Dragon Monarch System - Chapter 878: Chapter 878:- Saint vs Goddess

Chapter 878: Chapter 878:- Saint vs Goddess
Rin and Lilith found an empty remote island in the middle of the ocean. The island was
located west of the Southern Region of the Dying Isle Continent. Due to how far the island was from the mainland, no one really lived there.
The last record of any activity on this island was 319 years ago. At that time, a group of young dwarves came to this island to see if they could find any mines.
Within two years, everything was mined out and left. In the end, the little town that the dwarves built was abandoned, and nature soon took over.
“Before we begin, let us set some rules that we absolutely cannot break,” Rin said with a smirk.
“First Rule, we cannot go all out against each other; otherwise, this entire island would be destroyed.” After all, this was just a small island in the middle of the ocean.
“That’s one of the unwritten rules of a spar.” Lilith folded her arms under her chest and replied in a casual tone.
There was no need for Rin to say it out loud. Lilith planned to hold back and test Rin.
“That’s true! But I needed to say these words so that I keep myself in check; otherwise, who knows, I might accidentally seriously injure you.” Rin said with a wink.
“Hahahaha!” Rin laughed, seeing Lilith’s reaction.
“I was just joking! Alright, shall we begin?”
“Of course.”
Lilith then paused and told her to wait because Lilith had an idea in her mind. Just fighting would be too boring, but if something was on the line, then this would be more than just a friendly spar.
“I want to add one more thing before we begin.”
“That is…?” Rin was intrigued.
“The loser of this friendly battle will have to obey the winner for one day.” Rin frowned upon hearing this.
If someone else had said this condition, then she might’ve considered accepting it. But this was Lilith.
Who knows what kind of scheme this evil woman had in her mind? There was no way that she was going to accept this condition.
Staying in the dragon Palace for so many days, Rin had come to understand what kind of person Lilith was.
Right now, she might be appearing as a friendly person, but hidden under that persona was a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to find her weakness and exploit it for her amusement.
Almost no girl or no person in the dragon palace was spared from Lilith. Once she finds anyone’s weakness, she is basically unstoppable.
That sharp tongue of hers was more dangerous than a Peak 5-star blade.
“I’m leaving!” Rin turned around and began to walk away.
Lilith was annoyed that Rin saw through her.
‘Am I becoming more predictable now?’ Lilith felt disappointed in herself for not being more clever.
“Alright! Let’s set some other condition.” Only then did she stop walking and turn to face Lilith.
“Alright!” Rin had a bright smile on her face.
This only further annoyed the succubus empress as she realized that Rin had seen through her.
‘But how long will you keep escaping?’ She thought in her mind.
“If I win, I want you to wear a dress of my choosing and allow a female painter to make a portrait of yours.” In her head, she was already imagining Rin in an extra-short mini skirt and a pair of one-inch wide ropes that would barely cover her mini mountains.
‘Having a giant portrait of Rin in that erotic dress should be awesome.’ She could forever rub it on Rin’s face.
‘This will be my ultimate treasure.’ Just imagining it, Lilith cannot stop giggling.
Rin knew that this was just another trap.
“As long as the dress is not revealing, I am alright with it.” Rin always wore very modest and conservative outfits.
“That would take away all the fun.”
‘This woman is not following the script.’ If it was Amelia, taunting her a few times would have been enough to get under her skin and get her to agree.
But this was Rin. Lilith still hasn’t found any weakness. She didn’t have anything she could use to tease or taunt her.
Lilith said with a smirk, “Don’t worry! I won’t show the portrait to anyone. I promise to keep it a secret.”
“Still no!!!” Just for a friendly battle, she wasn’t putting her dignity and self-respect on the line. She wasn’t stepping into her trap.
“Alright! It won’t be a revealing outfit.” In her head, she was thinking of wearing a
transparent dress.
‘A transparent dress would be nice……!!’ In her head, she was already imagining Rin wearing a transparent maid outfit or something similar.
Rin still felt suspicious. Even though she acted like she was losing a lot, she might have been just pretending.
“I won’t accept anything that is too thin or transparent or tight.”
“Now that’s a bit too much!” At this point, the Succubus Empress was frustrated and did not
even bother to hide it.
“What’s wrong with a little thin and tight outfit?”
Lilith’s dissatisfied tone said a lot of things. “I just don’t want to wear it.”
“If it was someone else, then I might’ve trusted that person, but it’s you who knows what kind of evil intention you have in your mind.”
“Now that hurts!” Lilith dramatically put her form over her heart and put on a sad expression.
“We are supposed to be sisters marrying the same man, yet you cannot trust me.”
These words made Rin hesitate a little. Seeing this, Lilith smiled. Sure enough, this kind of blackmail works.
“All right, but if it’s anything too tight or transparent or short or revealing, I am not wearing
“Alright!” In the end, Lilith had to settle with this. She can see that this divine dragon has seen through her scheme, and there is no use in trying anymore. If she kept pushing, then she might even lose what she initially got.
“Now, if I win, I want you to guide me for a month.” Rin was eager to get stronger. She
wanted this more than anything else.
Eventually, she plans to return to the main continent, where she will take revenge on certain
people. Right now, she wasn’t strong enough, and if she went to the main continent with her current strength, she wouldn’t be able to defend herself from higher-order cultivators. Also, if a threat like Robert appeared again, she wouldn’t be so powerless.
