Little Red - Page 39

Again, she nods. “Yes. I always suspected. Miles was an angry boy because Nash got the attention that he sought.”
“Landon killed Miles.”
“I know. He’s now buried where Nash and your grandfather are. He’s family, and I need to have him here even though I know what he’s done is unforgivable.”
My brows pull down in confusion. I understand her reasoning, though I don’t think he deserves special treatment.
“Anyway.” She continues, “After Landon dealt with Miles, Hunter ran after you. He’d seen you run into that shrub area over there.” She points in the direction I don’t even remember heading. “When he found you, you were very weak from loss of blood, and you were covered with it. It was the most horrifying sight I had ever seen. Hunter was frantic. Take a moment to think about him becoming unhinged and double that. He raced you inside and called a doctor he knows. I said you needed to go to the hospital, but he kept saying it was too dangerous.”
Fear twists in my stomach. “Obviously, everything was all right since I’m still here.” I try to make a joke of it, and May smiles. Though I know both of us are thinking the same thing—I could have died.
“Anyway, the doctor had to keep you knocked out for twenty-four hours so that your body could replenish the blood it lost, and you were hooked up to IVs for that time as well.” That I don’t remember, and they weren’t there when I woke up. “Don’t worry, dear. The doctor removed them while you slept. You’re a tough girl.”
“How was Hunter?”
“Like I said, he was frantic, but when he knew you’d be all right, so was he. He never left your side. He wanted to be there when you woke up. He blames himself for leaving you. I blame myself as well.” She hangs her head.
I reach over and take her hand, squeezing it. “Everything is all right. I’m alive, and things are right in the world.”
“If it were only that simple. Hunter’s father suspects Hunter has betrayed him.”
I pull back, my breath ceasing as the worry snakes its way through me. “What do you mean? Is Hunter in danger?”
“Oh no, honey. Hunter can handle himself. Plus, he has Landon. What I mean is that I think his father suspects Hunter is keeping you away from him. Hunter has told him that he’s still searching for you.”
I swallow the lump that’s formed in my throat. “What does Hunter intend to do when his father finds me? Because if Miles found me, it’s only a matter of time, right?”
“I’m not sure. But I know he’ll do everything in his power to keep you safe.”
May’s words keep rolling through my head.
Standing at Snowflake’s stall, I feed her the carrot and apple I brought from the house.
Hunter isn’t her grandson, and still, she trusts him like he is.
Snowflake’s wet nose nudges against my face, and I pull back, laughing as I reach out, rubbing my hand down her neck and noting how soft her coat is. She’s either seeking all the attention or looking for more to eat.
“When you’re healed, I’d love to teach you how to ride.” I jump, spinning to face Hunter.
Turning back to Snowflake, I give her another pat. “I’d like that,” I say, smiling with the memory of Hunter’s and my moment this morning fresh in my mind. I can still feel where his hands ran over my skin. It now burns as a reminder. “You’re making it very hard for me not to trust you.”
I hear a low chuckle behind me. “I want you to trust me. Hopefully, I’m showing you that I can be someone you can rely on.”
He knows exactly what he’s doing, and it’s working. My defenses are slowly beginning to crumble. The problem is, I still remember the deal we’d made. Whoever succumbs to the other first gets what they want.
Only now, I’m not sure I want to leave anymore. I love May, and I love feeling loved and cared for, which is something I’ve never experienced before. Could I be with Hunter and live with the possibility of becoming something I never thought I would have to? A possible killer?
Turning to him, I say, “You remember saying I’m only here because I was promised to you?” Folding his arms, he nods. “Is that true?”
My heart hammers in my chest. Deep down, I don’t want it to be the reason—I want him to actually want me. Possibly even love me one day when the time is right.
The way his eyes roam over my face, there’s no hardness or glare. Instead, there’s softness and something else. He moves closer, and my skin prickles with awareness. “Little Red, we all say a lot of things in the heat of the moment.”
It’s as though a weight lifts off my chest that I didn’t realize was sitting there. “Oh…” I can’t help the grin that touches my lips and my cheeks heat.
“Do you want to go for a walk?”