Herald of Steel - Chapter 1326 Very Far Goals

Alexander would finally release inside Miss Linda’s forbidden hole with a great burst, pumping the delicious ass full of the heat that was swirling around his dick and causing the lady to scream and twist her face in ways that Alexander wished could photograph for memory.
She could come with Alexander too and even greedily suck his sweet gift right into her anus, before suddenly going completely limp, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure.
But for the couple, this would hardly be the end- it was only the second round after all.
So soon, Alexander had the stunning lady moved from the table and kneeling in front of him, thrusting into her tiny mouth and making his clean up.
The exotic mixture of juices on his cock was a brand new experience for Miss Linda, as was trying to take such a huge thing into such a small thing.
At the end of the day, she would be able to take only half without instantly gagging.
But it was the effort that counted and given how beautiful Miss Linda’s face was, Alexander found just the experience of such a beautiful lady doing such a thing more than worth of his gift.
She would get a fresh coat of white paint on her face as her reward.
Afterward, Alexander would her move to the bed, where he would once again take her in the front hole, this time in a missionary position.
The much more convenient posture would let the lady accommodate Alexander much more easily, and it also let the man savor some of the parts he wanted to but did not get a chance yet, such as drinking her breast milk and getting to lick her smooth, shaved armpits.
The former tasted sweet and sinful, while the latter was soft, salty, and naughty.
In this way, Alexander would enjoy his reward, finally finishing after four whole rounds, by the end of which Miss Linda would be left lying limp on the bed like wet mud.
It took a while for the lady to get the strength to even speak up.
After some time passed, the pair found themselves still lying side by side on the large bed, each drowning in their own thought.
For Alexander, it was soaking in the thrill of bringing this proud peacock to his heel, an exquisite experience to say the least.
Turning his head to look at the gorgeous girl next to him, he still could not believe he got to make a free, no strings attached score with this babe.
While Miss Linda, as if sensing his gaze, opened up to chime with a slightly panting voice,
“*Huff*, *huff*, You were too much! My poor pussy is never going to be the same. And why did you come so much inside me? What if I get pregnant?”
The bitterness in the aggrieved tone was clear, which then turned into a firm statement when Miss Linda asked,
“Take responsibility!”
Even Alexander was not immune to the sudden jump his heart did upon hearing those two dreaded words.
In a relationship, they were perhaps only secondary to the most feared- ‘I’m pregnant’ phrase.
It made Alexander wonder what Miss Linda truly meant here.
‘Are you asking me to marry you, replacing Lord Castell? Or do you wish to be my lover while keeping him as a husband?’
No matter which way Alexander thought about this, it seemed Miss Linda was now having ideas about having her feet on both boats.
This was not a wise choice in Alexander’s option because trying to get everything at once was usually always a recipe for disaster.
So it was good that Alexander had a solution to the dilemma without going into lengthy negotiations with this moody lady.
“Don’t worry. I have a medicine that will not only prevent any pregnancy, but it will also help your organ regain its shape back. You will be as tight as new.”
“Something like this exists?”
Naturally, Alexander’s bold claim had the young lady with bulging eyes, feeling it was too good to be true.
Now, being one of the biggest noble families quite close to Adhania, the Margraves were originally able to buy some of the miraculous herbs in the black market, but in recent years, due to their faltering books, their stock had run out and they were unable to fill them up again.
Miss Linda thus never got to use it for herself and only heard about it from her teachers and governesses- who listed pages and pages of all kinds of miraculous effects it possessed.
However, the proud woman never bought these hyperbolic records and thought them to only exist to impress gullible children.
For the proud as a peacock lady, it was too embarrassing to think her family lacked something the others had.
She refused to even entertain the idea.
And secondly, it was also because there really were too many listed uses of legummum and some were indeed quite foolish and nonsensical.
For instance, one passage claimed that it was able to regrow cut limbs if used regularly enough, which it obviously could not.
Needless to say, the scholar who wrote this was on something quite strong that day.
Hence, given there was a man next to her who actually regularly used the stuff, Miss Linda chimed up to seek some clarification,
“Is that also the same medicine you nobles in Adhania use for abortion? Are all those things they say about that herb true?”
Making this question, Miss Linda was quick to add this in partial defense of her family’s pride,
“We also have something similar here called twilight wine…. the problem is it’s not always effective. We need to take it twice or thrice with a day of the sex and even then it sometimes does not work.”
Her tone became bitter near the end, lamenting the fact that her family did not have something to stand toe to toe with the Adhanians.
But in truth, the fact was, the efficacy of the native medicine that Miss Linda mentioned was actually the norm in nature.
Most birth control contraceptives were only effective to a certain extent, even the modern ones.
The reason had to do with the way they worked.
The medicine prevented pregnancy basically in two ways.
One- by inhibiting the release of certain hormones that cause ovulation and thus pregnancy, or
Two- by thinning the ovum walls so that even if the egg is fertilized it cannot stick, thus allowing for a ‘safe’ miscarriage.
The trouble with this was, that each body was different and so the exact amount of hormone needed to cause these changes also varied.
And given how subtle these hormonal doses had to be so as to not cause any side effects to other parts of the body, a miss by even a tiny fraction could cause the medicine to lose its efficaciousness.
It worked for most women most of the time, but if one’s hormone was off just for one month, such as due to things like increased stress or a change in diet or even a type of mild illness, it was possible for the medicine to fail.
Thus even the modern pills only guaranteed a success rate of 99% and even that was with the caveat that you took the pills every day for their whole prescribed period (3 to 4 weeks) without missing a date.
Meaning in the best case scenario, 1 in 100 women could still become pregnant even if she was on the pill.
And more realistically where most women skipped some days, that rate fell to somewhere in the lower 90s.
Now put that in contrast to the legummum and suddenly, its hundred percent success rate became even more astonishing.
What modern medicine with so much future tech and tests and trials could not do, this seemingly ordinary herb did without any fuss or hassle.
You did not need to even take it continuously like the other one… just rub it around the private parts before or another the act once and viola! You were done!
And this was not to even mention the miraculous muscle restoration effects.
Alexander’s hand itched to know how this miraculous drug worked.
He had no idea how the drug restored the vaginal muscles to their former glory but for the contraception part, he had several guesses.
Among them, two of the most promising ones were that the salve perhaps acted as a kind of extremely potent spermicide, destroying the male seed before it could complete the long, arduous swim.
Or that maybe it was a kind of hormone controller like the pill, only this was directly absorbed by the skin instead of needing to be ingested.
Or perhaps both.
However, these were all only hunches with no concrete proof of anything.
Neither did he hold out much hope about knowing its secret in his lifetime because the science of finding the mechanism of how a medicine worked was very, very complex.
One needed an extremely in depth knowledge in many different fields- physics, chemistry, and biology to even know where to start.
And even modern medicine only managed to make significant progress in just the recent years, aided by powerful supercomputers and enormously complex simulations.
Which seemed quite out of Alexander’s reach even in the distant, far flung future
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