One Dirty Night - Page 99

She paused before her tone quietened, somehow filling with understanding even though I hadn’t said a damn thing. “You’re in luck. He’s just returned from doing a walkabout. I’ll see if he has time to talk.”
She put me on mute, and my heart rate exploded.
What was she saying to Hunter?
Was he laughing at how I’d tracked him down and called?
Did he think I was a clingy little conquest who couldn’t live without him?
Partly true, I suppose.
“Ella?” Hunter’s rich, deep voice filled my ear. Instantly, a blanket of syrupy ease fell over me, giving up my power, ever so thankful to just be. My body went loose, preparing for whatever command he would give, already embracing the newfound knowledge that while I was happy and blessed with a successful career, I was also exhausted by it. Terribly tired of being alone and having to make every damn decision. Was it wrong to want someone else to make those decisions once in a while? Decisions on how to make me come so I could drift away on a cloud of bliss, recharging me for yet another day full of responsibilities?
“Ella? You there?”
I shook myself out of my stupor and cleared my throat. “Hey, Hunter. I’m surprised I managed to get you.”
“Yeah, serendipitous timing.” He chuckled, the background noise of voices and laughter fading as if he’d stepped somewhere quiet. “No bastards are here tonight—or at least, not yet—so my evening is spent overseeing the shows and making sure everyone stays respectful and consensual.”
He laughed. “The first few years of owning a big top full of porn was a dream come true. I’d come twice a night just watching the kink people got up to. But now…” He sighed. “Now all I seem to think about is what you looked like as I fucked you and the noises you made as you came around my dick.”
My heart pounded as I clutched my phone harder. “Y-You think about me?”
“Of course, I do. I told you, you’re the first in a while to make me lust as hard as I did. I’ll admit I wanted to pay you a visit before we travelled north. But then I figured Nick would have a problem with that so…I didn’t.”
Silence fell as I tried to figure out what to say.
“Is he treating you well, Ella?” he finally asked when the silence got too heavy. “Is he playing with you or still struggling with his needs? I know how tricky it is to accept you’re a Dominant. For years, I feared it made me exactly like the men I punish. I fought against my natural tendencies. I forced myself to be sweet and soft, but it never truly satisfied me.”
My heart warmed, ever so grateful to get to know pieces of him. To bind us together in friendship as well as sexual conquest.
“What made you finally accept that part of you?” I asked softly.
“A girl like you actually,” he replied with raspy history in his tone.
“Can…can you tell me about her?”
He took a moment before replying, “She was a nurse in the ER. Her nights were full of blood, broken bones, and people dying. To everyone at work, she was insanely capable and was every doctor’s favourite with how well she coped under pressure. But…the cracks of that praise and responsibility finally led her to a club where I’d sometimes venture. A club where I’d just watch, doing my best to convince myself that what I wanted wasn’t wrong. That the men and women who went there were perfectly happy trading ownership and orgasms.”
“What happened?” I asked when he paused.
“Well.” He sighed. “I took one look at her and could see how much she needed someone to take it all away. I saw her need to rest. Not to sleep or relax with a friend but to truly, honest to God rest. The kind of rest that turns your mind blank and strips you back to absolutely nothing. The kind of rest that only comes from drowning your senses and plummeting into wicked sensation.”
I swallowed hard as he added, “She had the same look in her eyes as you did when we stood on the pavement, and you told me that you wanted to be ruled.”
I didn’t speak.
I couldn’t.
“Anyway…” Hunter sniffed. “She needed what I could give her, and I needed what I could take from her. That night, I slipped onto a dark and wonderful path, and by the time the sun rose, we were both reborn.”