Knightqueen - Page 92

“Carys, you’re awake.” Nea leaned forward in a chair beside the bed. “Take it easy.” The knightmaster held out a glass of water.
Carys ignored the water and gripped the woman’s arm. “Sten? Is he all right?”
“He’s fine. You and your supercharged energy healed him.” Nea shook her head. “I’ve never seen anything like it, and Kaden can do some weird things.”
“I think it’s the power of the royal bloodline.”
“Makes sense. Anyway, Ashtin and Kaden bullied Sten into seeing the knighthealers when we got back to the castle. So they could thoroughly check him out. He was still grumbling about it when I left.” She smiled. “He asked me to sit with you.”
Releasing a breath, Carys dropped back on the pillows. “Thank the knights that he’s okay.”
Nea’s lips twitched. “And thank the knights that the Blue Death was neutralized, and our planet is safe from the Gek’Dragar.”
Carys felt heat in her cheeks. “I’m very glad about all of that too.”
“The Gek’Dragar fleet tried to come across the border. Our ships, and the Eon warships intercepted them. The last report was that they’d been destroyed, and the few survivors had been driven back. More allies are sending ships. They’re going to help the Knightforce free all the planets the Gek’Dragar enslaved.”
Carys’ chest swelled. “I knew we could do it.” She thought of Azulon, Malthor and the others on Ti-Lore. Soon, they’d be free.
But right now, she was tired of being the knightqueen. All she wanted was her knightguard.
“I need to see Sten.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She was wearing a robe and she cinched it tightly.
“You fell in love with your knightguard.”
Carys looked up at Nea, unable to read the woman’s tone. “I fell in love with a loyal, noble man—”
The knightmaster held up a hand. “I’m well aware of all of Sten’s good traits.” She paused. “Maybe not all of them. I know he keeps a lot hidden under his stoic façade, but he’s a good man. And personally, I think he’d make an excellent king.”
Carys’ pulse skipped, then she pulled a face. “So do I, but he doesn’t believe that.” A cold shiver washed through her. “How can I ask him to do something that he doesn’t want?”
“He wants you. He risked his life for you. I think he just hadn’t ever pictured himself as a king. He just needs time to adjust, and you need to help convince him. He’d do anything for you.”
Yes, he would. “Take me to the knighthealers.”
Nea took her arm and helped her out of her room. The palace workers all bowed and called out excited hellos. A few glanced at her bare feet and robe, but didn’t comment. She felt a happiness in the air.
As they reached the knighthealers’ wing, she could hear Sten complaining from down the hall.
“No more tests. The last ones were all negative. I’m not infected and my heart is still beating just fine.”
Carys stepped into the airy room. When the knighthealers saw her, they all bowed their heads. Sten sat on one of the wide beds, his arms crossed over his bare chest. He had two sensors stuck to his temples, and another two on his chest.
When he saw her, his arms dropped.
She strode to his bed.
“Carys. Are you—?”
She didn’t stop. She climbed onto the bed and into his arms.
She wrapped her arms around him, and his brawny ones closed around her body. She kissed him. Right in front of everyone.
He was stiff at first, and when she pulled back, she saw he was looking at the people behind her.
“You told me you loved me, Thorsten. Was that true?”
“Yes.” His voice was gruff. “You know I love you. I’ve loved you for years, even when I wouldn’t admit it to myself. And I’ll love you for as long as I have breath in my body.”