Consumed - Page 86

Fire lashed my scalp until the tears came. Through the haze, Vivienne pressed her body against the wall as another of Hale’s Sons moved toward her.
There were too many of them. Four had raced from the open doors at the end of the alley; two made for Vivienne and two came for me. London was fighting as hard as he could, howling with rage as he slammed one of them against the wall. But these weren’t just normal men. No, they were killers.
My head was yanked back, wrenching my focus from London and my sister to the Son who’d lunged across the open space and taken us by surprise. One minute, I was hurtling into the alley to save my sister and the next, I was grabbed and spun so fast my mind couldn’t catch up. He pressed me against his hard body.
Only, the second Son who headed my way wasn’t so lucky.
Riven stood between us, his gun aimed in the center of the Son’s chest.
“Make a move, motherfucker.” Riven growled, sucking in deep breaths, his gun pointed rock-steady at the Son’s heart. “And I’ll put a hole right through the middle of you.”
The Son just grinned, until he glanced down at me and that smug smirk faltered, even as the hold across my chest grew tighter.
“You know she’s coming with us,” The bastard murmured. “Either way.”
Warmth rushed through my veins, the trembling, feeble feeling of connection writhed under my skin and made me feel panicked. I didn’t like it, not the way they made me feel, or what they wanted me for.
Then the Son in front of Riven lifted his hands. “Sooner or later, she’ll be ours, Principal.”
Riven unleashed a savage snarl. “Call me that again, I dare you.”
It was Coulter’s mansion all over again. The way they’d hurt us and used us, stabbing and cutting, forcing us to breed.
“Get the fuck off me!” I bucked, slamming my head backwards as I aimed for his face.
But he was far too fast, reaching around to grasp me by the throat.
“You can’t win, don’t you understand that? You. Can. Never. Win.”
Movement came from the open metal door. Carven was a blur of neon white hair and rage as he lunged for the two attackers crowding Vivienne. But it was Colt who bellowed like a bull and charged, slamming into another Son.
“You belong to Hale.” The sick words were snarled in my ear as the Son holding me drew me back.
Get her on the table.
The words plunged deep into me.
I froze, my gaze fixed on Riven and the gun in his hand, until CRACK! The sickening sound shattered the hold on me, causing me to release a startled scream as the Son who held me lurched sideways before falling to one knee.
As Colt unleashed sickening blows into the rogue Son he held, Thomas strode forward. The bright morning sun glinted off something metal in his hand as he lifted his arm and swung.
The blow hit hard, tearing the rogue Son’s hold from my throat. He crumpled instantly, falling to the ground until Thomas stood over him.
“God is in my hand!” Thomas roared. “MY RIGHTEOUS, VIOLENT HAND!”
As he swung, I saw what he used as a weapon. It was the heavy gold cross he prayed to, now splattered with blood.
I couldn’t look away, frozen by the sight of that kind, beautiful, awkward man as he swung that holy weapon, and I realized he wasn’t the man I knew, not anymore. This Thomas was terrifying, filled with rage and pain until there was nothing but vengeance left.
“You do not touch her.” He stared down at the male with the side of his head caved in and raised his weapon once more. “You do not touch what belongs to us.”