I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick - Chapter 62: I, Your Father, am a Pervert

Chapter 62: I, Your Father, am a Pervert
As Wu had suspected, the Hyuga Clan did not want the matter of his and Hinata’s marriage to be a public affair. Tsunade had dragged the name of the Senju through the mud over the years, nearly permitting its extinction, but it was still the most prestigious Shinobi Clan in the world. Members of the Nobility knew it as a household name, and, despite their decline, even civilians knew of Hashirama’s exploits due to the many motion pictures he had inspired. Thus, while Hiashi would prefer to stage a grand ceremony for both his daughters, the marriage between Wu and Hinata followed the same procedure as the union between him and Tsunade. They simply had to sign a contract, and they were legally married.
Before heading to the Senju Clan Compound to consummate their union, an even Hinata both dreaded and looked forward to, Wu helped both her and Hanabi pack up some of their clothes and personal effects. The latter had gotten drawn into the discussion and had ‘enthusiastically’ expressed her desire to visit and stay in the Senju Clan Compound. She had asked to be able to go over several times in the past, so she jumped at the chance to do so, understanding full well the connotation behind the arrangement.
Since Tsunade, Hinata, Hiashi, and many within the Hyuga Clan supported Hanabi’s stay in the Senju Clan Compound, Wu had no reason to deny the gutsy brat that referred to him as Onii-sama and, when especially excited, Onii-chan. The evolution of her Byakugan was even more apparent than Hinata’s, so, while there was a drastic disparity in their strength, the result of Hanabi only training with him once a week, the young brunette showed tremendous potential for growth.
When their preparations were completed, Wu escorted the two Hyuga heiresses through the streets of Konoha by hand. He had initially only let Hinata hold onto him, but Hanabi eventually ‘forced’ the matter by clinging to his right arm. Wu could have chastised her, but as Hiashi was also with them, seemingly intended to see his daughters off ‘one last time,’ he took a page out of the middle-aged Hyuga’s book and remained silent.
Seemingly forgetting he could see his daughters whenever he wanted, Hiashi accompanied them to the entrance of the Senju Clan Compound before each with a few private words. After that, he surprised both girls tremendously by giving them hugs, visible moisture building in his eyes as he told them to take care of each other and be happy. Then, with one final nod toward Wu, he slipped his hands into his long kimono sleeves, turned around, and walked away in silence.
Needless to say, Hinata teared up quite a bit due to her father’s words, actions, and departure. Hanabi also had a layer of moisture in her eyes, but she seemed more confused than anything. After all, the Hyuga Clan was one of the first to take root in Konoha. Even if they meandered along the way, it wouldn’t even take twenty minutes to walk between the Senju and Hyuga Compounds. Thus, while she felt a little sentimental, she also felt that her father’s and sister’s reactions were a ‘tad’ overdramatic…
As his clones had already made preparations for the girls’ arrival, Wu introduced Hinata and Hanabi to Tsunade and Shizune before showing them to their respective rooms. He also showed them the location of his room as, following their discussion about the possibility of others moving in, Tsunade promptly booted Wu from her room. She was looking forward to being able to rest properly, so Wu was assigned the nearly untouched chamber of the First Hokage, aka the Lord’s Chamber. It was the single largest room in the Estate, excluding the various storehouses, and, most importantly, completely soundproof.
Once the two girls were settled in, Wu was about to escort Hinata back to his room when Hanabi stopped them, her expression and tone calm and completely serious as she said, “Onii-sama, Hinata-nee-san, please allow me to watch your lovemaking.”
Though Hinata was already gobsmacked by her sister’s request, Wu left her feeling at a complete loss for words as he replied, “Sure, I don’t mind. You would end up peeking with your Byakugan anyways, so it’s better to learn ‘properly’ than to make assumptions.”
Contrasting the gleeful expression that developed across Hanabi’s face, Hinata was in a state of panic as she exclaimed, “Wu-kun! We…we can’t allow Hanabi-chan to witness such a thing! It…it isn’t proper…!”
Shaking his head, Wu calmly stated, “As I just pointed out, she would end up watching anyway. The only difference is the proximity and the fact she would be risking blindness by observing from afar. You know how girls her age can be…”
With Wu narrowing his eyes slightly, a number of embarrassing memories resurfaced in Hinata’s mind. She had gotten roped into doing things she ‘knew’ she shouldn’t have, which was exactly why she didn’t want Hanabi to see what they were about to do. If things got out of hand, there was a good chance they would cross a line they shouldn’t…
Looking deep into the fretful Hyuga’s eyes, Wu asked, “Do you trust me?” in a soft, reassuring tone. When she eventually nodded in affirmation, his smile softened as he asserted, “Then it’ll be fine. If she crosses a line she shouldn’t, we’ll send her back to your family until she’s ready to conduct herself properly…hear that, Hanabi?”
Without any hesitation whatsoever, Hanabi replied, “I understand, Onii-sama. I promise I will only observe until you think I’m ready.”
Though he could tell Hanabi wasn’t being completely honest, Wu gave a curt nod before turning his gaze to Hinata. She appeared understandably lost and confused, but as one of the people who had ‘petitioned’ for Wu to accept her sister, she also felt obligated to set a good example. She also knew it was impossible to prevent Hanabi from stealing a peak, so it only took a few minutes before she eventually relented.
