Lights, Camera, Omega - Page 111

“I couldn’t think of doing anything without him—without any of my pack.”
We were all so overwhelmed by the high emotions from the revelations of the past few days, that we sniffled and snuggled our way through a dinner of exquisite room service before taking a quick dip and collapsing into bed.
It wasn’t until I woke this morning, my pack snoring softly in the villa’s massive bed beside me, that the reality of this new era really began to sink in.
Daphne. Me. The two of us—the stars of our very own Magnus Wagner film; simultaneously bestowing one of my greatest dreams upon me while freeing Cosmo from the shackles of the profession he’s grown to hate, while allowing him to still show his own interpretation of the same story—allowing him to continue to create with Magnus and also Julian, the way they have grown to love.
Our sunshine omega is the first of the others to wake. We lock eyes across the silent room—Daphne making little motions toward the massive glass doors to the outside, as she carefully extracts herself from the rest of our sleeping family.
Once we’re out on the deck, she lifts onto her toes and presses a kiss to my lips.
“Hey, baby?” she begins, a mischievous look pursing her lips into that little heart shape—her freckles already beginning to darken in the strength of the island sun.
“I need a partner in crime today—there are a few little somethings, I’d like to get done before tonight,” she whispers in my ear before she catches my earlobe gently between her teeth.
“Oh?” I sigh happily. “Is that so?”
“I could really use your help,” she simpers, her lips traveling down the side of my neck to my bare collarbone.
“Well, I’d hardly be a gentleman if I refused.” I collect her in my arms, lifting her several inches off the ground as I begin to walk us back toward the villa.
“But let’s be quick about it. I’m looking forward to a lot of making up for lost nights together and lounging on this perfect beach!” I warn, making sure that we tame our giggles before we re-enter, lest we wake our sleeping companions.
Thankfully, Daphne’s list of little somethings, wasn’t that hard to knock out and we were back at the villa with plenty of time to lounge by the pool and recharge our batteries ahead of the special dinner Daphne had arranged to throw that evening.
Our first stop had been to the main house to speak with the head chef about a private celebratory dinner in our temporary residence. No expense to be spared several course meal that would live on in our memories for many years to come.
Then we had hopped into the back of a rickety tuk-tuk and headed into town to make a stop at a jewelry store—the longest stop on our journey. It was time well spent though, Daphne was overjoyed with the results of her quest.
The last stop on the journey had been a considerably more shady one to a local bodega where we picked up plenty of cheap beer and ever cheaper weed to bring back to the villa before our enchanted evening in.
Evening fell quickly—the villa’s brassy, young executive chef appeared shortly after sunset, dazzling us all with seemingly endless, tiny plates of exquisite food.
Bite sized bombs of sea urchin and pickled microgreens, refreshing shrimp ceviche, braised quail with sweet and tangy fig sauce—the delicacies kept coming one after another until suddenly the young man emerged from our kitchen to give his regards and bid us good evening—the rest of his mobile staff busily cleared away the spent dishes and dirty linens on silver trolleys before disappearing entirely, leaving us alone for the remainder of the night.
“This has been truly magical,” Julian sighs as he sinks into the black leather couch—blissed out on the divine meal.
“There’s only one thing that would make it better,” Daphne beams—settling onto the couch in a somewhat awkward side saddle position.
I know what’s about to happen, but my heart is in my throat anyway.
Julian looks at her blankly as Daphne pulls a small, velvet box from somewhere unseen.
“Julian St.James,” she smiles sweetly at him, opening the little black case on its creaking hinges.
I can see Julian’s eyes widen, his mouth falling open.
“Since you and I cannot exchange the same bonds between each other the way we do with our alphas—” She reaches inside the box slowly, pulling a delicately filigreed rose gold band from its confines. “I want you to have this—a symbol of my commitment and my love for you, a symbol of infinity, an eternal cycle without an end,” Daphne’s voice wobbles as she slides the ring onto Julian’s left ring finger. “That is, if you’ll have me.”
Julian looks at the ring on his hand for several seconds, dumbfounded.
Then, he pounces—knocking Daphne on her back as he showers her in fervent kisses.
“Of course I will!” Julian cries joyfully.
We all clap and wolf whistle as Julian and Daphne wipe the tears from their eyes, Julian helping her to sit upright on the sofa once more.
“And that’s not the end of it either.” Daphne looks up—those beautiful dishy eyes flitting from me to Magnus.