Cleric of Desire - Page 54

Father Thomas, on the other hand, looks pale. “I didn’t think that story was well known,” he mutters, and Mrs. Boone turns to him in surprise.
“I do my research,” I say. And I was also there to witness it. “A mutually beneficial solution instead of antagonism. What say you?”
After some whispering between them, what they say is, “We’ll get back to you.”
That means yes, taking the last of Mrs. Sherman’s support.
I should be pleased that I am succeeding so well in fulfilling Jeffrey’s wish, not only because each successful step toward achieving it feeds me almost as much as a new wish granted, but because Jeffrey is so happy as we walk back to Madame Mattie’s. He practically skips down the sidewalk.
If only I could discover a way to help him with his internal demons, I might feel better about having to leave him. I will have to leave him if he fails to learn how to free me, because he will be forced to lock me away once I become too much of a danger to keep.
Like with what I might have to do after Mrs. Sherman attends the last of Friday’s tours.
SJ has come as well, with several employees from Fluid Fashion. They are a delight and fill Jeffrey with confidence. Mrs. Sherman might have undone that, but she makes no attempt to disrupt Jeffrey. No snide remarks. No remarks at all. She keeps to the back, following silently, as if stewing in her rage and plotting something foolish.
I follow behind her and eventually step up beside her after the tour wraps up and most of the patrons head into the gift shop. She is glaring at Jeffrey, who has been pulled aside by SJ. I am curious what they are talking about, for it seems quite serious given SJ’s sympathetic expression and supportive touches to Jeffrey’s arm.
But I focus on our opponent.
“I understand why you have such loathing for this place, Mrs. Sherman,” I say. “Perhaps I would too… if my husband left me for the prostitute he’d been seeing behind my back for years.”
She whips her head around to glare at me instead. “Watch me triple my efforts to destroy this place,” she threatens and stalks off, which at least means no confrontation with Jeffrey.
I wish she hadn’t said that. Now she is an obstacle that must be eliminated sooner and with more finality.
I should warn Jeffrey about what I’ll do. I should. I know he would not approve. But part of me literally cannot warn him, thanks to the cruel nature of my curse.
Another part, perhaps even a monstrous part that has suffered for too long, believes Mrs. Sherman deserves what she has coming.
Chapter fourteen
The last few days have been like an amusement park ride, and not always a good one. More like the one you remember enjoying as a kid that makes you nauseated for hours when you go on it as an adult. Like the Tilt-A-Whirl, or the Swing Carousel that makes you feel like you might get launched into orbit. A constant flux of good and bad, ending in seasickness.
Running into College Boy at The Magic Shop after learning my inability to know and trust myself might be what dooms Odai? Bad. Odai derailing St. Mary’s contribution to Mrs. Sherman’s crusade and getting them on our side instead? Good. Mrs. Sherman showing up for Friday night’s tour? Bad. Her not actually doing anything to screw with me or the show? Good. SJ talking to me after the show…
More like heavy, but it has me all twisted today. I thought the show went great, much as seeing Mrs. Sherman worried me initially. But afterward, SJ pulled me aside with the most pitying expression I’d ever seen on her.
“Hey, honey. Are you okay? You are so different when you’re Mattie.”
“Well, yeah?” I was confused. She’d seen the show before. “I was acting. Of course I’m different.”
“I know, and it’s always been noticeable how much you disappear into the role, like totally slay at it too, but tonight, I don’t know, you seemed more…”
“Over the top? Too sexy? Too confident—”
I hate seeing pity directed at me, but way more coming from SJ, when she’s usually so bright and hopeful. “To be honest, Jeffrey, you’ve always seemed a little sad to me, but it was heart-wrenching watching you tonight.”
Tilt-A-Whirl time, so much so that I was afraid I might tie-dye SJ’s dress with an untimely upchuck. “I don’t know what you mean.” Did I? Yes, I am always a little sad, and it’s worse when people notice, like most of my exes. I’ve been trying so hard to be happy. To be happy with Odai. To be happy at all.
To be… me.