Lights, Camera, Omega - Page 110

Even though we’ve already been traveling for nearly twenty hours when we board the smaller sea-plane,nothing can pull me down. Sol helps the captain and co-pilot to load our luggage into the modest hold of the ship with his farm boy strength.
I’m riding high on the magical beauty of this place. Every tropical paradise that I ever fantasized about as a girl seems to be made real here. I can’t wait to see what the surfing is like—how pristine all the different beaches are.
Though he hasn’t really elaborated yet—I can only assume that this means that Magnus has changed his feelings about me filming for Green Planet here in the Koro Sea.
It isn’t until we arrive at the absolutely mind-meltingly luxurious stilted villa on its own private azure cove that I start to suspect that I don’t quite know the full story.
“We’ll bring dinner to your Villa once you’re settled Mr. Wagner, please ring the main house once you’re ready.” The young valet bobs a crisp bow before exiting through the massive sliding glass door, leaving us to gush over the view of our own private in-ground pool, hanging gardens, and shimmering blue topaz water just outside the class confines of our temporary island palace.
I can’t help myself. I jump up and down, screaming like a teenager as I shake the boys by their shoulders.
“Holy shit! Can you believe this place!?” I screech.
“Of course, you can believe this place, you bastard,” I laugh maniacally at Magnus.
“You found this place—I mean how? Why now? Does this mean you’re ok with me doing Green Planet?” The words just tumble out of my mouth—my excitement getting the better of me.
Magnus smiles devilishly.
“I thought you’d never ask, Liebling.” He grins—gesturing for all of us to take a seat on the black leather sectional in the center of the sprawling living area. A large fan with blades in the shape of palm leaves spins overhead, the sun is just beginning to set, and pink and gold light, sparkles over the ocean horizon.
We take our places, all eagerly sitting around Magnus in a semi-circle as he begins his revelatory oration.
“You said a lot of things that were difficult for me to hear,” he begins, expression grave, before shrugging his shoulders and throwing up his hands.
“And yet, they were things I needed to hear,” he concedes, his manner easy again.
“Amen,” Cosmo pipes up from his place on the couch.
“I started to ask myself—why the fuck is it so important to me to ask ‘how high?’ whenever Ed Mammut says ‘jump!’” Magnus rolls his shoulders and undoes another button below his open collar as if it will make his anxious breathing easier.
“I’m Magnus fucking Wagner—Ed may be the financial backbone, but I’m the artistic heart of Panopticon Pictures and it’s time I started acting like it,” he continues.
I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m at the very edge of my seat—heart fluttering with anticipation.
“I decided to put the upcoming contractual obligation film on hold,” Magnus announces flatly, Julian perking up in his seat, Cosmo clearly already wise to this plan.
“You… Are?” Julian asks hopefully.
I don’t want to build myself up only to be broken down, so I don’t dare to wish… to hope.
“As it happens, it just didn’t make sense to continue marching blindly ahead to that old tune.” Magnus grins, turning his gaze to Cosmo.
“The male lead for that film just didn’t have his heart in acting anymore—though I did manage to talk him into serving as the composer on my next project.”
Now it’s Cosmo’s turn to flash a knowing grin.
My heart feels as if it’s going to explode in my chest, it’s beating so fast.
“Plus, my omega is going to be on location in this neck of the woods for nearly half a year.” He twirls his finger in a little loop.
“So, I figured that I’d rent this little spot—use the next six months or so to prioritize writing my next screenplay—a modern take on the classic western.” Magnus pauses meaningfully–looking at Sol and I.
I can already feel the happy tears streaming down my face before he says the words out loud.
“It just so happens that I know an incredible actor with nearly a decade of equine experience in the industry. He and the up-and-coming omega starlet I’m casting in the female lead? They’re going to absolutely burn up the screen with their chemistry.” He beams over the muffled sound of Sol’s sobs of joy.
“Of course, it goes without saying that the whole thing wouldn’t be possible without my dear beta—the one and only Julian St.James—hes a wizard with textiles. There’s no one else who could possibly do the costuming. I wouldn’t do the film without him.” Magnus reaches down a hand, tucking one of Julian’s auburn curls behind his ear.