Burn - Page 89

The intercom on his desk buzzed. Kav sighed and reached over. “What?”
“Some of those forms are time-sensitive, boss.”
Kav sighed again. “I’m signing them right now.” He looked at me. “I’d better do this, or Austin might quit.”
I nuzzled his face. “It’s okay. Do your thing.” I rose and pulled out my phone.
There was a message from an unknown number. Frowning, I opened it.
It was an image. When I saw it, every thought left my head and my chest locked.
“London?” Kavner surged to his feet and grabbed my phone.
The photo was a picture of Lexxie, tied to a chair with duct tape over her mouth. She’d been crying, and her mascara was smudged. She had a cut on one cheek.
I couldn’t breathe.
“Lexxie.” Fear slid through me like hot acid.
My phone dinged again as a message came in.
Come alone to Pointe Marina, Agent Coleman, or your sister dies.
“Sit down.” I took London’s arm and led her to the couch by the window.
“I can’t… God, Lexxie.”
Her tone was a tortured whisper, and there was pure terror in her eyes. I made her sit and took her hands in mine. They were cold.
“Reath and my brothers are on the way.” I’d sent them all urgent messages.
“Someone has my sister, Kavner. They hurt her.”
I crouched in front of London. “We are going to get her back.”
“I have to go, Kavner. The message said to come alone.”
I held her still. “It’s a trap. You need to think, and you need a plan. You’re no good to your sister if you rush in there and get killed.”
Whoever had Lexxie Coleman had to be the person who had betrayed London. Now they’d abducted her sister to lure her to some isolated place so they could kill her. The end result was that person wanted London gone.
They’d kill her, and pin everything on her. Then the investigation into the money laundering would go away.
“Kav—” London’s voice broke. “I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t.” I sat beside her and pulled her close.
“Lexxie is all I have left.”
“No, she’s not, but you’re not going to lose her. We’re going to get her back.”
The door to my office opened. Reath strode in, followed by Colt, Beau, and Dante.