Forbidden - Page 131

No fucking way.
There was no way.
I’d taken everything off the bastard who’d almost killed Helene and my brother. His clothes, his weapons…everything.
I turned my head, scanning the dark. I had to make sure the body was right where I’d left it…then I had to find Riven. The night grew cold…too cold. An eeriness washed through me. My gut clenched as panic rose. This was going to be bad…I just knew it.
Boots crunched on gravel, drawing my gaze. I stood in the darkness, hidden by the trees, and watched Coulter’s men disappear into the building. Desperation filled me, forcing me to swivel around…find my bearings, and lunge.
I want her.
Those words resounded in my head until they were all I could hear.
I. Want. Her.
I slowly lifted my head from the tumbler of Scotch. Thomas stood in front of me, that gruesome, bloody stare fixed on mine.
“You’re worrying me.” He said carefully.
“Don’t I always?” I took a swallow, relishing the burn as it hit my belly.
My focus moved instantly to the external door of the apartment. I was already reaching behind my back for the gun tucked under my belt as it opened and Kane stepped inside. He was flushed and panicked, hastily locking the door before he turned and fixed a frantic stare on me.
My gut clenched instantly as he moved. He never even looked at Thomas, just lengthened that already long stride as he hurried my way. We’d never been what you’d call close. None of us were, but the gap between the doctor and myself stretched a little wider.
Only none of that mattered at that moment.
He headed straight for me, grabbed my arm that held the alcohol, and yanked me close…so close his words were a low hiss in my ear.“They found the body.”
Cold plunged all the way deep inside me, snuffing out the heat I’d relished before. I turned my head slowly, meeting the light green as his eyes stared into mine. I fought to think, tried to search through all the implications. “Are you sure?”
He just gave a nod as Thomas watched.
They’d found the body.
They’d found the damn body.
The fucking locator. But how? “I thought you said you had that handled?”
“I did.”
My lip curled. “Obviously not.”’
He sucked in a hard breath, flinching at the chiding remark. But I didn’t give a shit about his feelings. Not anymore…not when I was…invested.
I drained the last of my glass and turned away.
“Hey.” He stopped me.
I turned back.