Little Song Bird Is Pregnant - Chapter 100 - Walk On Water

Chapter 100 – Walk On Water
The cold wind froze his eyebrows. Even his eyelashes were not spared. A thick layer of ice formed over his lashes, pulling his eyes down.
Wren touched his eyes once again. The heat from his hand melted it. "Feng, you doing good? Feeling cold?" he worriedly touched the bump in his shirt.
Feng nuzzled close to his chest. "I'm good. Are you cold? Do you want me to share some of my spiritual energy?"'
"No," his lover was a fire beast. his spiritual energy could really warm his body. But even in his small form, if he expended more of his energy, then he would not have control over his transformation.
The climb was very hard. The rocks were very slippery and covered in a layer of ice. They were only at the bottom of the mountain. Even so, it was frigid cold.
Wren trembled slightly.
"Revolve your spiritual energy Wren. You should not freeze. letting your body temperature drop in this mountain is the most dangerous,"'
Wren followed his orders. He revolved his spiritual energy in his body. His core that was slowly rotating sped up a bit, pushing warm blood into his veins.
The warmth was well welcomed. He really felt comforted…
Little about ten minutes walking in the trail Wren aw someone ahead. It was a person. He was leaning on his sword, struggling to stand upright.
Even from the distance, he could hear his loud panting.
"That's what happens if you don't cover your mouth and nose. This spiritual energy is very cold and pure; it easily invades your system and freezes everything it touches. that guy probably has hypothermia. It's beyond saving,"
Wren frowned deeply. "Do participants actually die during these tests?"
"Obviously yes, it's a risk the youngsters are willing to take to achieve glory,"'
Wren did not understand the concept of glory. It did not provide one with power and does not possess any kind of monetary value. Why would people cherish it so much? Why would people crave it so much?
In his clan, no one cared about or even talked about the words glory and honor. All they cared about was their day-to-day food, their safety, and their livelihood.
'City is really different. Or maybe it's the humans who are different.' He thought as he walked past him.
The young man suddenly grabbed his scarf. "girl…g-give me… your scarf…. give me…."
Wren pushed his hand away and wrapped the scarf carefully around his neck. These clothes were a gift from his lover he did not wish to share it with anyone.
"hey…. you know.. who I am…. I'm… the second master of Atul family!…. you…"
Wren did not bother at all. But inside he made a careful note. Atul family had bred generations upon generations of warriors. The young powerful knights and warriors from around the five-kingdom were known to originate from this particular family.
Wren glanced back. The young man was clearly panting unable to take a breath. 'is this what the call strong.. Maybe that definition is different for humans and beasts.'
"Keep moving, some of them had figured out the spot of the examination. Hurry!" Feng urged him by biting his nipple.
Hissing out loud, Wren walked on.
After a few minutes, he came across a huge frozen waterfall and a slowly moving river.
Ominous sounds of creaking and cracking of ice echoed around sending a chill down his spine.
Wren took a deep breath and calmed his mind a bit. This was just the base of the mountain they had a lot of paths to cover. If he slowed down here he will lose a lot of time.
The thin ice layer that had formed at the top was cracked into smaller sheets and they were rushing away with the gushing flow of the river.
Wren frowned deeply. Swimming was not an option either. If he got wet in any way, the cold will definitely freeze his body. He squatted down and touched the water.
Feng popped his head out shivering. "What's your plan? I say you should use your sword. It will be hard to control but.."
Wren just jumped onto the thin ice sheet.
"Wren! Are you crazy! It will crack!"
"Only if I stop," he continued running over the river at the high speed. His feet barely landed on the sheet of ice. Every time the tip of his foot touched the ice would crack or even show signs of melting.
It was the only disadvantage of having his fire spiritual energy. It kept him warm but also at the same time it melted the snow easily.
With one last jump, he landed on the other side of the shore.
"Phew that was not so hard, was it?" he glanced back. The place he had jumped was fully melted leaving only a small shards of ice here and there.
"Nah you just lucked out. Stop being so impulsive! It was a really risky move!" Feng bit his nipple.
"Baby, I gave you free permission to bite, but please don't bite my poor nipple off."
"I'll bite all I want!" Feng bit him in rage.
Wren took him out if his shirt and kissed his head nuzzling against is soft feathers. "You think I was impulsive. Look again," he held up a brown feather from his sleeve.
"what…" Feng took a good look at it.
It was not a normal feather rather it was Hua Ro's feather. "Wren….. you genius!"
Feng a phoenix he was a fire bird and Hua Ro who was a ice bird. Even one of his single feathers can freeze anything with ease.
His mate cleverly used that to decrease the water temperature even more and so that the thin ice sheets became much thicker.
Wren smirked at him, wiggling his brows. "See I'm not that impulse enough to risk your life."
He glanced ahead of the path. The small path ended and now in front of him stood a huge vertical wall-like mountain. From this point on they would have to climb up.
He walked close and inspected it. The cliff mainly consisted of rocks, loose sand, and ice. it was not a perfect place to climb up.
If he did, the rocks will tumble down. Keeping his grip on this vertical mountain would be difficult.
Wren moved to different spots on the wall like cliff, searching for the right place to start his climb.
At the corner near the waterfall, Wren could get a firm grip. Eth frozen ice shards were also as hard as a rock. It gave a very good surface to climb on.
Carefully, he tucked Feng inside his shirt again and made sure to stuff even more clothed in. even if he fell down Feng would not get hurt that badly and will be cushioned by the clothes.
"Be careful," Feng whispered ever so softly.
Wren steadily climbed up one step at a time. He made sure to keep a form step before he climbed up further.
The vertical wall of ice was at least a few hundred feet high.
Looking up, Wren sighed. "it's really a tough journey,"'
"You just have to brave through it," Feng said softly, licking his nipple.
"Feng baby, not now. it's not a place to get hard."
"Why are you getting hard? You idiot, I was only trying to soothe the bite marks I left behind," Feng exclaimed loudly.
"Baby you licked my nipple," Wren said as a matter of fact as he stepped up.
The higher he climbed up, the harder it was to breathe. Even with the scarf around his face, the cold wind infiltrated his nose.
He felt his nostrils freeze.
Swiftly he revolved his spiritual energy to his nose and his throat. Except he kept the spiritual energy away from his hands.
He was currently climbing the cliff right by the icy wall waterfall. If even one of the ice shards melted, it will be very dangerous for him,
He could feel the tips of his fingers freeze over.
He gritted his teeth and hastened his phase.
In about an hour he finally reached the top of the vertical mountain. He could barely breathe. The air pressure and the spiritual energy were putting a lot of pressure on his body.
Panting softly, he grabbed the edge of the cliff and pulled himself up. he laid on the snowy ground for a second catching his breath.
"You did it!!" Feng happily shouted from inside his shirt.
Wren opened his eyes. A shadow hovered over his face.
"Eh? Someone else got here after us…" a soft voice whispered
Wren immediately sat up with his sword in hand,
"Whoa, we don't mean any harm," the young girl said with a smirk. She had waist-long blue hair and her shimmering red eyes looked like red rubies in the icy terrain. Besides her, was a black-haired girl who gave him a dull look. They both were wearing a red shirt with a leather vest and black pants. I looked more like a uniform.
Only one thought arose in Wren's mind.. 'The Sheli family…they must be from the Sheli family.'