Dare You To Love Me - Page 101

I called Mom’s cell phone. When she didn’t pick up, I called it again. And again. And then a fourth time.
It was then that she picked up.
In a groggy voice, she answered, “Ciaran, honey.” Her voice was filled with worry and I was almost doubting myself for calling. “I had my phone on silent and didn’t see that you’d called several times. Is everything all right, sweetie?”
Normally I wouldn’t need to mask a crying voice, but I did everything I could to make my voice sound normal.
“Yeah, Mom. Sorry to call so late, but something sort of odd happened today. I received an acceptance letter from UCLA. Funny thing is, I hadn’t yet applied. Do you know anything about it?”
Mom let out a squeal. “Ciaran, oh my God, I’m so happy for you.” I heard rustling, then, “Stefon, guess what? Ciaran received the acceptance letter already.” In the background, I heard Stefon’s baritone voice offer his congratulations to me, followed by an “anything for my darling Theresa.”
“Mom…” My voice faltered. My heart was dropping by the second. Drew wasn’t lying.
“I had hoped you’d get the letter once we were already back in Malibu so that we could have a party and invite all your friends. We promised them a ride in the jet, didn’t we? I’ll ask Miss Paulina to start making the soft arrangements for the weekend we return. You know what? We’ll cut our trip a few days sooner so that we can get everything together by next weekend.”
“Mom,” I said again, but this time louder. I got up off the floor of the deck and sat down in the chair. The soft ocean breeze was cooler now that the sun was gone. I’d been shivering for what felt like hours. “What happened? How did I get into UCLA? I haven’t even applied.”
“It was something Stefon said he could do when he proposed marriage, Ciaran. How could I say no to a man who not only could make my dreams come true, but could make yours come true, too, sweetie?”
I must have misheard her. “Are you saying you married Stefon because he promised to get me into the university of my dreams?”
“It wasn’t the only reason, Ciaran,” Mom said, and her level of cheerfulness dimmed, “but yes. Why are you upset, honey? It’s what you’ve wanted ever since you were six years old. Emily Alsobrooks has been your lifelong hero and you’ll get to benefit from her mentorship.”
It wasn’t rational of me, but I couldn’t exactly explain why I was so upset when I was getting exactly what I’d always wanted.
Except, I felt betrayed.
Except, I felt used.
It seemed like no matter what I did from this point forward, it wouldn’t be because of my efforts. It would be because of Vaulteneau money.
I’d never know what was real or fake.
And I had direct experience on what that felt like and it was not fun. Or healthy.
“You took me away from my friends, my school, my mentor, Mr. Jones—” I had to pause after that because he was one person I was glad to be rid of. Saying his name was almost automatic when speaking to my mom. “And married Stefon to get me into a college I hadn’t even applied to. I might have gotten in on my own, Mom, or did you think I couldn’t cut it?”
“Oh, sweetie. It was never about being able to get into UCLA, Ciaran. I knew you’d get in. I wasn’t strong enough to witness your heartbreak when you realized we couldn’t pay for it.” Her voice hitched. “That’s what Stefon offered us. Stability. I know you don’t always understand the methods of a mother, but every decision I’ve ever made has been with you in mind. I’m sorry I took you away from your friends. We’ll invite them to stay the entire summer if you want. I want you to be happy. I love you more than I love the sun, Ciaran. Please tell me I didn’t do the wrong thing. Mr. Jones has been so helpful in advising me on colleges and everything.”
So that’s how Drew knew everything.
“You didn’t do the wrong thing, Mom,” I answered. I needed time to process everything she’d revealed. I knew that deep down, Mom was doing what she thought was best for us. She was the least selfish person I knew. “But when you get home, I want to talk to you about Mr. Jones.”
“Thanks, honey.” She let out a long breath. “I’m so relieved. We can talk to Mr. Jones together. He’s on the invitation list. We have him to thank for so many reasons. I’m sure he’s told you everything.”
A cold tingle ran down my spine. “Told me what, Mom?”
“That he’s the one who introduced me to Stefon in the first place. They’ve known each other for years.”
Zoey’s silky green dress brought out her bright, intelligent eyes. Her shiny hair was styled in a sophisticated ponytail at the nape of her neck, with her long, blond locks draped fashionably over one shoulder.
“You look beautiful tonight,” I murmured. I offered a hand to assist her from the town car.
It wasn’t a lie even though I was not attracted to her. Zoey Anderson was a beautiful woman with features striking enough to turn most heads. She’d be at the top of the food chain had she lived anywhere else. In Malibu, however, it wasn’t her fault that she had to compete with already established actors and supermodels for bit parts in film and television.