Clashing with the CEO - Page 169

We lingered for another moment. Then he tore himself away, striding over to collect his suitcase.
As we stepped out into my office, Petra returned holding a new toner cartridge. “Are you going now?” she asked.
“Yes. Winston’s waiting,” Neil said.
“Goodbye, then. Have a good trip. See you in a few days!”
“Goodbye, Petra.” He turned his focus to me. “Amelia.” He favoured us both with a perfunctory nod.
And then he was gone—off to pursue whatever mysterious machinations awaited him on the other side of the world. With my sight still fixed on the empty corridor, I settled behind my desk while Petra fiddled with the printer. As the printer roared back to life, she scooted her chair over to mine, heaving a theatrical sigh. “Whew. The big boss man is gone. I feel like I can stop holding my breath now.”
I swivelled towards her. “Is he really that bad?”
She tilted her head. “Well, now that you mention it, he does seem a bit more… easygoing than he used to be.”
I blinked. “Easygoing? I wouldn’t use that word to describe him.”
“Okay, poor choice of words. I just meant he seems less… harsh than before. Less prone to yell or put people down over tiny mistakes.” She picked at a hangnail, avoiding my gaze. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m imagining things.”
I leaned back in my chair, considering her words. I supposed Neil had been less caustic since… whatever this thing was between us. “You could be right.”
Petra sat up straighter. “Right? It’s like he’s actually happy sometimes. I swear yesterday I spotted him whistling.”
I concealed a snort of laughter behind the act of clearing my throat. The image of Neil wandering the corridors whistling a jaunty tune was too much. Though, come to think of it, I had caught him smiling a lot more than usual, especially when he must have thought no one was looking.
Petra squinted. “Do you think maybe he’s seeing someone?”
I jerked so fast my mug of pens toppled with a clatter, rolling every which way across my desk. “I really doubt that!”
I quickly gathered them all up.
Petra nibbled her lip. “Yeah, no. You’re probably right. I mean, who would ever want to date him?”
I gave an airy laugh, which Petra echoed after a beat.
“True.” I spun my chair towards my computer. “Can you imagine?”
“I’d rather not.”
She rolled away, leaving me stewing. That was a close one. As oblivious as she seemed, Petra had an uncanny knack for stumbling uncomfortably close to the mark. Neil and I would have to watch ourselves once he returned.
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Milly—please make yourself comfortable while I’m away. And yes, you may borrow my clothes if you wish. Yours, Neil. x.
The note was stuck to Neil’s fridge with a magnet. It made me smile every time I looked at it, easing the sting of his departure, the secrecy, and my powerlessness.
Without the privilege of accompanying him on his trip, the most I could do to help was look after his pets to the best of my ability—a role I was more than willing to fulfil.
“Who wants treats?”
I shook the bag, and Bowey and Chichi materialised at my feet, tails swaying in anticipation. I sprinkled their favourite snacks into their bowls. They tucked in while Archie watched on. He gave a breathy whine.
“Not for you, bud.”
Jowls drooping, Archie whimpered again, looking at me with those mournful eyes.
“Okay, okay. How about walkies instead?”