Herald of Steel - Chapter 1330 Deal With Lady Miranda (Part-2)

Alexander’s swift explanation for meeting the Heeat family first was fortunately bought by Lady Miranda hook, line, and sink, as she appeared very excited by the promise of the treaty.
A guarantee of ten years of peace was too precious to her.
Hence the lady quickly expressed her hope that the talks would go smoothly.
“I will try my best, my lady. I would also love for you to join the talks, but Lord Castell is a proud man. He only finds me as his equal and wishes to talk to me directly. Hehehe.. perhaps the truth is that he is too embarrassed to talk face to face with you- defeated by a woman from a Marquis family.”
Alexander’s flattering comment appeared to make Lady Miranda’s face notably glow up and caused her to break off into a large, almost sarcastic grin-
“Mmmm, I also do not find it wise to go against such a ‘powerful’ man. I will leave the talks with you, my lord.”
Then with that topic closed, Lady Miranda quickly moved to her target, “And Linda? What did my dear scheming sister come to want from you?”
The tone with which she made this ask was quite light and fluffy, although Alexander did not miss those eyes suddenly becoming sharp like talons.
Alexander would not have dared reveal the truth even if he had ten lives.
So instead, keeping a flat face, he lightly noted,
“I’m sure my lady can already guess why she was here. She asked me to show her some leniency in the negotiations and hopes I can support her rule.”
“Losing the war and becoming a young widow has apparently put her in quite a disadvantageous position. The elders blame her for the loss and worse, her uncle in law seems to especially dislike her.”
“Hehehe…. This is actually because under my ‘persuasion’, Lord Kite has shifted some of the campaign blunders to her! This saved his hide and now Lord Castell believes she is responsible for his nephew’s death! That she plotted to have him killed.. hahaha!”
Alexander revealed some of the backhanded dealings he had with the Heeat family in order to pit the young lady as a way to placate the irritated lady in front of him.
And it worked, as Lady Miranda became extremely excited.
“Hahaha… good, good! Serves that bitch well! Tell me more… how did she beg? What did you do to her?”
The way she manically joined her laughter with Alexander’s and the way her eyes twinkled in anticipation, Alexander figured he could tell her he peeled Miss Linda’s skin off and salted her wounded, and yet Lady Miranda would still chuckle and clap enthusiastically at it.
And this realization actually made Alexander feel a bit bitter, for he wished for the sisters to, if not get along, well at least to not be so hostile to each other, if not for maintaining familiar ties, then at least in the interest of peace on the island.
“I simply told her that all her problems were between herself and the two families. What could an outsider like me do?”
Alexander’s succinct answer however seemed less than exciting for the lady and her face turned a bit gloomy.
“Oh… nothing else?”
“….” Seeing the lukewarm reception, Alexander did not know whether to embellish his story with ‘details’ of her younger sister kneeling and groveling, reveal the prison of war exchange or simply say no.
“I’m sorry but that was all! She also wanted to borrow some money and even offered a lucrative interest rate but of course, I refused.”
In the end, Alexander decided on the last option of revealing nothing because he was afraid that any other would be seen as him being favorable to the youngest sister and flipping Lady Miranda out.
While Lady Miranda appeared to have lost interest in Alexander’s story somewhere along mid way, and unpleasantly pursing her lips suddenly, made the following query out of the blue,
“Then… when you refused her… did she try to bed you?”
Alexander at first did not even want to grace this insulting query with an answer, but seeing the other side turn silent, Lady Miranda yet pressed with cool yet blazing eyes, “Some of the maids said she stayed here with you some quite a while. And when she left, her clothes looked very disheveled! So did you sleep with my sister!”
Those last words seemed to be laced with perhaps half the world’s venom, all ready to be spat out at a moment’s notice the instant Alexander said yes.
‘What am I, your soft rice husband? You think I need your permission to do what I like? Whatever woman I have in my room and whatever I do with her is my personal matter. Stop poking your nose into it.’
Alexander naturally did not appreciate this interrogation type of questioning and felt especially angry because there was no one in the world, not even Cambyses who would have dared to question him like this.
At most this main wife would have puffed her cheeks and complained to Alexander for being too lustful.
So for a basically unrelated woman to be lecturing him like this… well if it was any other time, Alexander would have just angrily brushed aside the complaining woman and asked her to keep her mouth shut.
But given this was a unique situation and taking an understanding tone after recalling the very different societal values the two regions had, Alexander managed to at last pull a placid face and a very light thin smile,
“My lady knows your younger sister better than. Indeed that was the third time she has willing showed her body.”
The instant Alexander revealed this, Lady Miranda’s face turned from just frosty to almost glacier like.
She knew of the first two instances when Alexander was offered the chance- the garden and Miss Linda’s room, and had also confirmed nothing happened.
But that and this were different, at least her dress was not crumbled in those instances.
Hence to her, this sounded like Alexander was basically admitting to sleeping with her sister.
The man in question however did not seem to notice this dropping mood, and simply continued nonchalantly,
“When I asked Miss Linda what she had to exchange for getting my support, the poor lady admitted she had nothing of value at hand and at first wanted to just swear to the gods that she would pay me back. Hahaha, what a joke! After she had swindled so much money from me! Hahaha, you should have been there my lady. I had not laughed so hard in a very long time!”
Alexander broke off into a convincing chortle as he said, and the laughter and story were infectious to even affect Lady Miranda, whose lips could be seen curling up a bit too.
Indeed this was too ridiculous, no sane man would agree to such an illusory promise.
While Alexander then added,
“Then seeing she was not going to get anything, Miss Linda offered herself. She got naked right in front of me….right where you are sitting… albeit with some difficulty. That dress she wore was quite hard to come out of by oneself. I imagine that was where all those crumbles and creases came from.”
Alexander cleverly added the hypothesis on the go, before ending with a strong emphasis,
“Of course, I refused her no matter how much she tried to jump her body onto me. I would not take such a losing deal even if she promised to sleep with me for the rest of her life. Hah, as if her body was worth the tens of millions of ropals I would have to spend! ”
The disparaging way Alexander described Miss Linda seemed to greatly please Lady Miranda, as her face bloomed into a vengeful smile,
“Hehe, I don’t think you know how much you missed out on my lord. The number of men that hounded grandfather looking for my sister’s hand would have enough to run from here to the main gate. Heh.. even my first husband…”
Lady Miranda suddenly stopped at this, a stunned look appearing on her face as if she realized she let spill something she was not supposed to.
‘Hehe, so both your husbands were taken by your younger sister?’ While quickly picking on this tidbit, Alexander mused a bit amusedly, finding another reason why Lady Miranda was perhaps this hostile towards him getting it on with her younger sister.
She had lost to Miss Linda twice, with the second time her husband being even caught cheating with this vixen.
He could understand where the teeth gnashing hatred was coming from.
But at the same time, as Alexander internally compared the two sisters, he also could not fault the men.
In terms of beauty, Lady Miranda and Miss Linda were not qualified to be talked about in even the same sentence, much less in the same breath.
It even made him wonder how two sisters who shared the same genetic pool could be so wildly different as he felt that Miss Linda had definitely won the lottery there.
Of course, Alexander kept all these thoughts to himself and outwardly appeared very reserved.
He acted as if he did not even notice the foible and patiently waited for the other lady to cool down.
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