Dare You To Love Me - Page 75

Filipe winked as he left the bedroom.
“Filipe,” Matty called. Filipe halted in the hallway. I noticed he was extra careful to ensure Joan’s head didn’t smack against the wall. She was still yelling at him to put her down, but in a weird way, I suspected this was a form of foreplay for them. “Come back in an hour. Joan mentioned meeting her contact tonight.”
“You got it,” Filipe said before marching down the stairs.
Matty took several long steps toward his door. He closed it and locked it for good measure.
“Finally,” he breathed out as he pressed his back against the door. His eyes were troubled, like maybe he was unsure of himself.
“Finally,” I echoed.
I pushed myself up from the chair and he met me halfway, stopping just short of touching me. He was still shirtless and I ached to run my hands across his chest. Mostly, though, I wanted to hug him.
Now that things were not so hot and heavy, worry tickled my stomach. What if he changed his mind? What if he’d just been caught up in the moment?
I didn’t think we had time—or the inclination at the moment—to resume what we’d started in the closet. But I wanted contact. I needed—no, I craved—a connection with him.
Reaching up, I cupped his jaw, leaned in, and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then, I pulled him into a searing hug.
I heard the catch in his throat and my heart all but soared.
The hug surprised me, but it was probably the best hug of my life. I clung to Ciaran, desperate for his touch, his assurances, his affection.
Having Ciaran in my arms was a dream. It didn’t take long for my lips to find his. I pulled him into me, my arms circling him before I cupped the back of his head to deepen the kiss.
Ciaran let out a soft moan when my tongue slid into his mouth, which made other parts of me heat up.
Pressed against me, Ciaran’s hips rocked into mine, and I felt it the second his cock thickened. I desperately wanted to spend the night getting to know every inch of his body. I wanted to know his likes and dislikes. I wanted to count his freckles. I wanted to be the person he discovered things with. I had a nervous pinch in my stomach because I wanted to kiss his fingertips, which was so random. I’d never, ever wanted to do that to anyone. Would Ciaran think it strange?
But that couldn’t happen now. Not with us needing to meet Joan’s contact. We’d have to get going soon. I was on the fence if Ciaran should come along or not. Leaving him out of it felt wrong, but I didn’t want him to get hurt. But, more than that, I didn’t want him to develop a less-than-favorable opinion of me.
I smiled against his lips. “I wish we could continue this line of discussion,” I said, trailing kisses down to his jaw. Ciaran tilted his head, exposing his neck, which begged to be licked and sucked, but in an effort to be a good boy, I restrained myself. “Unfortunately, we need to get changed. Joan’s contact wants to meet tonight.”
Ciaran reluctantly pulled back. He was alert, his face open. I read understanding in his eyes. I think we both knew that jumping into a physical relationship wasn’t the smartest thing right now.
“Can we talk about what happened tonight?” Ciaran asked. He flicked his gaze to the closet. “It was intense and, if I’m being honest, unexpected. I thought you…”
“Were in a relationship?” I finished for him.
We stepped into the closet to tidy the rumpled clothing on the floor. I’d never look at my closet the same again.
Ciaran let out a shaky laugh.
“Well, yeah, that, but I was going to say I thought you hated me.”
I grabbed jeans, a T-shirt, and a sweatshirt from inside the closet and tossed them on the bed. Ciaran was still in his swim trunks but he was wearing one of my shirts. Possessive pride filled my chest. It wasn’t something I’d say out loud, at least not yet, but I liked Ciaran wearing my clothing. It made me feel closer to him.
“I don’t hate you,” I said firmly. “Far from it, Ciaran. Like you, I don’t want to rush into anything.” I sat on the bed and he plopped down beside me. “My previous relationships, if you can call them that, were rushed and sloppy and usually left me feeling like shit.”
Ciaran rubbed my lower back. I liked his reassurance.
“So you and Zoey…?” He trailed off as he shifted to face me. “You said it was not a real relationship. I got the sense you were ‘dating’ Zoey so that her dad would help you get to the National championships.” He used air quotes around the word “dating.” His voice was wary when he added, “I guess I don’t understand what that was all about. If you’re such a great swimmer, why agree at all, especially if you aren’t interested in her?”
“It’s a long story and it might be easier if the three of us tell you.”