Delicious - Page 19

But his smile tells me he doesn’t see it that way. Neither does the way his shoulders drop, as the tension leaves them. “Good,” Jed tells me, eyes bright. “We’ll take the other path so you don’t have to do it on your next escape attempt.”
Ican’t pretend to be surprised when he doesn’t protest me following him, because that would require Jed to say more than a few words. And as we walk outside, I can tell that he’s not exactly in a talking mood.
The woods feel different from the city. It’s darker, cooler, and things are quieter than they are in my apartment. But then again, with a half-deaf landlady always watchingWheel of Fortuneat full blast next-door to me and a younger couple who lives to party above me, anywhere is quieter than my apartment.
But the shadows feel deeper as well, and I rub my hands up and down my arms as I follow him down the path I hadn’t tried to escape down yesterday. “Doesn’t this lead to the road?” I ask, when he shows no sign of stopping.
Jed cranes his head back to look at me, eyebrows raising by small increments as his blue eyes remain wide and plaintive. “I know you think so,” he says almost kindly, a small, almost apologetic smile on his face. “But I’m probably going to break your heart.”
That’s a no if I’ve ever heard one. But only part of me believes him. One of the two ways to get to the cabin has to leadto civilization. It’s not like he levitated his car here, or took a magical underground tunnel. No, if he’s not bluffing then…
Well, then I really don’t know what could be at the end of this road.
I don’t realize I’ve fallen into a surly silence, my steps quickening to match Jed’s, until my shoulder unexpectedly bumps against his. My chin jerks up, eyes slanting toward his. I find his gaze already waiting like he knows I’m going to look up at those too-blue eyes of his that don’t match any version of a serial killer I’ve created in my head. It’s unfair of him, really. It’s unfair for him to be so gorgeous and so honest-looking.
And it’s definitely unfair that I can’t look away from him. Even when his arm brushes mine, his steps are in sync with mine as we walk along the path that’s slowly turning into more dirt, less gravel. Which, unfortunately, means he might have been honest about the fact this path doesn’t lead to a road.
“You have to have driven here somehow,” I point out, still not looking away from his face. “You didn’t just snap your fingers and bring us here by magic in your Jeep.”
A smile curls along his perfect lips, and he doesn’t attempt to create any space between us. “True,” he agrees, with only a little bit of hesitation. “I’m no magician.”
“So there has to be a road out of here. The trees are too close to drive between.” I glance back behind us, wondering if I’ve missed some side road, somehow, with tire tracks that disappear between the trees. Surely yesterday I would’ve noticed something. But today, when I’m distracted by him?
I feel like I barely notice anything at all.
“Does there?” His eyes glitter when he asks, and he’s unable to stop the start of a slow, dark smirk along his lips. “Are you sure? Out here?” he spins in a circle as he walks, not stopping but giving the area around us a quick, cursory scan like he’slooking for the road I’ve mentioned. “Sorry.” The smile doesn’t drop, but he does shrug one shoulder.
“Why are you sorry?” I don’t know why I ask. I don’t know why I can’t look away from him or even move far enough away that my arm doesn’t brush his.
But I know his skin against mine is soft and warm, and part of me wants to slide even closer for some of his warmth.
“Because I don’t mean to tease you,” he drawls in that lazy voice of his. “I don’t want to make this worse, or make you think I’m taunting you with an exit that doesn’t exist. Itdoesexist, by the way. Especially for you. Just not this way. Not…on this path.”
“Then why are we walking this way? Are you like a local forest ranger? Is that why you live out in the middle of nowhere in a way-too-fancy cabin?” My lips move of their own accord, but my curiosity about him is raging today. “Do you like chartreuse because trees are your job?”
“I’m not a forest ranger,” Jed promises in a low laugh. “I like chartreuse because I am who I am.” He shakes his head, and his fingers brush mine once, then again when I don’t jump. “You’re not quite so afraid of me today,” he remarks, without answering my other questions.
“You’re not so frightening today,” I fire back, before I can lose my nerve. I wonder if it’s me that’s changed, and not him.
“I think it’s the other way,” is his quiet response, and challengingly he hooks his pinkie finger around mine, just tightly enough that I know he’s there, but loosely enough to leave me with an escape. “You can always walk away from me, Saylor,” he promises, going suddenly serious and wordy. “I’ll never force you into a situation you don’t want.”
“Except being here,” I remind him, a rueful half-smirk curling my lips.
“Except that,” he acquiesces. “Come on.” His steps pick up, and he hooks another finger around mine so he has a better grip.Jed tugs me along the path, dragging me further into thicker woods of the, presumably Ohio, wilderness.
“I like to come this way every few days,” he admits, still walking at his aggressively long-legged pace that requires me to walk faster than normal to keep up with him. “Just to make sure there aren’t any poachers.”
“Poachers?” I question the word, surprised at it. Where the hell are therepoachersin Ohio? “Like, actualpoachers? Invaders of land, hunters of illegal animalpoachers?”
“Well, we are on the edge of a nature preserve,” Jed drawls without looking back. “Look.” His steps slow as we reach a large, flat dirt area of the path. “No, you still won’t find the road from here unless you want to walk for a few days,” he adds, before I can ask. “But…” He gestures at old tire treads that look too small to be actual, full-size vehicles.
Now I see why he says I wouldn’t find the road from here. If the only way to get here is a four-wheeler, not a car, then how the hell do I find where an actual road might be? He must sense that I’m getting lost in my thoughts, because Jed pulls me closer, steps slowing as he desperately clutches more of my fingers gently in his.
I should pull away.