And thus, the most exciting yet embarrassing night of both Hinata’s and Hanabi’s lives began…
With Hinata ‘indisposed’ after their first, very long night together, Wu was silently observing the very red-faced Hanabi’s training. The previous night had been very…eye-opening for her, so she found it difficult to focus with the culprit responsible for upending her worldview so close by. Before the previous night, she couldn’t imagine that any woman, much less her kind, gentle, and beloved Onee-sama, could behave in such a…bestial manner. It was a shocking sight to behold, but, even now, her heart couldn’t stop racing…
Interrupting Hanabi’s thoughts, Wu flicked a tiny rock at the side of her head. She had her Byakugan activated, but she hadn’t even reacted to the pebble until it hit her, prompting Wu to remark, “If I had known you were going to use coming here as an excuse to slack off, I would have forced you to stay home.”
Rubbing the side of her head, Hanabi had an indignant expression as she complained, “You know that isn’t the reason I’m distracted, Onii-chan…is what you did to Hinata-nee-san ‘really’ how normal couples make love…?”
Adopting a cheeky smile, Wu replied, “Only those who are passionately in love. If you don’t believe me, feel free to sneak a peek when I’m together with Tsunade. She’s even more ‘honest’ with herself than Hinata…”
Though her cheeks became notably ruddier, Hanabi managed to regain her characteristically ‘neutral’ expression as she asked, “That’s something I’ve been meaning to ask…just how did you and Lady Tsunade come to marry, Onii-sama? Isn’t she like…super old?”
Since it was an excellent opportunity, Wu decided to explain some of the ‘facts’ about him that Hanabi had yet to be apprised. She was initially part of the youth group Hiruzen had asked him to train prior to their enrollment into the Academy. As a result, the only things she knew about him, other than the fact he was strong and handsome, were the details she had been able to scrape together from her father and weasel out of her sister.
Interrupting Wu partway through his explanation, specifically around the part he was discussing his relationship with Tsunade and the benefits of consuming his food, Hanabi nervously inquired, “Wait a minute…does that mean I’m going to be stuck like this for the rest of my life? I ate the food you cooked for breakfast…”
As Hanabi was seated next to him, Wu ruffled her hair and teased, “As cute as you are right this instant, I prefer my women with a bit of meat and muscle on their bones. I will be infusing a small amount of Natural Energy into your meals, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I kind of got my ass reamed when the others discovered I had effectively slowed their aging to a crawl. Now, I infuse just enough to ensure the food tastes good and to keep everyone healthy…”
Exhaling a sigh of relief, Hanabi gave her non-existent chest a few pats as she muttered, “That’s good…I’m already lagging behind some of the other girls, so I wouldn’t know what to do if I remained the shortest girl in class. A lot of the girls my age can be really annoying…”
Retracing his hand from Hanabi’s head, Wu supplied, “Look on the bright side…after last night, you can unilaterally claim to be the most mature and ‘experienced’ girl in your class. That, combined with your power, gives you an absolute advantage against most other girls your age…”
Regaining her earlier blush, Hanabi instinctually closed her legs as if she adjusted her sitting position. Just the mere mention of what happened the previous night was enough to make her feel…odd. A fluttery feeling filled her chest and abdomen, and she found it increasingly difficult to sit still…
Poking the side of the girl’s head, Wu asked, “You’re a little pervert, aren’t you?”
With an indignant look, Hanabi glowered as she firmly asserted, “I am ‘not’ a pervert…!” despite being perfectly aware the opposite was true. After all, most people in possession of the Byakugan were some form of pervert. You didn’t gain the ability to see through buildings and clothes and ‘not’ take advantage of it. There was a reason the Elders of the Clan had permitted several bathhouses to be built near the Compound…
Leaving the little girl at a loss for words, Wu calmly affirmed, “There’s nothing wrong with being a pervert, Hanabi. So long as you don’t force your perversion onto an unwilling party, it’s one of the spices that make life worth living. I speak from personal experience. You see, I used to be a fairly ‘reserved’ person when I was around your age. After an incident with a particular platinum-haired flower seller, I experienced a…spiritual awakening of sorts. Since then, my life has become progressively more colorful due to a healthy curiosity toward the opposite sex. If I remained the boy I once was, I certainly wouldn’t be able to get your sister to call my name like she did the previous night…”
Covering her tomato-red face, Hanabi groaned, “Do you ‘have’ to keep bringing that up? You’re going to make me turn weird, Onii-chan…”
Since Hanabi’s Byakugan was currently active, Wu shrugged his shoulders and answered, “I don’t have to, but does it truly matter? You’re the type of girl that will ask to witness her sister losing her virginity. And don’t think I don’t notice you ‘glaring’ at specific parts of my body when you think I’m distracted and not paying attention. You’re a pervert, Hanabi, through and through. Just accept it…”
Though she felt increasingly more indignant the more Wu spoke, the thing that annoyed Hanabi the most was that she couldn’t honestly disavow the things he had said. She had awakened her Byakugan at a very young age, so it was impossible for her not to be at least a ‘little’ curious…
Plopping his hand down atop the girl’s head, Wu’s tone carried a hint of laughter as he teased, “Don’t worry…even if you become an irredeemable pervert, neither Hinata nor I will disown you. Just cool your jets until you come of age. After that, you can be as perverted as you want. We’ll gladly accompany you.”
Though her face was so red it appeared steam might rise from it at any moment, Hanabi looked up at Wu as if he were her lifeline. She genuinely didn’t believe she was as perverted as he suggested, but she also didn’t mind becoming so if it meant they could spend more time together. If she was fated to become a ‘beast’ anyways, why pretend to be something she wasn’t…?
(A/N: Man…it kind of makes you wonder what Wu did to Hinata, doesn’t it? *runs away*)