Falling with Grace - Page 149

Changing out of my dress, I threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, then bounced down the stairs with a spring in my step towards the private swimming pool.
Blue waters stretched as far as the eye could see. Sandy beaches extended to the left and right with armed guards, their lone visitor.
They stuck out like a sore thumb in their blue jeans and plaid shirts, their boots kicking up white sand as they paced.
“Grace.” Rosa’s voice carried over the thick, green foliage, acting as a wall between each villa.
I stood on my tiptoes and waved. “Hola,Rosa.”
“Come have a drink with me.”
“Okay.”Where is the path connecting us?”Be there in a minute.”
I took the steps to the beach, my toes sinking into the hot sand, then took the three steps onto her patio.
Valaria poured Rosa a glass of orange juice in a tall flute.
“Juice?” I gave her a lopsided smile. “In the afternoon?”
“Mimosa.” Rosa glanced up at Valaria and laughed. “Don’t tell Elias. He wouldn’t approve.”
I smiled. “Secrets from your son. How will I ever keep my mouth shut?”
“You’ll do just fine. Like you always do.”
I sat beside her, my smile wilting. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Did she know the reason he kept me around?
Was she aware I held key information that would allow Elias to settle his revenge in the blink of an eye?
Rosa grinned as she brought her orange flute to her lips. “Nothing goes on under my roof that I don’t know about. Just ask Valaria here.”
The woman dressed in comfortable clothes stiffened, her gaze never leaving her task of sorting the fruits to plates.
“She thinks her relationship with the chef Alphonse has gone unnoticed…” Valaria’s throat bobbed as she swallowed while a red clawing tint burned her cheeks. “Isn’t that, right?”
Her hands shook, and she dropped a slice of pineapple on the floor.
“I didn’t realize they weren’t allowed to have relationships within their employment?” I shrugged.
“Of course they can.” Rosa sipped her drink and then swiped away the notion as though it were ridiculous. “That’s not my point.”
Valaria’s shoulders dropped as she exhaled.
“The point is, I may be losing my mind, but I haven’t lost my ability to observe.”
I nodded and sat back as Valaria left us with our mimosas and fruit. Not that I’d touch any of it. My belly couldn’t handle another bite, no matter how decadent.
“So, then you know why Elias has me around?”
“Of course I do.”
“Why haven’t you said anything?”
“What business is it of mine? He’s handling it on his own.”
I chewed on my inner lip. “How is that?”