My Salvation - Page 107

Heath nodded. “At the moment, yes.”
Priest screeched behind them, then smashed his claws into the building next to them.
Heath huffed. “Do you want to knock stone bits into her wounds?” he demanded, glaring at the impossibly large bird.
Gaius stood next to Priest. “He’s in his third form. They can rarely be reasoned with.”
Priest opened his beak wide.
“If you screech one more time, I’ll give you diarrhea for a month,” Heath threatened.
Priest closed his beak.
“Isn’t he cute?” she asked, no one in particular.
“You know it’s love,” Neil said.
“Yeah, because right now, he is straight-up nightmare fuel,” Nigel agreed.
Heath turned to Luca. “Tell Ilian to get either Meryn or Aiden to arrange a direct portal to Noctem Falls,” he ordered.
Luca relayed the message, and they waited.
“Doesn’t hurt,” she whispered.
“That’s not exactly a good thing, hun,” Heath said, worry in his eyes.
“I want Priest.”
Heath looked over. “She wants you, and your huge fluffy ass won’t fit through the alley, so rein your shit in. That is an order.”
Gaius shook his head. “He won’t…”
The creature that she knew was her mate doubled over and screeched in pain. They could hear bones snapping as he fought his bird.
She concentrated on the piece of him that was within her. “It’s okay, my love.”
Priest suddenly shuddered and shimmered back to his normal human form.
Without saying a word, Helios removed his pants and offered them to his brother, leaving him standing there in his boxer briefs. Gaius stripped off his shirt and helped Priest dress against the cold.
Trembling Priest stumbled toward her. Taking her hand, he gave her a trembling smile. “This was not on our list of things to do today.”
She smiled and closed her eyes. “I was really looking… forward…”
“To the spectacular sex? I know,” he joked, wiping his eyes with his free hand.
“No…idiot. Our… Minecraft…game,” she said, then opened her eyes to look at him.
“We’re clear for transport!” Luca said, hand to his ear. “We have to get her to the city center. The portal is open, and they are expecting her in Noctem Falls.”
Heath stared. “They couldn’t open a portal here?”
Luca shook his head. “They tried at the end of the street. Something residual from the other portal is blocking it. The city center was the closest they could get.”
“We need to keep her flat.”
“Helios, grab Aurora’s arms,” Vesta ordered.