Dare You To Love Me - Page 164

There was so much tension in the air that it felt like a bomb was about to go off.
“Everyone,” I said. “I’d like you to meet Zoey Anderson, Coach’s daughter. She’s here as a favor to me.”
Zoey immediately turned and tried to flee. Filipe happened to be standing behind her, anticipating this move, and she couldn’t get around him.
Her blue eyes darkened and I knew that if she could swing it, she would have punched me right in the nuts for putting her on the spot like this.
My heart was thumping in my chest and had been ever since I revealed Coach’s blackmailing scheme. My gaze routinely flicked over to Ciaran. He was my “reset button,” so to speak. Every time I looked at him, I felt a reassuring presence wash over me.
At the back of the patio, Joan glared at everyone like they were murder suspects while Franky kept her arms crossed, ready to either bake a pie, offer slices of pizza, or supply cups of coffee. Joan showed her love by being ready to get into a fight. Food was how Franky showed her devotion.
Filipe, while the strong silent type, cut an imposing figure.
I wasn’t worried about Zoey escaping. Filipe wouldn’t manhandle her, but he’d make sure she didn’t slip past him.
As I revealed my secret, which was only a secret in that Coach filmed it and was blackmailing me for it, I’d noticed that a few of my teammates blanched once I mentioned the existence of additional videos.
I was right to bring this to their attention.
I didn’t know the right answer or how to solve it, but it wasn’t just my problem to deal with. The team deserved to know what I knew.
Filipe managed to get a stiff-legged Zoey to walk out onto the patio and stand next to me.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” she whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.
“I know.” I never pretended to be otherwise. “I’m sure you’ve guessed, but I’ve told the team about your dad’s blackmailing scheme. They know about our deal and why I’ve agreed to date you.”
Zoey’s mouth flattened. None of this looked good for her.
“Yikes,” Brian said. “Not exactly flattering when your daddy has to buy dates for you. What’s wrong with you, girl?”
“Nothing!” she spat.
“Wait a minute, are you saying she knew about it, Matty?” Jason asked. “That she’s known all along that Coach was blackmailing you into dating her?”
“Yes. And,” I said, looking at Zoey, “she knows there are other videos, too. Don’t you, Zoey?”
Her dazzling blue eyes tried to murder me.
“I thought we agreed to meet to come up with our own deal,” she hissed.
“And we will,” I said. “The entire team will be my witness.”
“What’s the deal?” Joan’s voice rose above everyone else’s.
It was time to put my cards on the table and hope to God that Zoey went along with it.
“Zoey, if you agree to get ahold of Coach’s phone and laptop and delete the videos, I will take you to all the premieres you want for the rest of the year. We’ll go out for dinner twice a month at a place where paparazzi will take notice. And,” I paused for effect because I knew that Zoey wanted more than that, “I will speak to my father about you and look for opportunities to get you in front of casting directors. I cannot promise that you’ll land parts. That will depend on your auditions, but I can get you in the room. This will be our agreement through the rest of this year.”
Zoey’s eyes went wide at the prospect.
“Yo, Zoey,” Marcus said in his boisterous voice. “How many videos we talking about? Is your dad like a weirdo or something?”
At that, Zoey deflated. “Coach isn’t a pedo, if that’s what you’re thinking. He….” She took a deep breath. “He looks for opportunities to enrich himself. From some of the things Coach has said over the last three years, I think he has close to half a dozen videos. And…” She paused to swallow. “I think he’s blackmailing two or three other people on the team.”