Claim - Page 65

“Yep,” Reath replied.
Carr turned down the next street.
“Faster, or we’ll lose him.” My boots pounded on the concrete as I took the turn.
Carr looked back and saw us coming. He darted into the yard of a house. As I got closer, I saw him go over the side fence.
“I’ll circle around the back.” Colt headed back the way we’d come.
I hit the wooden fence and hauled myself over. Dante and Reath followed. I crept into the well-manicured back garden. There were neat garden beds, a garden shed, and an illuminated swimming pool. Then, I spotted Carr on the other side of the pool.
His gaze met mine. He looked so fucking ordinary. Then he smiled, and I could practically smell the evil.
He whirled and launched himself into some trees.
I took off, sprinting around the pool, and following the fucker.
“Hold up, Beau,” Dante called out. “He could be armed.”
There was no way I was slowing down. If I caught him, I could end this. Bell would finally be safe.
The asshole had locked her in a burning house. Rage fueled me.
I saw Carr clamber over a high hedge. I followed, feeling sticks claw at my clothes. Dropping to my feet on the other side, I saw Carr running down the street. Colt came sprinting from the other direction. Dante and Reath dropped down beside me.
“Don’t let him get away,” I growled.
All four of us took off, following the killer.
He crossed another street, then turned right. He was going into a school. In the darkness, I saw him racing across a soccer field.
I followed and pulled ahead of my brothers. I kept picturing the notes Carr had written, and Bell’s face as she’d talked about her murdered friend.
Tonight, I was stopping him. Once and for all.
“You can’t outrun us, Carr,” I yelled. “You picked the wrong fucking city.”
The man glanced back, and I saw him pump his arms faster. He sprinted past a building and back out onto the next street. This one was busier, with a grassed median down the middle.
Carr didn’t pause, he raced across the street.
I wasn’t letting him get away.
I went to step off the curb.
Arms gripped mine from behind and yanked me back. I stumbled and watched as a delivery truck whizzed past in front of me.
“Shit, Beau,” Reath said.
He and Colt were gripping my arms. “Thanks.” Then I scanned the other side of the street. There was no sign of Carr. “Fuck!”
We crossed over and split into pairs. Reath and I jogged to the end of the block, while Colt and Dante did the same in the other direction.
“I don’t see him,” Reath muttered.
We walked back and met the other two. Dante shook his head.
We’d lost him.