Deep in Desire - Page 30

“This feels so perfect,” Holly murmured. “Just us.”
Deborah kissed her forehead softly. “It does. And I’m grateful for every moment we have together.”
Holly looked up at Deborah, her heart swelling with love. “I wouldn’t want to go through this with anyone else. You make everything better, Deborah.”
Deborah’s eyes shone with affection. “And you make my life complete, Holly. I love you more than words can say.”
Deborah’s office was a shrine to her success: sleek, modern, and meticulously organized. She’d recently upgraded to minimalist décor and had L.A.’s very best interior designers come in and do a makeover. Part of her felt it was a bit self-indulgent and that the money could be better used elsewhere, but she also knew that she had to feel comfortable in the space, and the less clutter there was around her, the easier it was to think. The view of the Los Angeles skyline was breathtaking, but today, Deborah’s focus was on Holly.
She watched her girlfriend from across the room. Holly was discussing her latest project with a colleague. Deborah was so proud of the way shehad taken on the challenge of the internship. Attraction aside, Holly’s enthusiasm was infectious. She was bright, driven, and had an innate talent for connecting with people. Deborah marveled at how effortlessly Holly had integrated herself into the firm. Watching her now, animated and confident, Deborah felt a rush of affection.
She’s amazing. Absolutely amazing. How did I get so lucky?
However, the moment was marred by the presence of Mel, Deborah’s assistant. Mel’s attitude towards Holly had been increasingly hostile. Deborah could see it in the way Mel’s eyes narrowed whenever Holly spoke, the subtle but unmistakable disdain in her tone.
“What do you think, Mel?” Holly asked, turning to her with a hopeful smile.
Mel glanced up from her laptop, her expression icy. “It’s fine, I guess. But we have more important things to focus on, don’t we?”
Deborah felt a surge of anger. She knew Mel was loyal, but this rudeness towards Holly was unacceptable. “Mel, can I see you in my office for a moment?” she said in a calm but firm tone of voice. The kind of tone that nobody fucked with.
Mel looked taken aback but nodded, followingDeborah into her office. Deborah closed the door behind them and took a deep breath to steady herself.
“I don’t get what’s going on with you,” Deborah asked, trying to keep her voice level. “I’ve noticed you being rude to Holly recently. In fact, I’ve noticed you being a bit off with her ever since she started working here. Is it because you don’t like her work—which has nothing to do with you, by the way—or is it because she’s my girlfriend?”
Mel crossed her arms defensively. “I’m just doing my best to look out for you, Deborah. It’s part of my job. You pay me to make sure things run smoothly around here. And sometimes, I don’t think she’s very… It’s just not professional. It’s going to cause problems.”
Deborah clenched her fists, struggling to keep her composure. “That’s not your call to make, Mel. Holly is a valuable member of this team, and I expect you to treat her with respect. The only problem around here is you. That’s my issue at the moment. I was in a meeting last week, and I’m pretty sure you called me something…derogatoryas you walked by. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. Just know that I’m not happy,and I expect to see you change your attitude. Is that understood?”
Mel’s eyes narrowed. “I’m just saying what everyone else is thinking. She’s too young for you, Deborah. And people are talking. She’s immature too. I’m just being honest because I care about you and the reputation you’ve built.”
Deborah’s heart pounded in her chest. “I don’t care what people are saying. I don’t want your opinion. And if I do, I’ll ask for it.”
Mel snorted. “Fine.”
Deborah’s phone rang, interrupting the tense standoff. She glanced at the caller ID and felt her stomach drop. It was her ex-wife, Jenny.
“Mel, we’re done here,” she said, her voice cold. “Get back to work.”
Mel left the office, shooting one last disdainful look over her shoulder.
I think I’m going to have to fire that girl. The goddam insolence!
Deborah took a deep breath and answered the phone.
“Jenny. I’m more than a little surprised that you’re calling me. What can I do for you?”
“Deborah, we need to talk,” Jenny’s voice wassharp and laced with the anger and bitterness that Deborah knew so well.
Deborah braced herself. “What is it? I have a lot on my plate.”
“You certainly do. I heard about your new relationship, of course. Everyone has. With thatgirl.” She spat the word like it was venom in her mouth. “Do you have any idea what this is doing to my kids? To my reputation?”
Deborah’s chest tightened, and she struggled to get her words out. “J-Jenny, your kids are in elementary school, right? I’m sure they’re handling this just fine. And they’re notyourkids. They’re my nieces, remember? And your reputation is your own business.”