Knightqueen - Page 94

“We get it.” Kaden gazed over to where Nea was chatting with some other knights. “Every day I wake up beside Nea and I’m grateful. She’s everything. I’m fucking blessed.”
“You and your Terran words,” Ashtin said.
The knighthunter scoffed. “You use loads of Terran words. I think Kennedy is rubbing off on you in more ways than one.”
Ashtin’s face filled with pleasure. “I thank the knights every day that she came into my life.” He looked at his lover as she crossed the room. She was talking with King Gayel of Eon and his Terran wife, Queen Alea.
“I feel like the three of us should thank the Gek’Dragar,” Ashtin said. “Without them, we might never have ended up with our women.”
Sten made a sound. “Let’s not go too far.”
The Gek’Dragar had been routed by the Oronis fleet and their allies. Sten had gotten word today that Ti-Lore had been freed, as had so many other worlds that the Gek’Dragar had invaded.
This time, they would monitor to ensure that the remaining Gek’Dragar didn’t grow into a ravening army again.
There were gasps and people in the hall turned.
So did Sten, and everything inside him stilled.
Carys entered the ballroom. She wore a stunning gold dress that lovingly followed the lines of her slender body. It had touches of black and green. Silky dark fabric and gold chains draped out to the beaten metal bracelets on her wrists. It almost looked like she had wings.
Her platinum blonde hair was loose, and she wore her delicate black and gold crown on her head.
She looked stunning.
She was always beautiful to him. It didn’t matter whether she was naked, laughing in bed, smiling at her people, or dressed in something magnificent like this.
She nodded and smiled at people, then her gaze lifted. When she saw him, a huge smile crossed her face.
Love swamped him. How had he gotten lucky enough to have this woman fall in love with him?
“Hello, my knightguard,” she said.
“My queen.”
“You look very handsome tonight.” She smoothed a hand across his shoulder. “And I have something for you.” She gestured to one of her servers. The man hurried over, carrying an ornate wooden box. He opened the lid.
Sten saw what was inside and grimaced.
Carys was watching him, amusement on her face. “It’s only a crown, Sten.”
He made a non-committal sound. Thankfully, it wasn’t overly large or ornate. It had a simple, masculine design and was made of black and gold metal to match hers.
She lifted it out of the box.
He knelt in front of her. “You’re lucky that I’d do anything for you.”
She settled the crown on his head, her lips curving. “I am.” Then she raised her voice. “Rise, my consort.” She leaned closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Carys.” He rose and pulled her into his arms.
She tipped her head back. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever dreamed of, Sten.”
He took her hand. Around them, everyone cheered and clapped. “Have I told you how stunning you look in that dress.”
She shot him a private smile. “Thank you. And just so you know, I still feel you. Between my legs, from when you interrupted my bath earlier.”
He fought back a shudder. Desire filled him, bright and hot.