One Dirty Night - Page 119

I jumped and dashed into the kitchen. Ripping open the utensil drawer, I grabbed the first wooden spoon I spied, then flew back to him.
Holding out his hand, he barked, “Give it to me.”
I placed it reverently into his outstretched palm.
“Go into my bedroom and bring back four ties. You can choose what colours you prefer.”
God almighty…
Kicking off my high heels, I bolted down the corridor and opened his door.
I paused.
I hesitated.
I’d never gone into his domain before. I’d spied into his space whenever he’d left his door ajar, but I’d never been brave enough to go inside. Never been given an invitation.
Inhaling, my stomach clenched on the lingering scent of him clinging to his navy bedspread and white sheets. A simple side table and black lamp, a tallboy with a small TV, and a mountain of textbooks, science magazines, and other reading material rested in towers beneath the window.
On the sill, lovingly lined up and dust free, rested pictures of him and his brother. Him and his parents. Him in a past that no longer existed.
Tearing my eyes away from the photos, I yanked open his wardrobe and sucked in another lungful of Nick.
Spicy, woodsy, masculine.
My core fluttered as I plucked four mismatched ties from the hanger and ran back to him.
“Good girl,” he whispered, accepting the ties into the same hand holding the wooden spoon. “Grab a towel from the laundry cupboard.”
“A towel?”
He grinned. “Better ensure we protect the carpet, right? I seem to remember the last time we had sex it got rather…messy. We don’t want to stain the floor and not get our security deposit back, do we?”
I almost fainted.
With my blood singing, I dashed to the laundry cupboard at the end of the corridor and snatched a fluffy white towel from the shelves.
I panted by the time I draped it over his arm and waited for another command.
“Close the curtains.”
I obeyed while Nick placed the spoon and ties on the couch before shaking out the towel and draping it on the coffee table for later.
I went embarrassingly wet.
Once the streetlights from outside were banished and the lamps dimmed to an erotic glow, Nick turned to face me. “In the bathroom, you’ll find a bag. Earlier today, while you were here getting ready for a night at a sex club, counting down the hours to offer yourself to another man, I went berserk.”
Stepping into me, he grabbed my jaw with angry fingers. “After a few hours of pacing that damn park, punching a few trees, and generally losing my ever-loving mind, I had to accept that I couldn’t let you go anywhere, with anyone, and I was royally fucked.” He swallowed hard. “The only way I could accept that decision was to promise myself…if I was fucked, then…you would be too. By me. Hard. And deep. And every which way I wanted.”
I shuddered. “Freaking hell, Nicholas.”
“No speaking.”
I dropped my eyes as his delectably deep voice rumbled over me. “Once I decided to fuck you and keep you, I went shopping.”
“Shopping?” I squeaked.