Keep - Page 87

I straightened. “Lola?”
“I can’t find Daisy. She wasn’t at school when I went to get her. I’ve searched everywhere, Colton.” There was fear in the woman’s voice. “She’s gone.”
“No.” All the color drained from Macy’s face. “No.”
The world spun around me, and I felt bombarded by sound and light.
Then I sucked it all in and locked it down.
Scott Warner had my daughter.
That monster had my little girl.
“Colt?” Macy gripped my arm.
But my vision tunneled. All I could think about was Daisy.
“Warner has Daisy.”
Ifollowed behind Colt on the way back to his warehouse. He was moving too quickly for me to keep up, even at a jog.
My belly turned in sickening circles.
It didn’t seem possible that Scott had taken Daisy. I felt trapped in a nightmare. She was just an innocent, little girl. Nausea welled and I battled it down.
We dropped Lola back at the main house. The worried woman was calling around to the parents of Daisy’s friends to see if Daisy was with any of them, or if their children knew where she was.
The Fury brothers were all meeting at Colt’s. When we reached the door, Beauden was waiting. His rugged face was grimmer than usual.
“Daisy’s missing?” Beau growled.
Colt gave one quick nod. “Inside. The others are on the way.”
All the men had dropped everything as soon as Colt had called. Beau shot me a glance, but Colt didn’t even look my way.
Guilt wrapped around me, tighter and tighter.
This was my fault. Scott was after me, and I’d brought him into the Fury brothers’ lives.
In the living area, Colt paced back and forth, his hands fisted by his side. “Warner has her. I know it.”
“Let’s get the facts first, then we’ll find her,” Beau said.
“If he hurts her…”
There was so much torment in Colt’s voice. God, Daisy had already lost so much in her short life. So had Colt.
If she didn’t come home…
I whirled and ran for the powder room. I slammed the door closed, just as my stomach heaved. I sank down beside the toilet and brought up everything in my stomach.
My skin was hot, my insides were cold.
My fault. All my fault.