotte, I haven’t seen you in forever. How you been?” Hudson asks. Taller and heavier than I remember, I still recognize him. He was a hangaround when we were teenagers. Guess he’s a full-patch now.
“Good.” I nod at his cut. “How long have you been patched in?”
“Going on ten years, sweetheart. Spent some time at one of the Canadian chapters, but I’m back for good now.”
“That’s nice.”
His gaze roams to Heidi and he quirks an eyebrow. “Murphy’s girl, right?”
“Yup.” She threads her arm through mine. “Charlotte’s with my brother.”
Hudson’s gaze slowly swings back to me. “So you’re the one responsible for bringing Kings to our party.” He says it with a smile, but it’s cold and stiff, so it comes out more threatening than teasing.
“Chuck knows.” Shit, I hate the defensive tone in my voice. I don’t owe anyone an explanation.
“Heidi,” Murphy calls out, striding over the lawn, eyes on us. “Everything okay?”
Hudson turns, narrowing his eyes. “They’re fine. Was having a chat with my friend Charlotte. We go way back.”
The way he says way back makes it sound like we’ve fucked, which is so not the case.
Murphy’s eyes take on a hard gleam, but he flashes a tight smile and holds out his hand. “How you been, Hudson?” The two bikers shake, even though neither looks happy about it.
Subtlety doesn’t seem to be Murphy’s specialty. He pushes between Heidi and me, taking her hand and casually slinging his arm over my shoulder.
You’d think I’d be offended at his blatant caveman act, but I appreciate the support. No matter what, he has my back just because I’m with his best friend.
They talk about superficial bike stuff and I zone out, letting my gaze wander the party. I finally spot Teller down by the lake talking to my uncle. They shake hands and Teller makes his way back to where we’d been sitting.
Murphy notices that I’m distracted. “Come on over and say hi to Teller,” he invites Hudson. It sounds more like a challenge than an invitation.
“I’ll stop by in a few,” he promises before leaving.
“You all right?” Murphy asks. In a lower voice, he adds. “I wouldn’t have stormed over, but you looked freaked.”
“I’m fine. Thanks.”
He turns, crushing Heidi against him. “Trouble,” he teases. She leans up to kiss him and he ducks away. “No lipstick kisses,” he warns.
“Aw, come on.” She pouts. “It’s kiss-proof, I promise.” The way her lips curve into a playful smile, suggests they engage in this game often.
He still shakes his head. And our whole walk back they tease each other with Heidi trying to jump up and kiss him and Murphy ducking her painted lips. Finally, he stops and whispers something in her ear that makes her blush.
Breaking away from him, she grabs my hand and we jog back to our spot.
“What’s wrong?”
She laughs. “Nothing. He had some suggestions for where he wouldn’t mind lipstick marks.”
It takes me a second to decipher that and when I do, I groan.
Murphy catches up to us easily, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground. “Gotcha.” He peppers her cheek with kisses before setting her down.
“Must you maul my sister everywhere we go?” Teller asks with a smirk. For once, he doesn’t seem annoyed at their open affection. Something seems to have shifted since he and Heidi had their heart-to-heart. He holds his hand out and I take it.
“Stop harassing him. He came over to make sure we were okay.”
Teller glances at me then Murphy. “What’d I tell you about you two conspiring?”
Murphy holds up his hands. “Hudson was lookin’ at your girl a little too wolfishly for my taste.”
I chuckle at his joke.
Teller stands and raises an eyebrow. “Someone I need to have a chat with?”
“No.” I use my stern voice, to cut that off before it gets started. “We were friends before he even patched in. Haven’t seen him in a while. That’s all.” I give him the side-eye. “What were you and Chuck talking about?”
“Nothing exciting.”
“Yeah, right.” I let my gaze travel through the party, noticing a couple bikers I don’t recognize. “My uncle has another club here?” I mutter to Teller who nods.
He takes my hand, making it clear we’re together. When we’re closer to the crowd, he slips his arm around my waist.
It surprises me how much I like feeling claimed by him in front of everyone. Protected too.
For once, I appreciate Marcel’s size and muscle for more than the aesthetic beauty.
I also assume he’s carrying at least one weapon.
Why my brain’s gone worst-case-scenario isn’t something I examine too closely. Instead, I soak up Marcel’s warmth and strength as we approach Whisper, the sergeant-at-arms of my uncle’s club.
“Hey, girlie,” Whisper says, kissing my cheek. “Where you been hiding?”
“In plain sight.”
He chuckles and nods at Teller and Murphy.
Slowly, we make our way over to the crew of other bikers. “South of Satan. Sounds like a bunch of overcompensating pussies,” I mumble.
Teller chokes, his body shaking with laughter he’s holding back.
My uncle makes a big show of hugging and slobbering all over me. He claps Tel
ler on the back and pulls him forward. “My future nephew-in-law,” he announces to everyone.
What now?
If my uncle expected Teller to deny it or run away, he’s out of luck. Teller nods. “Our clubs have been friends for years. Little merger was bound to happen.”
If I didn’t suspect Marcel had some ulterior motive, I might balk at the primitive joining-of-the-caveman-tribes-through-marriage insinuation. But I’m so uncomfortable here, so willing to put all my trust in Teller to keep me safe, that at this point I wouldn’t so much as blink if he tossed me over his shoulder and carried me to the car.
Actually, I might prefer to it what comes out of my uncle’s mouth next.
“Thunderstorm’s coming. We’re taking this party back to the clubhouse.” He gives Marcel a pointed look. “You should join us.”
It sounds more like a demand than a request.
I memorized the names of the SOS members as soon as Merlin introduced us. None of them are officers, which I find interesting.
“Can I have a word?” Murphy says against my ear.
Merlin’s moved on to directing people to pack up their shit. Heidi’s talking to one of the old ladies she knows and Charlotte joins her.
“We need to get home and relieve Hope. She’s watching Alexa.”
“Go ahead. I got this.”
He levels me with a stare he doesn’t use on me often. “You shouldn’t go alone. We don’t know what these jokers are up to.”
“Merlin’s not gonna let anything happen to Charlotte.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
No, not really.
“We don’t know these new assholes,” he insists. “Don’t want one of them gettin’ the idea that ’cause you’re on your own, they can jerk your colors or some bullshit.”
“They can try.”
Murphy’s glare intensifies.
“Fine,” I concede. “I hear you. But if I don’t go, it looks like I’m scared. Or worse, Merlin thinks I’m being disrespectful. Neither help us.”
He heaves out a breath. “You’re right. Just remember there’s a difference between fearless and reckless.”
“That’s rich coming from you.” He doesn’t even crack a smile. “You know where I’ll be. Something happens to me, Merlin knows the whole club’ll be at his front door.”