Consumed - Page 141

“What else can we do?” He gave a chuckle. “It’s not like we can marry them off.”
My breath caught, and I slowly turned to him.
The smirk on London’s lips fell away. “No.” He shook his head. “Wildcat, do not look at me with those eyes.”
“Why not?” I whispered, my mind racing. “It’s not like they’d be sold like they were at The Order. You have many powerful and rich friends. Men who could provide and protect.”
He turned to me. “I have dangerous friends, Vivienne. You really want to subject those women to a life like that?”
“You once said yourself it takes a monster to know another. That you were that monster. Look how you fought for me…how you saved me.”
“And almost cost you your goddamn life.”
I moved closer to him, leaning my body against his. “But it didn’t. Because I’m right here. Think about it. You have a lot of acquaintances.” I glanced at the house. “And we have a lot of Daughters to protect. All I’m asking for is an introduction. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work.”
“You ask too much.” His tone was throaty and full of desire.
I pressed my body tighter against his. “Please…Daddy. Do this for me.”
“Jesus.” He looked away.
But I knew the battle was won. His body spoke for him.
“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that, right?”
“And what a beautiful death it is,” I whispered, looking up into his eyes.
The woman was insane if she thought this was going to work. My friends marrying Daughters of The Order? Number one, they wouldn’t know how to handle them. Not without this blowing up in all our faces. And two, who the hell wanted to be married to a stranger after what these women had been through? I know I wouldn’t. I’d want to be as far from men like me as possible.
No normal woman would want that.
But they weren’t normal women, were they?
They were trained for men like me. Created to be used and cast away.
But if they were treated right, if they were honored and protected…who knew what kind of future that would give life to. I pulled the Explorer into the driveway and headed along the back, catching sight of the guard we had patrolling the grounds.
“I think this could work, London,” Vivienne murmured for the tenth time.
I turned the key, killing the engine before I turned to her. “Why don’t we just think on it and we can discuss it in the morning?”
She stifled a yawn, but she didn’t fool me. I brushed the back of my knuckles along her cheek. “Tomorrow, Pet. We’ve done enough for today.”
“It is tomorrow,” she retorted and climbed out of the car. “I want to explore this, London. I want us to draw up some names, potential suitors.”
I unleashed a groan and climbed out, locked the doors, and followed her into the house. But the moment she was inside, she went quiet, yawning loudly. I turned around, picked her up gently, and carried her to the bedroom. “Sleep first, then we’ll discuss it later, deal?”
Her eyes closed as she dropped her head against my shoulder. “Deal.”
The woman was so goodhearted she didn’t know when enough was enough. But I did, so I took her to our bedroom and eased her onto the bed before I carefully pulled the bedding down. “The twins will be awake before we know it. Colt and I will take first shift, then it’s all yours.”
She nodded as she kicked off her shoes and slid under the sheets. “Just a nap,” she murmured.
“Yes, Pet. Just a nap.”