“A month is too long, so make it 10 days or two weeks.” Lilith couldn’t ignore the fact that she was still a history teacher. Even though she rarely bothered to show up at the academy, it was a job she couldn’t completely neglect. She had to make occasional appearances to keep things in order. If she spent all her time focusing on training this dragon, she wouldn’t have time for the other things she enjoyed-like teasing people or shamelessly flirting with Aditya. It wasn’t like her to give up her fun just because of a little extra responsibility. “Besides, you are at a level where there is nothing that I can teach you. The only thing that I can do is give you tips and tricks on how to make your telekinesis even more lethal.” “Let’s not also forget that I am an assassin, and you are not an assassin. Our fighting styles are
very different, so the things that I can teach you are very limited.” If Rin was an assassin or at least had some affinity with darkness, then she might have taught her a few dark spells that would’ve been useful in certain situations. Unfortunately, Rin, just like Aditya, did not have
an affinity with the dark elements.
One or two weeks might be enough for Rin.
“Alright! Two weeks!” Lilith nodded her head.
One week is a perfect time for her as well.
“Alright! Let’s start!”
Lilith aimed at her neck, but just when the tip of the dagger was about to touch her neck a powerful, invisible force stopped the dagger and her hand which was holding the dagger.
No matter how hard she tried, the dagger did not move forward.
Rin took advantage of this opening and hit her with a flame fist.
She concentrated a palm-sized sphere on top of her knuckles and punched Lilith in the
stomach with it.
The sheer force behind that punch left Lilith stunned. Her body was flung backward like a cannonball, her back arching into a sharp U shape as she hurtled through the air.
The power behind that punch was terrifying, launching Lilith beyond the edge of the island and hundreds of meters into the open sea. But Lilith wasn’t someone who would be caught off guard so easily. Drawing on her experience as a seasoned fighter, she quickly activated her shadow manipulation.
Over twenty black tentacles erupted from the ground, twisting and coiling around her body
with precision.
The dark tendrils caught her mid-flight, halting her momentum and preventing her from
crashing into the ocean.
With their help, she stabilized herself and gently landed back on solid ground. The entire sequence was smooth and seamless as if she had done this countless times.
“That was a good punch!!” Lilith said with a smirk before wiping a small drop of blood that came from the corner of her mouth.
‘It seems I have to be cautious in close combat.’ She was once again reminded why fighting cultivators with telekinesis power was so bothersome. Their telekinesis in close combat is stronger and makes them very dangerous.
The problem was that, as an assassin, she was a close combat fighter. In this situation, Lilith
would need to fight outside her comfort zone to ensure that something like this did not
happen again.
Lilith was about to enter the shadow when a strange scream stunned her for a second. Her
mind and body froze for a second.
When she recovered, she saw another flame fist heading for her stomach.
The golden spinning sphere on top of her knuckle was too close for her to dodge.
This time, the force of the impact directly sent her flying into the sea. “Dammit!! What just happened back then?” The last thing that she remembers is hearing a strange type of cream that seems to have shaken her entire body and mind.
Lilith flew out of the ocean. But her entire body was drenched in seawater. Her dress tightly
hugged her body, revealing the shape of her seductive body.
This one hurt more than the previous punch. Lilith could feel the metallic taste of her own blood lingering in her mouth.
‘How can I forget?’ Lilith looked at Rin, who was flying about a hundred meters from the
island and staring at her.
‘Rin has something that is even more powerful than telekinesis, and that is her voice.’ After
all, Rin is called the Goddess of Music for a reason.
Lilith flew towards Rin. Her flying speed reached its peak when she was just a few hundred
meters away from Rin.
Lilith heard another scream. She stopped, and it looked like the scream had worked.
When Rin went for another flame fist, Lilith grabbed her wrist before that could happen.
Rin had to retreat.
A few drops of her blood rolled down her right elbow and fell on the ocean surface.
Lilith had managed to leave a 4-inch diagonal scar across her opponent’s arm. The wound
wasn’t deep. But one could tell the sharpness of the strike by looking at the clean cut. Had it been any deeper, her entire arm would now be drenched in blood.
It wasn’t that Lilith’s attack was soft; rather, at the very last second, she used telekinesis to
reduce the power of the attack.
“I got the idea of using my telekinetic powers in such a manner from Robert.” Robert also
used gravity to defend himself on a few occasions.
“Nice!!!” Lilith was starting to regret her decision to fight Rin. She thought that she would
only need to watch out for her telekinesis, but she had forgotten about her most powerful skill or her very essence, which makes her a goddess, which is her voice.
‘At first, I thought this friendly spar would simply be a way to gauge Rin’s strength. But I
realize now that I’ve severely underestimated her. She’s far more powerful than I could have imagined.’
‘It’s not worth the trouble.’ The very reason that she was doing this was to make Rin wear a
few cute (lewd) outfits.
‘If I had known that she was this strong, then I would have added a few more conditions.’
Thank you very much to all those who sent support with valuable golden tickets. Your constant support means a lot. I hope we can keep it up!!!
The last two chapters were written on my phone as I was out for the whole day. I was aiming for another chapter but when you’re outside, you don’t get that much time and space to write.