More Than Meets the Eye - Page 93

An illuminated exit sign.
She knew there was a rear door that led to a stairwell, but she had no idea where it went. Tech workers came and went from there during her interviews.
She pushed open the door and felt the rough concrete walls of the stairwell. As the door closed behind her, she heard her pursuer staggering toward her.
She ran and half fell, half stumbled down the concrete stairs.
Her ankle twisted, and she felt pain in her wrist as she caught herself on the landing. She crawled toward the next set of stairs.
Except there were none.
End of the line.
She’d felt something on the way down. She stood and brushed her hands over the wall and felt a smooth glass case.
A firehose?
She struck the glass with her elbow. As it shattered over and around her, she gripped a large, jagged piece in her right hand.
She crouched on the stairs, barely feeling the glass slicing into her fingers.
The door swung open above her.
Could he see her? Or was it dark in here, too?
He didn’t move for a long moment.
“Olivia…There’s nowhere left to run.”
She held her breath.
He stepped forward, then back on the landing.
He couldn’t see her. It was dark in here, too! He didn’t know if she’d gone up or down…
“Sorry you found yourself in this position, Olivia…It’s your friend Kendra’s fault, not yours.”
She squeezed the glass piece harder, and blood dripped from her fingers.
“I can’t promise you won’t suffer, Olivia…I’ve gone through a lot of trouble to make this happen, and I need something forme.”
Sick son of a bitch.
Her ankle throbbed, and the ache from her wrist was growing more intense by the second.
“I’m impressed, Olivia…If I wasn’t so angry about the trouble you’ve given me, I might even be easier on you. You put up a good fight. But I’m afraid—
He stopped short. He was reacting to some commotion behind him.
Glass breaking. Shouting men.
He chuckled. “Too bad. Another time, Olivia…”
He bolted from the stairwell.