On the Hunt - Page 61

She was still frowning. “Why not?”
“Because you’re a woman and Abdullah was found murdered. Kalim didn’t want the villagers to think he wasn’t taking the death seriously. He had to call in the police from Morocco, and he also realizes I have contacts with them.”
“Murdered?” she whispered. “How?”
“Stab wound in the throat,” Harlan said. “Very nasty. Kalim said to tell you that it wasn’t that he didn’t respect you.”
“No, I don’t like it, but I understand,” Kira said. “Abdullah was head of his village.” She shook her head. “Give me a call as soon as you find out any details, and let me know what’s happening. In the meantime, I’ll try to get on the phone with Kalim.”
“You’ll probably know something as soon as I do,” Harlan said as he kissed her cheek. “Kalim’s man is outside waiting for me. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Then he was gone, and a few minutes later she heard the sound of a car as it left the encampment.
There was no way she was going to go back to sleep now.
She’d finish getting dressed and then go out to the campfire and talk to the herders about this horror. They would be even more devastated than she was because Abdullah was one of their own.
And it was Abdullah who had gone after the cruiser that might have been watching Harlan and her on the barge. Connection? Very likely. Which meant the threat was deadly and aimed in their direction. But how was he going to execute it? There was no question he would let them know soon—he enjoyed his vicious little games too much. Perhaps he’d already put them in play.
There was no question he wanted the treasure as much as he wanted the deaths he’d already planned. Harlan. Fiona. Not to forget her own. Taylor had probably struck at Abdullah because he was an easy target. So she had to go back to the other potential victims. How would he go after them? What was new or different in their lives that would make it easier for Taylor to pounce?
New or different…
She suddenly stiffened. There was nothing in that category about her life or Harlan’s at present. Harlan had seen to it that they were both protected here on Hathor Island.
New or different.
But Fiona had something new and different in her life. Why had Kira not thought of that immediately?
Her hands were shaking as she dialed Fiona’s number.
But Fiona did not pick up.
She dialed again. This time she got Fiona’s voicemail.
Fiona’s voice was cheerful and filled with energy when her message came on the line.
Hi, I’ll call you back when I get the chance. But things are happening and you’ll have to stand in line. I promise to make it up to you. And who wouldn’t want to wait for me?
For all of two minutes, Kira felt a little better about Fiona; her sickening feeling faded. But then she was dialing her phone again and leaving her own message.
Fiona. This is Kira. I need you to call me back right away. You’re not the only one who’s worrying about things happening. I got to thinking about Golden Boy and then about my own Mack. Taylor used Mack because he knew that I cared about him, and he was right. He’s always going to use the people and animals we care about. What would be easier than making Golden Boy sick and then hijacking the vet you sent for to treat him? If your vet isn’t on the island yet, I need you to be cautious when he gets there. I’m going to call Sarah and have her alert her guard detail right away. I hope to God it’s not too late. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of this, Fiona. I’m not going to let anything happen to either you or Golden Boy. Please, please, call me back as soon as you get this.
She cut the connection and started to call Sarah.
But she was already receiving a call…
Unknown number.
“Hello, Kira,” Taylor said mockingly. “You persist in coming late to every party. Fairly soon you won’t be receiving my invitations any longer. I know that would upset you.”