His Darkest Devotion - Page 83

My complaints were not answered.
He needed comfort and reassurance that I was well, that whatever his labors might be, they were worth the sacrifices he may never share. Letting him take all he would, I met his tongue with mine and moaned into his mouth.
The blanket around my waste was yanked free, his fly pulled down.
With no pretense, he lifted me, knowing I would be slippery and open to him, and sank me down on a straining cock. Once I was seated, his writhing organ teasing a particularly sensitive set of internal nerves, he let out a breath and found a moment of rest.
I had not thought one could do this standing and wondered which journal had given him the idea.
From the desperate look in his eyes, this had not been premeditated; it had been necessary.
Arms around his neck, I rolled my hips to encourage his efforts, smirking as I teased, “I thought heat only affected the females.”
My reward for such flirtation was an internal lashing of his wriggling dick. Which hit a place in me that left me gasping for another taste.
In a matter of minutes, and beautiful, arduous thrusts, I came with a yell.
It was not our most lengthy coupling, but it held a delicious urgency of two lovers happy to be reunited. By the time he set his knot as deep as it might go, anyone walking the halls could possess no ignorance about what took place on the other side of that door.
Carrying me to the bed as he began to fill me with lashings of cum, he laid me back so my stomach would have room to comfortably grow. There, he stared down at me as if he loved me more than anything God might offer.
No matter that neither of us had undressed completely. No matter how silly I might have let the children make me look.
I was beloved.
And he prepared to pump me full before he must go.
Ballooning, relieved to have his offering within me where it belonged, I unbuttoned my shirt so he might see my belly expand. Taking his hand, I placed it below the swell, where our baby slept, and whispered, “She’s right here.”
Green eyes glowing, he looked to where his touch rested. “You cannot understand how much this means to me.”
I could feel him preparing to call forth the waxy substance that would leave me plugged, and I shook my head, telling him, “No. No plug. I order you to prepare us something to eat, which we will enjoy together. Afterward, you will sleep. Once you’ve had some rest, I will put my mouth and tongue on this beast until you beg me to ride you within an inch of your life. Touch me anywhere you wish and make me sing. Only then can you plug me. For now, enjoy your knot, enjoy your mate, and come lay in my arms on our nest.”
He obeyed.
Locked together, we made ourselves comfortable, where I petted him until he purred and listened to whatever he wished to say.
It seemed he was wary that I might disapprove of his doings, guarded as he stated, “It may be some weeks before I can allow you to leave the academy. I do not want you to see the city until it is clean and the fires are out.”
I wasn’t stupid; it was not burning buildings he was worried would upset me. In a city nearing the population of a million, the funeral pyres would be polluting the sky for some time. It was either that or let disease run rampant.
Working the tension from his muscles, I asked, “Have we lost many brothers and sisters?”
“Not as many as anticipated. But yes, there were losses of good men and good women.” Rubbing his eyes, Cyderial added, “And in our sweeps, we have also found some hybrids who had been kept as the worst sort of slaves. A whole operation of females bred in secret that are not listed in our records. Opened surgically and used by human men for sport.”
It was such a sad thing that I didn’t know what to say. “I’m glad you found them.”
“They may not be. Some of them fought to protect their human masters. They are badly broken.”
“We will find a way to help them heal.”
“I’m not so sure we can.” The knot shrank, the inevitable flood rushing out. But I didn’t care. I just wanted to offer that complicated man comfort. To thank him for confronting such horrors so I would never have to, to give him a place to be vulnerable. To hold him close and stroke his hair while he slowly began to relax.
He was softly snoring by the time I crept free to make use of his lavatory. Scrubbed clean, my hair no longer a crazy mess of braids and tangles, I went to the door and found none other than General Boreal had become my new guardian. Whispering to him, I ordered fresh food be procured, clean clothing for both of us retrieved.
All was quickly delivered.
I knew nothing about cooking, but I had seen Cyderial cut fruit and found myself up to the simple task. The liver, I left raw, as per my preference.