Dance of the Gods (Circle Trilogy 2) - Page 134

Burren, the, a karst limestone region in County Clare, which features caves and underground streams
cailleach dearg (CAH-lic JAR-eg), witch with red hair, epithet for Glenna
cara (karu), Gaelic for “friend, relative”
Ceara, one of the village women
Cian (KEY-an) Mac Cionaoith/McKenna, Hoyt’s twin brother, a vampire, Lord of Oiche, one of the circle of six, “the one who is lost”
Cillard, place in County Clare
Cirio, Lilith’s human lover
ciunas (CYOON-as), Gaelic for “silence” the battle takes place in the Valley of Ciunas—the Valley of Silence
claddaugh, the Celtic symbol of love, friendship, loyalty
Cliffs of Mohr (also Moher), the name given to the ruin of forts in the South of Ireland, on a cliff near Hag’s Head, “Moher O’Ruan”
Conn, Larkin’s childhood puppy
Dance of the Gods, the Dance, the place in which the circle of six passes through from the real world to the fantasy world of Geall
Dara (DARE-a), in modern day County Kildare
Davey, Lilith, the Vampire Queen’s “son,” a child vampire
Deirdre (DAIR-dhra) Riddock, Larkin’s mother
Dervil (DAR-vel), one of the village women
Dunglas, place in Geall
Eire (AIR-reh), Gaelic for “Ireland”
Eogan (O-en), Ceara’s husband
Eoin (OAN), Hoyt’s brother-in-law
Eternity, the name of Cian’s nightclub, located in New York City
Faerie Falls, imaginary place in Geall
fàilte à Geall (FALL-che ah GY-al), Gaelic for “Welcome to Geall”
Fearghus (FARE-gus), Hoyt’s brother-in-law
Gaillimh (GALL-yuv), modern-day Galway, the capital of the west of Ireland
gaiscioch dorcha (GA-shuk DOR-ka), dark warrior or dark hero, epithet for Blair
Geall (GY-al), in Gaelic means “promise” the city from which Moira and Larkin come; the city which Moira will someday rule
Glenna Ward, one of the circle of six, the “witch” lives in modern-day New York City
Hoyt Mac Cionaoith/McKenna (mac KHEE-nee), one of the circle of six, the “sorcerer”
Isleen (Is-LEEN), a servant at Castle Geall