Little Red - Page 7

What if he’s trying to get close to me only to take me and finish what he started?
He did save me, though. Perhaps he’s trying to protect me.
My body trembles at the thought of getting dirt tossed on me in a shallow grave again. The mere thought of being buried alive causes fear to claw at my insides. The pulsing from my heart in my ears is a solid reminder that I’m okay. I’m alive.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you,” he assures me.
Was it a lucky guess that he presumed I was freaking out?
Or something more?
I make my way to my bedroom. “Here we go again, speaking in riddles. Is this some kind of game you’re playing with me? Trying to kill me again, are you?” I swallow the concrete lump which has formed in my throat.
“Get dressed, and then we can talk.”
I shut the door behind me and quickly dig out some clothes from my dresser. Pulling on some underwear, followed by black sweatpants and a plain pink loose tank top, I suck in a breath before pulling the door open.
His pine scent has taken over my living room. I flick off the bedroom light to keep the light from filling the living room, and I can just make out his figure sitting on my couch. Thankfully, the light coming through the windows is enough to make sure I don’t stub my toe on anything.
Since I only have one couch, and he’s currently occupying one side of it, I sit at the opposite end, unsure if he will lunge at me with something. Although I’m sure if that was his intent, he would have done it when I was in the shower.
“Don’t worry, Red. I won’t hurt you.” His voice is low and smooth, sending a thrill right through me.
“What are you doing here, and how did you get in? I lock up every time I come through the door.”
I hear him chuckle and wish I could see his face. I’m not sure he smiles much. “I know the owner of your building.”
Oh, here we go. “Let me guess, you’re the owner of this particular building?” My wisecrack earns me another laugh.
“No. Really, the owner is a friend, and he let me in.”
My stomach twists and not in a good way. An anxious sensation crawls up my throat.
“You said it’s not safe for you to be here or something. What’s all that about?” Nervousness laces my voice.
Hunter suddenly shifts in his seat, and I bolt upright. He reaches out, catching my wrist as a scream gets caught in my throat. “I’m not going to hurt you. You didn’t respond to my messages, so I got worried and came to you. That’s why I’m here.”
My body relaxes slightly, but I can’t shake the unease I feel within me.
I pull myself from his grip and stay standing. “Do you realize I could just call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering?”
He scoffs. “You could try.” He sighs, then continues, “Red, will you sit down and let me talk to you for a moment? You want answers, don’t you?”
I nod but then realize he can’t see me. “Yes.”
He taps the couch, and I hesitantly sit, huddling myself into the corner to keep my distance. I watch his dark silhouette, analyzing it, trying to figure out if he’s about to pounce and kill me.
“Now, Red, this story isn’t a happy one. It’s full of death and betrayal. The betrayal coming from your family and why my family is out to kill yours.”
“What?” I shout. I snatch my cell off the coffee table, my hands trembling, my breaths coming fast. “I knew it. You’re a liar. You are here to kill me.”
My shaking finger tries to dial 911. As I’m about to press the call button, the phone is pulled from my grip. I race around the other side of my couch, my legs moving fast toward my bedroom.
Strong arms wrap around me, and I release a scream. Immediately, a large hand covers my mouth. Lifting my feet, I try pushing Hunter off with my weight. It does nothing. He doesn’t even budge.
“Will you stop? I told you I’m not here to hurt you. If anything, I need your help.” He growls into my ear from behind.