Little Red - Page 42

“It is, but I have another favor.”
“Can you get Nash’s letter from my original bedroom in the bedside drawer and the photos of my sisters?”
Hunter takes my hand, leading me away from his and Nash’s playhouse—a place I now feel connected to.
I remember Nash and his constant teasing of me, just for fun. I shake my head at the memory. Then, I’d thought he had a crush on me. Looking back, he was just being a big brother, bothering his little sister. That realization makes my heart swell with so much love for him.
Impatiently, I wait on the porch for Hunter to return with the things I’d asked for. I rub my neck and play with my hair, trying to keep myself busy.
Hunter steps through the door. “Are you ready?”
I swallow. “Yeah, I think so. I’m not sure how to be ready for something like this.”
He stands in front of me and leans over, placing a light kiss on my lips. Butterflies take flight in my stomach. “I’m here for you,” he whispers and takes my hand, guiding me off the porch.
We walk in silence for about five minutes and come upon a part of the land fenced off with eight headstones inside the perimeter. Some look really old. In stark contrast, there’s a fresh mound of dirt—an unmarked grave.
Chills roll over my skin. Goose bumps follow, and I can’t hide the shiver that runs through me.
There’s a bench outside the fence where Hunter walks us to, and I sit. When he doesn’t join me, I ask, “Are you going to sit?”
He shakes his head. “No. This is something you need to do, and when you’re ready, I’ll be back there.” He points to a grouping of trees in a small clearing and a bench seat. Then he hands me the envelope and pictures, my stomach instantly twisting in knots.
“Okay,” I reply.
He kisses my cheek and leaves me to my thoughts. I take a moment and look over the headstones. Nash’s has freshly picked bright yellow and black sunflowers resting on it.
I think May must have put them there, and a lump forms in my throat. She’s lost so much. How does she stay so strong in the face of all this death?
“Why couldn’t you be here to teach me to trust? I trusted you,” I whisper to Nash’s headstone. Tears form in my eyes, and I take the envelope, carefully opening it. My hands shake as I unfold the white piece of paper.
Dearest Lina,
If you’re reading this instead of seeing my gorgeous face, then obviously, something has happened. I’m sorry I can’t be with you to walk you through this hard stage of discovering who your family is and what’s yet to come.
When I found you in that diner, I thought I was looking at a younger version of our mother. I do hope you get to meet her because she is amazing. Hunter knows how to find her, and when the time is right, he’ll bring her to you. I kept her safe from our father since he thought she was behind all his daughters disappearing. He was raised by a strong woman and didn’t see what she was doing. Good one, Granny.
You have to know that what our grandmothers did was for your own good. They didn’t want you to grow up in a world that could easily have killed you before you’d had the chance to live. Hell, look at me. Most likely, dead. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep you protected from the horrors of our family life. You have a chance to make it better than what it is. You and Hunter. I’m sure if Hunter had a sister, I would have been married off to her, and you then would have been safe. Instead, they had a family of boys. Lucky them.
Now, I’m sure you’ve got a million questions. Don’t be afraid to ask May or Hunter. They’ll help you. Hunter will keep you safe. I trust him with my life.
I know you’ve had a hard life. I know the foster homes were not kind to you and that living under a bridge wasn’t ideal, but you are so strong. You have the strength needed for this, even if you don’t think you do.
I love you, Little Red. That name came from me, by the way. You came home from the hospital in a red outfit, wrapped in a beautiful red blanket that Granny made you. I was two, and Granny read me Little Red Riding Hood, and from then on, I called you Little Red, and so did Hunter. We were and still are really good friends.
Trust Hunter. Trust Granny, and know that I love you. I’m so thankful I got to meet and get to know you, even if only a little. Promise me that when you and Hunter take over, you’ll find your sisters and keep them safe. They’re amazing women—exactly like their big sister.
I better stop writing before I start crying. Remember, I love you.
Forever in your heart,