Forbidden - Page 133

Tell me. Tell me you’re mine
My own desperate words filled my head.
I’m yours…please, I’m yours.
“Fuck.” I muttered.
My balls ached. My cock was stiff. I reached down, grasping it hard.
I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m yours.
I fisted the length, pumping slowly. “Damn fucking right you are.”
I was too far gone with this woman and I knew it. I’d kill for her…and that included my kin if it came to that. The woman was mine…and mine alone. Kane needed to remember that.
I lifted a hand and braced it against the wall, leaning into it as I pumped my length. It was a poor fucking replacement for the real thing. But right now, I was too wired to care. I needed her, even if it was the illusion of her. “Mine.” I croaked as greed turned to infatuation.“You are mine.”
My thrust grew harder, my fist squeezed tight. I wanted more…more…her.
Make me come, Principal. Make me come.
My cock twitched. Warmth jetted out, leaving me to groan and still clenched tight around the pulsing vein that ran underneath.
You’re in love with her?
I winced at the memory and lifted my head. My heart was hurting, far more than it should have. I hit the faucet and switched off the spray, stepping out before I wound the towel around my waist and headed for the door.
But the moment I opened it, Kane was there, jerking those betraying fucking eyes to mine.
He never said a word. But the bastard didn’t need to.
He stepped to the side, to thewrong fucking side.We stepped around, dancing like two goddamn idiots, until I grabbed his shoulders and shoved him to the side as I pushed past.
I headed into my room, toweled hard, and tossed it to the floor. Thomas was right. Tomorrow we’d need to be careful…and all of us needed to sleep.
* * *
There wasno sleep and not a second of fucking peace. When I finally rose after tossing and turning all goddamn night, my eyes stung and my nerves were raw. I showered again, this time hurrying. By the time I stepped out of my bedroom, I still felt like hell…but I was ready for this day to start.
We needed to know exactly what their plans were. More than that, we needed to find out when they were sending the shipment of Daughters to Hale. If the wolves were closing in, then we needed to be prepared.
The apartment was quiet. I scowled, turning my attention to Kane’s room. The bastard must be still sleeping. Figures.
I headed out and made my way along the corridors, slapping my card against scanner after scanner as I made my way to my office. But the place was silent…deathly silent. I stopped at the doorway and turned, listening.
There was no thud of boots, no deep murmur from any guards. I turned back and headed inside, but the moment I sat down, I stilled. It didn’t feel…right.
My skin crawled as I stared at the mouse. I reached out and hit it, making my screen come to life. I logged in, staring at the screen. The file on Helene was gone, not filling the screen like the last time I’d left it. Someone had been here.
That chill moved deeper.
I want her.
Coulter’s fucking demand resounded in my head. “Goddamn bastard.”
I shoved up from the seat and shoved my chair aside. All I could think about was her. Finding her. Protecting her.Loving her.I lengthened my stride and pushed through the door.