On the Hunt - Page 74

“Not a bad idea,” Kalim said, “as long as Sinbad isn’t going to buck you off his back and then trample you. I assume you’re assuring me that’s not going to happen?”
She smiled. “I’m safe with him. Give me another month, and he’ll be safe for almost anyone to ride. He just didn’t understand that his behavior wasn’t acceptable. Can you blame him? He’s been king of all he surveyed since the day he was born. It was obviously ingrained in his DNA.” She was suddenly smiling. “Just as it was in yours.” Then her smile faded and she frowned thoughtfully. “And you can tell just by looking at him. It would be no wonder if Taylor decided to go after him if he got the chance. He knows the value of an exceptional horse when he sees one. He saw it when he was using Golden Boy to try to kidnap me. He told me then that he was too valuable to destroy. I hated Taylor, but I was grateful at the time that Golden Boy was safe.” She gazed at Kalim. “But what if he saw me riding Sinbad and decided he really wanted him? What could we do if—”
“No, Fiona,” Kalim said firmly. “Don’t give me any more what-ifs. Harlan would be justifiably furious with me if I exposed you to a risk like that. Besides, Harlan has enough on his plate down in those caves trying to survive. He doesn’t need another challenge because you want to be involved in the rescue.” He got back on his horse. “You stay here in the woods with Sinbad and do a little training just as you planned. I’ll let you know any news about Kira as soon as I hear anything. Okay?”
She nodded. “No, it’s not, but what can I say? As long as I can keep your blasted island safe and away from Taylor, I’ll do anything I can.” She paused. “Unless I find a way that sounds more foolproof. Then I don’t promise anything.” She pulled the horse’s reins and turned back into the forest. “But you can give Aban a call and tell him that I’m not in any danger from Sinbad. The last thing I want is for him to come running after me because he thinks I’m still the lady in distress he rescued before.”
“I can see how that would annoy you,” Kalim said. “Aban meant well. His instincts are good. He’s just not accustomed to ladies in distress being able to bring wild horses to attention with a single glance. Though he’s known Kira long enough to be familiar with the concept. I’ll give him your message, and I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from Harlan.”
“You’re worried about him, aren’t you?” Fiona asked.
He looked back over his shoulder at her. “I should lie and tell you I’m not,” he said. “But you said you respect me, and I won’t violate that trust. I’m beginning to respect you, too, Fiona. Yes, I’m very worried. I’ve been down there in those caves where they’re playing their games with Taylor. It can be strange… and very intimidating. Kira and Harlan are exceptionally tough, and they have an excellent chance to survive. But you’re right to be concerned. Just know that I’ll be doing everything I can to keep the balance on our side.”
Fiona tried to smile. “So will I. Thank you for being honest with me.” She nudged Sinbad forward. “Come on, Sinbad, we’re not quite on our own, but it’s close… very close. Let’s go find a way to show them that no one can push us around and get away with it…”
“Oh, shit,” Kalim muttered.
Fiona could feel Kalim’s gaze follow them as she and Sinbad vanished back into the forest.
Taylor and two of his helpers climbed onto the Jet Skis and motored behind Kira as she traveled toward the cave system. Although the craft were awkward and less responsive than the sleds, they performed better than Kira expected. But they were also noisier, scaring away marine life in a way that the sleds hadn’t. As they approached the orange reef, the group dove underwater on their vehicles. She adjusted her mask and was relieved that it formed a tight yet comfortable seal over her face and ears. Like all the sled-connected masks, it came equipped with a radio that allowed her to communicate with the others in her group.
“Is everybody with me?” she asked.
“Right behind you,” Taylor said sharply. “You’re leading this parade.”
Kira turned to avoid a cluster of vegetation. She was impressed by the Jet Skis’ underwater capability, although they couldn’t match the sleds’ smooth feeling of flight.
Taylor’s voice crackled over the radio. “Now what do you have to say about my Jet Skis?”
“Nice toy,” she said. “But compared with Harlan’s underwater sled, that’s all it is. A toy. But it’ll do the job, Taylor.”
“You’re damn right it will!”
They crossed over a ridge and beheld the valley of orange coral. Kira inhaled sharply as she recognized the shape of the rocks and the sluggish darkness of the flowing water. “Well, here we are. Didn’t I tell you that you’d get what you wanted, Taylor?”
“This is it!” Taylor’s voice vibrated with excitement. “You weren’t lying to me. This is where you found the treasure, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Get ready, everybody. We’re going into that coral reef.”
“Where, exactly?” Taylor asked. “Can you point it out?”
“No,” Kira said. “Not yet. It’s just past a group of white boulders. It’s easy to miss, so we’ll have to slow down to see it.”
Kira slowed down herself. Suddenly it seemed there were white boulders everywhere. Where in the hell was it?
She turned her sled hard left and followed the maze she’d traveled just a few days earlier. She was closely followed by Taylor and his men. Their Jet Skis were equipped with sonar sensors that made them relatively easy to navigate into the cave system.
Another voice spoke to her through the underwater helmet radio. “Hello, Kira.”
She heard herself gasp. What in the hell…?
“Can you hear me?” It was Harlan’s voice! “Don’t worry, Taylor and his friends can’t hear us. I just need to know you can hear me.”
“Where are you?” she whispered. “How in the hell are you doing this?” She turned back to make sure Taylor wasn’t privy to their conversation. He clearly wasn’t.
“I have over a thousand patents and a couple of Nobel Prizes, Kira. You think I can’t hack into a simple wireless communications system? I’m temporarily blocking them from hearing you.”