Kingdom of Wolves - Page 19

Turning when I hear heavy footsteps approaching from thehall, I watch who I know is the Beta of the pack, Beta Carter Goldman, who wasa good man as a pack member when the Winterstorms ran the pack. Old man HoratioWinterstorm was a good Alpha, and it’s always been sad to me that his son wasnever able to lead from that point. But, like others, I’m convinced theaccident of Tatiana’s parents was no accident, but I’ve never been able toprove it.
The Beta stops when he sees me, dips his head, showingrespect, but the surprise showed before he could close his expression. “Goodday, Councilman Sable. It’s very nice to see you.”
“Well, it’s not nice to see all of this mess that I’mlooking at, Beta Goldman. What has been going on here that the house is indisarray and no warriors on patrol?” I snarl because I can feel Bruno gettingready to burst out of my skin.
Beta Goldman’s eyes flash from green to orange, showing hiswolf is agitated. When his eyes go blank and he stills, I know he’s speaking toa pack member through the pack link.
“You four, get patrolling, and I’ll find you in a while.Don’t even think of shirking off more than you have and know you will bepunished for leaving the pack open to attack.” The orange of his eyes and thepulse of power tells the four that Rust, the Beta’s wolf, is about ready toream on them.
“Can we speak privately before I speak to the Alpha?”
Beta Goldman nods and turns, walking out of the dining roomand across the hall to where his office is situated. Once inside the Betacloses the door and we both take a seat in the easy chairs on one side of theroom near the window.
“What’s going on here?” I ask and know I don’t need toelaborate, as he’s not a fool.
“The Alpha is not running the pack, according to shifterlaw, anymore. I’m not sure how far his wolf has declined, but he’s going feral.We all know he’s not strong enough to carry the Alpha power needed to run thepack for all these years. The wolf has been renamed to Toxic because that’s howhe’s viewed, and what makes it worse is the wolf enjoys being viewed that way.”
Running my hand over my head and brushing back my hair, Iconsider calling in the council to take out the Alpha, but until I know all thedetails, it will only look like I’m telling half a story, and as it’s known Idislike this Alpha so much I need the proof of the Alpha’s mental downfall.
“What do you know of Tatiana Winterstorm?” I bring this outin the open because I need to see how honest this Beta is going to be.
Sighing, the shifter looks more than a little uncomfortablewith this topic. But as I continue to wait and watch his reaction, I can seehe’s fighting an Alpha command.
“Can you answer yes and no without causing you pain?” I ask,and he now knows I’ve understood he was under orders not to respond to thatquestion.
Thankfully, he can at least do that and I can get some ofthe answers that I need.
“Okay Beta. Was Tatiana treated like a servant?”
“On the Alpha’s order?”
“Was she physically abused?”
“Was she mentally abused?”
“Could anyone help her?”
“Do you think the Alpha had anything to do with theaccident?”
What I quickly notice is the Beta clenches his jaw and hiseyes bulge as he’s trying to respond. Interesting that he has another Alphaorder placed on him. I hold my hand up for him to stop trying and rephrase thequestion.
“You know the question, but I’ll ask you this instead. Canyou say yes or no?” I watch his face carefully, and he’s quiet for a momentbefore he realizes that’s how I’m asking the same question.
Nodding, I give him a grim look. “How many have left thepack in recent years? Say the last five years?”