Fourth a Lie (Goddess Isles 4) - Page 74

We should be halfway to sanctuary by now.
I should be getting reinforcements for Cal and Skittles, and sending an army to save Jealousy and my empire. Instead, I was fucking a demented goddess on the shores of my island that wasn’t paradise but the worst illusion imaginable.
This was hell.
And I was the devil who’d corrupted this girl to the point of becoming a succubus. A succubus custom-tailored to drip me dry from sanity, health, and everything else I held valuable as a man.
I closed my burning eyes, cutting out her fuzzy form as I continued fucking her, harder and deeper, dropping all my barriers and not caring in the slightest if I took her too roughly.
There was no such thing as too hard while in the clutches of elixir.
She might not be able to walk after this…but this was what she begged for.
Her fifth release started in the caverns of her and quickly fanned out with mind-scrambling ripples. She moaned behind my hand, her eyes closed and face flushed as I drove again and again. She came on the heels of her last orgasm, sobbing as her entire body betrayed her.
I went with her.
I choked on my growl, trying to stay silent as I pumped my load into her and died with pleasure. My release was brutal and blinding, cruel in its intensity and condemning in its whispers to run.
The second I finished, I withdrew, somehow pushed to my feet, and plucked her from the mess of our ruin. Breathing hard and dripping cum, I snapped my boxer-briefs into place and dragged my broken woman into a run.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I WAS MOVING BEFORE I fell from my climax’s clutches.
I didn’t know how my legs found coordination to move but they did, hauled forward by Sully’s vicious grasp.
He jerked me up the beach and down a path I hadn’t explored before.
The guest area.
Villas for billionaires and princes instead of lowly purchased women.
A cough and a curse sounded behind us.
Sully froze, dragging me close and looking over his shoulder.
“Ah, fuck.” His face resembled an animal on its last-ditch for freedom. “Fuck!” Throwing himself into a painful lurch, his bleeding bandaged leg left a trail of droplets in the sand.
I saw his blood.
I witnessed his pain.
I felt his panic.
But all I cared about was having him again.
My heart rate was berserk.
My loyalties all scrambled.
I’d tried to stop it, and I couldn’t.
I’d done my best to find an antidote that didn’t include sex, but there wasn’t one.
I was the villain in this because Sully had tried to rescue me, and I’d been the one to drag him back. Drag him back into a nightmare where death welcomed us with open arms. If he’d attempted to swim across to Lebah, I would’ve drowned us.
And that confession prevented me from entering the uninhabited stage of elixir. I found no release in letting go. I entered no freedom for accepting my drunken needs. I merely sank deeper into misery, gasping with an irregular heartbeat, crying over my weakness to ignore synapses and systems that had become the worst kind of enemy.
Sully tripped and limped, ignoring the fact that his leg once again needed severe medical attention. A villa existed up ahead. Luxury accommodation that could perhaps protect us while I continued to destroy us.
“Come on.” He broke into a haggard sprint, dragging me with him.
I fell even more in love with him.
This man.
This insanely wonderful, protective man.
He could’ve left me behind.
He could’ve turned his back on me and gone for help.
Elixir would’ve kept me free from whatever happened to me.
He could’ve claimed back his island, his fortune, his goddesses if he’d only forgotten about me.
But he hadn’t.
No matter what I’d done to him.
No matter how aggressive and wild I’d been in my lust, he’d never even thought about abandoning me. He’d pulled me to shore in the middle of my haunting heat. He’d given me what I’d needed all while our freedom sifted through our fingers. And he’d threaded his life with mine, ensuring that if I died, he died.
We’d both die.
I love him.
I owe him.
If we survived this, I would marry him and promise him anything. I would sign my life into his care. I would sell him my very soul. I would vow to obey, cherish, care for, and adore him for as long as we both may live.
If he still wants me after this.
I’m so sorry, Sully.
Throwing me into the villa, he slammed the door behind us.
His chest pumped air, his muscles etched in stark relief. Even covered in wounds and blood, he was still the most staggeringly handsome man I’d ever set my eyes upon.
Oh, no.
My short siesta of love rapidly mutated into lust.
I didn’t just love him. I needed him…now.
I buckled, wedging a fist in my belly.
Not again.
I’d had a reprieve.
A short reprieve but one that’d lasted longer than all the rest.