On the Hunt - Page 49

“I don’t see why not.” She moved away from the fire and strolled toward the lake. She was very contented with how the day had gone. “Emerald City… that’s from The Wizard of Oz, isn’t it? Wicked is one of my favorite musicals.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. It’s a fairy tale. You’re partial to them, aren’t you? That’s how you came here to Hathor Island. I’ll wager Kalim told you a few tall tales, didn’t he?”
“No, he didn’t. That’s your story, and it’s not really true. He told me what he believed was truth based on what his ancestors had told him all his life about both the geology and customs of this island.” She stopped in front of her tent. “And it turned out that he was being as honest with me as he could.”
“Cleopatra’s burial tomb?” he asked skeptically.
She shook her head. “No, that wasn’t exactly true as we know it. But it could have been. The archaeologists are still looking.” She pulled him into the tent and lit the lamp. “And we both thought there was a possibility she could have been buried near one of the wells or caves in the Valley of the Kings. So I was just as guilty as Kalim when he asked me to come here to check out the desert wells and cave systems in his own country.”
“But Cleopatra hasn’t been found yet.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen tomorrow or the next day. Miracles happen.”
“And so do fairy tales,” Harlan said. “If you’re willing to believe them.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “And if that’s what you want, then it’s fine with me. But a few words of reason would not go amiss if you’d care to expound a bit.”
“Allow me,” she said mockingly as she pulled him down beside her on the bed and opened her notebook. “The reason why we’re not going to explore that same area we were in today is that although the basic structure that supports the island is principally limestone, the entire network of sea caves is on the other side of the island from where we are now.”
“Caves?” Harlan repeated as he gazed down at her sketch. “Is that the goal you’re going for, Kira? Why?”
“Because caves have traditionally offered both secure hiding places and a way to intrigue and intimidate anyone else who might be a little too curious.” She shivered. “Though caves can be very inhospitable. But they’ve always fascinated me. I grew up on Summer Island and learned how to herd and track in other wild countries as well. Lots of caves to explore.”
“Why inhospitable?” He leaned back on his elbow. “Did you find Kalim’s cave inhospitable?”
Suffocating darkness. Sounds in the swishing of the blackness of the water that should never have been there…
She shook her head to clear it. “I was speaking in general. But I was always a great reader, both in college and with my duties herding in the fields. Naturally I’d come across stories about caves and the people who now and then discover something new about them.”
“Such as?”
“Cavers who wanted to explore them principally for adventure. Or scientists trying to learn about the world around them by studying prehistoric history carved on the walls.”
“What else?”
Kira searched wildly for another example. “I guess I should mention the Mayan leaders who sometimes drowned their sacrifices in the cenotes outside their temple caves?”
“That’s interesting. I didn’t know you’d been to visit those Mayan temples.”
“What difference does it make? I’ve been to a lot of places you don’t know about.”
“It was just a comment. We ought to compare notes sometime.”
“Why on earth are you being so inquisitive?”
“It goes with the territory. I’m one of those curious scientists you mentioned.” He tilted his head as he gazed at her. “And there was something in your expression when you were talking about those caves… I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. But it bothered me. Tell me more.”
“You’re being totally ridiculous.” She shrugged. “Let’s see…” She searched her memory. “They say Zeus was born in a cave, and the Japanese sun goddess Amatarasu hid in a cave, plunging the world into darkness.” She snapped her fingers. “And how could I forget? King Arthur and his Round Table and hounds are said to be sleeping peacefully in a Welsh cave waiting for a powerful, mystical visitor who will summon them once again to battle.”
“Ah, now we’re getting into the real drama.”
“May I stop now? Why are you so concerned about those blasted caves?”
“It’s not the caves, it’s how you felt about them that bothered me.”
She had a sudden thought. “I remember the day we arrived on Summer Island, you were telling me that you were going to get to know me, everything about me. Is that what this is all about? I don’t appreciate that, Harlan. Everyone deserves to have a little mystery in their lives.”
“I’d guess you have more than a little.”
“Perhaps I do. It makes life more exciting and different, doesn’t it? Though you probably lead a far more exciting life than I do. I don’t see why it’s bothering you.”