On the Hunt - Page 48
“No time like the present.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Kira said. “Hannah told me you already booked some appointment time for me.”
He took her hand and led her toward the sleds. “I did. For right now. I guarantee you’re going to love it.”
Harlan was already aboard the barge when Kira brought her sled close enough for Hannah’s crew to anchor it firmly in its berth next to Harlan’s more than an hour later. But it was Harlan’s face she saw first as he bent over to help her out of her sled and lift her onto the deck of the barge. He was grinning from ear to ear as he swung her in an exuberant circle. “Have a nice trip?”
“Wonderful! You know I did.” She gave him a hug. “Can’t you tell how excited I am? What a fantastic new toy you’ve managed to develop this time, Harlan. You really know how to show a girl a good time.”
“I actually thought it was you who was showing me the good time.” He kissed the tip of her nose before releasing her. “I’m glad you thought my humble effort was worth your attention. You were the one in the lead; I was only trailing behind you for most of the run. I expected you to wave me back to the barge and go find that treasure by yourself.”
“I wouldn’t do that. This was something we agreed to do together. Besides, it was the wrong location. Good for a spin with your sleds, but I’ve already found the approximate area where I thought the treasure would be found. This side has the wrong structure and lack of caves on this side of the shore.” She saw Hannah coming out of the control room and whirled toward her. “It was great, wasn’t it? Aren’t you proud of him?” She added quickly, “And yourself and the team, of course.”
“Of course,” Hannah said solemnly. “We all did well. Or so the progress reports told me today. But the genius in our midst might have had a good deal more to do with it than the rest of us. He tends to do that, I’ve noticed. That’s why I came to work for him all those years ago. I knew I’d get all the glory and attention that rubbed off from him if I hung around long enough.”
“Stop being modest,” Harlan said. “It doesn’t become you. You tell me often enough how many times you get asked to leave me in the lurch and go to work for competitors. Were the reports on the sleds really that good?”
Hannah nodded. “The preliminary was great. I’ll be doing the final once I check out the onboard data recorders.”
“Then let’s do it,” Kira said. “Harlan needs to know what a great job he did. May I help?” She frowned. “No, I might get in the way. But I’ll learn more later. Oh, well, I guess I did my share earlier with the test dive.”
“And an excellent job it was,” Harlan said soberly. “So let me go along with Hannah while you get busy on making a report to show me what you meant about the wrong cavern structure and lack of caves. I don’t want to be left in the shade again.”
“I’ll do that,” Kira said. “I’ll go change and then when you’ve finished, can we take Hannah up to the hills for lunch and let her see the dogs and horses? I want to hear more about her work, and you can introduce her to Aban. He’s such a terrific scuba diver that I imagine he might be a big help to her.”
“We’ll give her the opportunity to find out,” Harlan said. “No pressure, Hannah.”
“Never,” Hannah scoffed. “Not from you, Harlan. But I’m afraid I’m more interested in submersible vehicles than dogs or horses. However, I’d like to hear about some of your experiences, Kira. Belson had a few fascinating tales to tell. Lunch it is.”
Kira watched them as they headed for the control room.
Harlan glanced back at her before he followed Hannah. “Okay? If you want to try your hand at going through those reports, it’s up to you. It’s just that it can get pretty boring. I didn’t want to inflict it on you since you’ve evidently had such a good day.”
She shook her head. “You don’t have to hold my hand.” She smiled. “It has been a great day, Harlan. And I believe it will get better.” She gestured for him to follow Hannah. “Go get your work done. After I change, I’m going to sit in the sunshine and look out at the sea and think about how good it was and what we might be able to find next time we decide to go down and have another look… It’s good to realize that in a world that has ghastly ghouls like Taylor running around, there’s still adventure and brilliant people like Hannah Bryson, and maybe new things to discover. Tomorrow could be very exciting…”
“Kira Drake is definitely here,” Donovan told Taylor when he answered the phone. “My reports from Morocco that I sent you earlier said that Harlan’s personal assistant Carl Belson had arrived at the Harlan factory there. But it seems Harlan brought Drake directly here to Hathor Island. Because a barge arrived at a seaport on the far side of the island today, and she and Harlan were definitely using underwater equipment to explore the area.”
Taylor cursed. “You’re sure?”
“Would I steer you wrong?” Donovan chuckled as he adjusted his binoculars more closely on the two people on the deck of the barge. “I couldn’t be more certain. I’m on the cruiser you hired, and I’m a good distance away from the barge that brought in the submersible equipment they’re using. But I’d recognize Drake anywhere after my trip to get you off those cliffs in Colorado. She’s looking very cozy with Harlan at the moment. Sort of like a contented cat basking in the sun.”
“We know what she’s probably looking for,” Taylor said. “If she’s brought Harlan into the picture, it’s even better news. Two for the price of one.”
“For a raid on Kalim’s stronghold?” Donovan asked. “I’ll have to bring in additional men if we’re going that route. That’s no small island Kalim controls, plus there’s the sea all around it to deal with.”
“Not right now. Have them ready, but I’m not sure where I’ll need them yet.” Taylor started to laugh. “Though I’m beginning to have an inkling where that might occur. Just keep an eye on what’s going on with Drake. I want to know everything she does.”
Donovan didn’t answer for a moment. “No problem. But you’re still going after the treasure, aren’t you? You promised me a fat bonus.”
“Do you really think I’d give up a fortune just for a quick kill? I’m no fool, Donovan. The aim is always to have it all. Remember that, and you might get that bonus. Don’t worry. There will be work for you very soon…”
Hannah Bryson stayed for lunch and didn’t leave the hills until almost dark. The good thing was that she seemed to be getting along very well with Aban, and the young man was frankly besotted with her and followed her around like an eager puppy. Before the day was over, she’d invited him to the barge the next day, and he had accepted ecstatically and asked permission from Kira to drive Hannah back to the barge so that he could see the sleds.
“All is going well in Emerald City,” Harlan murmured as he watched Aban drive down the road. “Now can we go back to your tent and see the underwater maps you drew for me?”