Malo - Page 54

“Yeah, I think I can manage that,” I reply. “I don’t have much in the way of medical training, but?—”
“It’s not so much about that, though I’d appreciate it if you could keep an eye on her in that respect too,” he replies, smiling. There’s a warmth to him when he talks about Bella, as though it opens up some other side of him that he normally does his best to keep cut off. I like this side of Beast a lot better, and I guess agreeing to all of this is the smartest way I can keep on the right side of him.
“So more than just someone to vent to?” I ask. “When she’s having a hard time?”
“Someone she can share it all with,” he replies. “That’s what I want from her. That, and….”
He pauses, staring at me, his eyes suddenly hardening. “Someone who can take care of her if it comes down to that.”
“Take care of her?”
“Protect her,” he replies bluntly. “I’ve heard you’re a good shot. And I need someone who can keep an eye on her, keep everything under control. They’re not going to expect someone like you to be ready to fight, so you’ll have the element of surprise. If it comes to it.”
“If it comes to it,” I echo after him, trying not to let the weight of his words hit me too hard. This was Beast’s girlfriend, after all. And his baby. A baby. If I fuck up…
No, I’m not going to fuck it up. He’s right, I am a damn good shot, and I’m not going to let anything happen to Bella, especially if getting my father back depends on her safety.
“Yeah, I can handle that,” I reply. “You give me a gun, and I’ll do everything I can to look out for Bella. You have my word on that.”
“Then I’ll do everything I can to get your father out of there safe,” he replies, and he stretches his hand out to me. “Do we have a deal?”
I take his hand and shake it as firmly as I can. I still can’t believe I’m making deals with motorcycle gang bosses like this, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, and he’s trusted me with his girl, with his baby. That has to count for something.
I just have to make certain I don’t do anything to fuck this up.
I get to my feet.
“Sorry for just busting in here,” I tell him with a sheepish look, and he chuckles.
“You’ve got some fucking balls on you, I’ll give you that,” he remarks, getting to his feet and pushing open the door for me. “Now, get out of here. Go check on Malo. He’s going to need someone to look after him.”
I nod, and just before I leave, Beast speaks again.
“You think he’s going to be all right?” he asks. He does his best to keep his voice casual, but I can tell from the furrow in his brow that he’s genuinely concerned. He might play tough as nails most of the time, but it’s obvious he cares about the Kings. Malo especially. Probably senses how vulnerable he is, because of his addiction.
“I think so,” I reply. “We’ll need to see what the long-term effects of the drug are. His memory’s pretty foggy right now, but other than that, he looks to be healing up all right.”
“Good,” Beast mutters, and he waves me off, back to keep an eye on Malo again. As I head out to see him, I feel a little more certain of myself than when I walked in. I know there is still a whole hell of a lot up in the air, but at least I have a better idea of where I stand.
For now, at least.
Itoss and turn, my head pounding as I try to remind myself that I’m safe, I’m here, I’m at the compound where I belong.
My body feels as though it has been dragged through several car accidents backward. Now that the effects of the drug are wearing off, I’m starting to get hit with the full reality of the bullshit-stupid decision I made, and I have no idea how long it’s going to take to recover, not just my health but the King’s trust.
Maria is sleeping in the small chair next to me. I wake up every now and then and look over, checking she’s still there. She makes all of this a hell of a lot easier, at least mentally. Knowing there’s someone here who’s got my back, someone willing to crumple themselves up into a tiny chair for my benefit, it’s everything I need right now.
My head, though, is a total fucking mess, my memories a jumbled mess. One moment, I am in the street behind the bar, waiting for a dealer to arrive so I can go home and snort a few lines. The next moment I’m nineteen, cold in the harsh winter of Houston, wondering how it is back home, still feeling out of place.
And then, I’m twenty, meeting Beast for the first time, his sharp eyes looking me up and down as he takes me in and tries to work out if I can make something of myself. And I’m so fucking desperate that I accept his help, even though I know he’s probably trouble. I’ve heard about the Kings, but it’s not enough to keep me away. They’re not cartel, I tell myself, and that has to count for something.
And then, I’m a kid again, I’m playing with a toy car on the front porch, I can feel the warm sun beating down on my back, and it feels as though this will go on forever. Life will always be this easy. Nothing is going to change…
It’s like a fever waiting to break, and I don’t know what it’s going to take to get rid of the rush of memories piling on top of each other inside my head. I want to cry out, but no noise will escape my aching throat. I wrap the thin blanket around myself, shaking hard but sweating at the same time, trying to get at least a little sleep.