Claim - Page 77

He took a few hits, but barely reacted. His opponent might be good and younger, but he was clearly outclassed.
The crowd cheered and booed with each hit.
I watched Beau land a punch to his opponent’s head. A part of me wanted to wince in sympathy for Deon.
But all my focus was on Beau.
He was so beautiful. So strong. His skin shone with perspiration, outlining all his muscles and highlighting his tattoos. I felt a pulse between my legs, and I fought not to squirm in my seat.
The minutes ticked by. I’d known that Beau was an amazing fighter, but seeing him in action was something else. I’d never get enough of watching him. He hammered a blow into his opponent, then followed through with another punch to the head. I watched Deon’s big body jerk. His head flew to the side, then he tumbled and hit the mat. He tried to get up, but slumped back down.
The crowd cheered and clapped.
I sat there, my heart beating hard in my chest.
Beau bounced a little on his feet, watching as the referee counted to ten. Then the ref grabbed Beau’s arm and raised it into the air.
“The winner! Beauden Fury.”
“He’s still got it,” Dante said over the roar of the crowd.
Beau waved, then his gaze searched the seats, and locked on me.
Oh. There was heat in his gaze. It was scalding, and my panties were damp in an instant.
He climbed out of the ring and gave the fans another wave. The announcer was saying something, but I couldn’t hear it over the roar in my ears.
Mila leaned in. “The changing rooms were set up back there, through that door.” She pointed to the doorway where Beau had disappeared.
I nodded.
“Go,” she said.
I rose. “I should…um…help Beau.”
Dante’s lips quirked. “Yeah, I reckon he’d appreciate that.”
I nodded and worked my way along the rows of chairs. By the time I reached the doorway, I was half jogging.
I moved down the corridor and spotted two open doors. When I peered in the first, it was empty, but a bag and gear lay inside. I also saw Deon Jones’ name taped on the door.
Quickly, I moved to the next room. The name Fury was taped on this one.
Heart beating hard, I stepped into the doorway. Beau was sitting on a chair, his gear on the table. He was taking tape off one hand.
Then his head jerked up, and his gaze caught mine.
Nerves and desire collided inside me. The way Beau stared at me—this big, beautiful man—made me feel stripped bare.
I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.
His broad chest heaved, then he rose.
I crossed the room fast, my heels clicking on the floor.
“Bell,” he growled.
I leaped at him. He caught me. Of course he did, he always would.