My Salvation - Page 90

The small woman got to her knees in her chair and turned to look at her squire. “You wouldn’t feed me shifter nuggies, would you?”
He shrugged. “That depends on how angry they made you.”
Meryn sighed happily. “You so get me.” Spinning around, she sat back down.
At her side, Aiden was banging his head on the table slowly.
Priest stood. “Imminent danger over?”
Ari nodded. “Why? Hot date?”
Priest grinned. “You’ll notice, Cas said she almost became celibate.”
Ari waved them on. “Go make eggs,” he teased.
Cas looked at Brie. “Has your mate gotten you Peter’s latest mocha brownies?”
Brie’s eyes narrowed. “He has yet to get me anything from the Brick Oven.”
Ari’s mouth dropped. “Low blow.”
Cas shrugged. “I’m only concerned with Priest’s blows.” She winked at Brie who winked back. Cas led her mate from the room, closing the door behind them.
“I think holidays will be amazing,” she said as they walked back toward House Illiya. Having sisters-in-arms, as it were, when it came to dealing with the warriors was turning out to be some of the best fun she had had in years.
“I can almost guarantee it,” Priest promised.
Chapter Thirteen
Cas felt a deep-seated contentment that warmed her heart and kept a smile on her face. She peeked over at her mate and saw that his face also bore a soft grin, and his eyes twinkled with happiness.
“How about we postpone our gaming evening and relax at House Illiya tonight,” she suggested.
Priest nodded absently. “Whatever you want, darling.”
You, you silly man. I want you.
She had plans to seduce her mate. She just had to get him alone for a while and shut out the world for the night.
“I wonder what Eion made for dinner,” she mused out loud.
“Knowing his sense of humor, chicken,” Priest guessed, causing her to giggle. It actually wasn’t that far-fetched of an idea.
Upon arriving at home, they made their way to the kitchen. “We’re home!” she called out.
Eion came in from the side sitting area. “Welcome home, dearest. Everything okay now?” he asked, raising a brow.
She walked around the island and gave her squire a hug. “Yes. Sorry for worrying you earlier.”
He kissed the top of her head, then steered her to the table where bowls and platters of food waited.
Priest joined her at the table. “Smells amazing, Eion.”
“I was going to serve roast chicken, but thought that might be insensitive given today’s events,” Eion said before lifting the cover off the center plate.
Priest snort laughed and pointed at the Eion as if to say, ‘I told you so’.
“Cord, from the palace, gifted us some delectable pork. He said they’d be unable to use it all before it went bad, and for something this good, it would be a waste to freeze it. The visiting Vanguard appreciated it as well.”